Minor in Journalism
Pictured | Justin Flagel | Bachelor of Fine Arts in Video Motion Media / Minor in Journalism | Niles, Michigan (hometown)
Volunteer Activities | Niles Main Street (vice-chair); Niles Main Street Promotions Committee (chair)
Minor in Journalism
The minor in Journalism prepares students for careers in the ever-evolving news media landscape. The courses provide practice in the foundations of traditional and emerging journalism. In this minor, students develop skills in reporting, investigating, fact-checking, writing, and creating multimedia news content.
- Students must complete all requirements in the minor with a grade of C- or higher.
- All courses are 3 credits, unless otherwise noted.
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor is a critical partner in fostering your success at IU South Bend and beyond. Your advisor will help you explore academic majors and careers, plan your degree, choose classes, learn about internships and study abroad, and much more. To see who is assigned as your advisor, visit your Student Online Advising Record in one.iu.edu. For more information about advising at IU South Bend, visit the website for the Undergraduate Advising Center.
Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.
Questions about advising? Email sbadvise@iu.edu or call (574) 520-4550.
Requirements (15 cr.)
- COMM-S 200 Introduction to Mass Communication
- JOUR-J 200 Reporting, Writing and Editing I; OR
COMM-S 201 Reporting, Writing, and Editing
Pending approval - JOUR-J 303 Online Journalism; OR
COMM-S 303 Online Journalism
Pending approval - JOUR-J 351 News Editing; OR
COMM-S 351 News Editing
Pending approval - JOUR-J 401 Depth Reporting and Editing; OR
COMM-S 401 Depth Reporting and Editing
Pending approval