Bachelor of Music with a Concentration in Orchestral Instrument
Pictured | Hailey Casper | Bachelor Music in Orchestral Instrument | Plymouth (hometown)
Photo provided by the Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts
Bachelor of Music with a Concentration in Orchestral Instrument
The Bachelor of Music (BM) is a professional undergraduate degree that offers rigorous musical training with a solid foundation in general education. It prepares students for a performance and composition and/or private teaching career. The Bachelor of Music degree program is designed for a strong music education with academic and practical experience.
Bachelor of Music students complete the core curriculum of music studies: music theory, aural and piano skills, and music history. Students also fulfill campuswide general-education courses. In addition to academic music courses, students also take lessons with applied music faculty and participate in university ensembles and chamber music. Performance opportunities include recitals, opera, opera workshop, and outreach performances in the community.
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor is a critical partner in fostering your success at IU South Bend and beyond. Your advisor will help you explore academic majors and careers, plan your degree, choose classes, learn about internships and study abroad, and much more. To see who is assigned as your advisor, visit your Student Online Advising Record in For more information about advising at IU South Bend, visit the website for the Undergraduate Advising Center.
Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.
Questions about advising? Email or call (574) 520-4550.
Degree Requirements (120 cr.)
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Students receiving the Bachelor of Music in Orchestral Instrument degree must complete 120 total credit hours including:
- IU South Bend Campuswide General Education Curriculum (33 cr.)
- Major Requirements (67 cr.)
- Music Electives (11 cr.)
- General Electives (3 cr.)
- World Languages (6 cr.)
- A minimum of 30 credit hours at the 300– or 400–level.
- Courses required for the major must be completed with a grade of C– or higher.
- A minimum CGPA of 2.0 is required.
- Courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.
Major Requirements (67 cr.)
Core Musicianship (25 cr.)
Music Theory and History (25 cr.)
- MUS-M 201 The Literature of Music 1
Fulfills Additional Requirements: Information Literacy - MUS-M 202 The Literature of Music 2
- MUS-M 430 Introduction to Contemporary Music
- MUS-T 113 Music Theory I
- MUS-T 114 Music Theory II
- MUS-T 115 Sightsinging and Aural Perception I (1 cr.)
- MUS-T 116 Sightsinging and Aural Perception II (1 cr.)
- MUS-T 213 Music Theory III
- MUS-T 214 Music Theory IV
- MUS-T 215 Sightsinging and Aural Perception III (1 cr.)
- MUS-T 216 Sightsinging and Aural Perception IV (1 cr.)
Other Music Requirements (3 cr.)
- MUS-I 100 Cultural Events Attendance (0 cr.)
Eight semesters; or every semester of enrollment for transfer students - MUS-T 120 Computer Skills for Musicians
- MUS-U 310 Performance Laboratory (0 cr.)
Each semester prior to passing Upper-Divisional Examination - MUS-X 296 Applied Music Upper-Divisional Jury Examination (0 cr.)
Piano Proficiency (4 cr.)
- MUS-P 101 Piano Class 1 (1 cr.)
- MUS-P 102 Piano Class 2 (1 cr.)
- MUS-P 103 Piano Class 3 (1 cr.)
- MUS-P 104 Piano Class 4 (1 cr.)
- MUS-P 105 Keyboard Proficiency (0 cr.)
Applied Music (16 cr.)
- MUS-I 411 B.M. Junior Recital (0 cr.)
- MUS-I 412 B.M. Senior Recital (0 cr.)
- MUS-_ 400 Principal Instrument (2 cr. each semester)
Ensemble (minimum of 8 cr.)
Select one of the following during every semester of enrollment:
- MUS-X 040 University Instrumental Ensembles (1 cr.)
- MUS-X 350 Jazz Ensembles (1 cr.)
Chamber Music (4 cr.)
Other Music (7 cr.)
- MUS-E 457 Instrumental Pedagogy (2 cr.)
- MUS-G 370 Techniques for Conducting (2 cr.)
- MUS-M 447 Orchestral Literature
Music Electives (11 cr.)
- At least 6 credits at the 300–level or above
- No more than 6 credits in applied music
General Electives (3 cr.)
- One non-music elective at the 200–level or above
World Languages (6 cr.)
- Two semesters of languages (may be satisfied with world languages placement test and credit by examination)