Clinical Regulations
Pictured | Megan Moretti | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Clinical Regulations
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Handbook
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program Handbook is available electronically on CANVAS and the IU South Bend Division of Nursing Science website. This document is updated (at least) annually to reflect ongoing changes in clinical and program requirements and policies. It is the student’s responsibility to refer to the most current regulations.
CPR Requirement
All nursing major students enrolled in clinical classes must present evidence of current CPR certification. The only acceptable program is the American Heart Association’s Basic Life Support for Health Care Provider level.
OSHA Regulations
Health requirements include annual education on blood borne pathogens for clinical and HIPAA are required. See the BSN Program Handbook for annual regulatory requirements. Clinical agencies may have additional requirements which must be met.
Health Requirements
All nursing students must show annual proof that they have met the immunizations and laboratory examination requirements of hospitals and other health agencies used for clinical experiences. Specific instructions are distributed prior to clinical assignments. Special circumstances may arise which require additional action. Failure to meet health requirements and their deadlines makes the student ineligible for clinical classes, and the student will be administratively withdrawn from all nursing courses. The student is then considered to be out-of-progression in the Nursing Program. Detailed requirements and descriptions are provided in the BSN Program Handbook.
Criminal Background Checks
Federal mandates for clinical agencies require criminal history inquiries through certified background checks. Students are responsible for applying for the criminal check and all fees associated with the check upon application to the major. Students are also required to sign a Requirement to Disclose form annually.
Health Requirements
Upon Admission to the Nursing Program
As specified in the BSN Handbook and in accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations and local health facilities requirements, nursing students are required to provide:
- Record of required immunizations including an annual influenza vaccine
- Documentation of acceptable titer or history of disease state
- Urine drug screen
Failure to comply with immunization and health requirements may result in withdrawal from all clinical nursing courses. Students who fail to comply with health requirements will not be allowed to enter the clinical setting.
Applicants are encouraged to begin gathering the necessary documentation to ensure a timely admission.
For Continuing Nursing Students
Nursing students are responsible for making sure they maintain annual TB screening. Immunization status must be updated as necessary. It is the student’s responsibility to submit proper documentation to the School of Nursing in a timely manner. If any of these items expire during the course of the semester, documentation must occur before the student may continue in any clinical courses that semester. Additional requirements may be added as clinical regulations are updated. Clinical agencies have the right to change health and safety stipulations for students practicing in their facilities.
For students finishing an incomplete grade in a nursing course with a clinical component, the CPR recertification, immunizations, and TB screening must be valid until the course requirements are complete.
Student Injuries
If a student is injured in a clinical agency, the student must report to the clinical instructor and follow the policy of the agency where the injury occurred. Students should also contact their primary care provider. Follow-up care may be required from the student’s primary care provider at the student’s expense.
Uniform and appearance code regulations are enforced throughout the student’s clinical experience. Guidelines for uniforms, agency dress codes, and professional appearance are located in the BSN Program Handbook.
Name tags are required for all clinical experiences, along with individual agency requirements for personal identification. Students are additionally identified as an IU South Bend student by an embroidered school emblem on their uniform and name tag. More information can be found in the BSN Program Handbook.
Supplies and Equipment
Students are expected to provide the necessary tools to practice nursing each clinical day including (but not limited to) pen, penlight, stethoscope, and bandage scissors.
Health Insurance
Undergraduate and graduate students are responsible for the financial costs of their own health/medical care related to or resulting from injury or accidents while engaged in course related experiences. These experiences may occur in the classroom, learning laboratory, or practice setting. Therefore, all undergraduate and graduate students are required to carry health insurance while enrolled in nursing courses. Health insurance information is available upon request.
Professional Liability Insurance
All students in the Division of Nursing Science having patient/client contact are covered under the malpractice contract for Indiana University. This liability insurance does not extend to employment outside of course-related activities. The student should know that failure to pay course and other fees results in noncoverage under Indiana University’s malpractice contract. Such noncoverage makes the student ineligible to attend clinical classes.
Course Requirements
Applicants to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program must successfully complete prerequisite courses before admission to the nursing program.
Academic advisors will assist in identifying appropriate courses based on placement exam results and written plans of study for nursing.
Satisfactory/Fail Option
The Division of Nursing Science uses the Satisfactory/Fail option to grade clinical nursing courses. Students must demonstrate a satisfactory level of clinical competence and skill to receive a satisfactory grade in these courses. Satisfactory performance standards are stated in each course syllabus and faculty evaluate the quality of student clinical performances by these standards. Students with a course failure cannot progress in the nursing program. Grades below 75%, a C-, are course failures in nursing.
Note | This is a School of Nursing policy for nursing courses and is not the same as the IU South Bend policy for grading located elswhere in this publication.
Residency Requirements
A student must complete a minimum of 30 upper-division credit hours in the Indiana University School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing to be eligible for graduation. A maximum of 6 lower-division nursing credit hours may apply toward this residency requirement. Students must petition the appropriate academic officer to apply those lower-division nursing credit hours toward the residency requirement.
Associate of Science in Nursing Program Articulation
Students wishing to pursue an Associate of Science in Nursing have several local options. IU South Bend and Ivy Tech Community College (South Bend) work closely to provide seamless educational choices. Ivy Tech Community College in South Bend can be contacted at (574) 289-7001 for additional information.
IU South Bend Division of Nursing Science and Southwestern Michigan College have also agreed to work together to make the transfer process as smooth as possible. Students may complete prerequisite courses at IU South Bend, transfer to Southwestern Michigan College for the associate nursing degree, and return to IU South Bend for their Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Students interested in this option should contact the nursing department at Southwestern Michigan College at (269) 782-1000.