Pictured | Robert Simons | Bachelor of Arts in English; Bachelor of Fine Arts, Performance | Wyatt, Indiana (hometown)
Honors Program
Academic Standing
Policy through Summer 2025 Term ending August 15, 2025
The university has established levels of competency, according to GPA and semesters completed, which determine whether an undergraduate student is making satisfactory academic progress, is on probation, probation with impact, or ineligible to continue studies.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
A student whose cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is 2.0 or higher is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress.
A student who has completed one or more IU South Bend GPA hours and has a CGPA below 2.0 is placed on probation. A probationary student remains on probation until the CGPA reaches 2.0 or higher.
Probation with Impact
A student who is on probation and fails to achieve a semester (fall, spring, or combined summer session) GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed on probation with impact. Academic units may impose additional enrollment restrictions on such students (e.g., limited to half-time enrollment).
A student who is on probation with impact and fails to achieve a semester (fall, spring, or combined summer session) GPA of at least 2.0 will be dismissed from the university. Students who are dismissed for the first time cannot enroll until one regular (fall or spring) semester has elapsed and must petition by the established deadline to be reinstated. Students who are dismissed multiple times must remain out of the university for at least two regular semesters and must petition by the established deadline to be reinstated.
Reinstatement will be the decision of the academic unit to which the student petitions. A student who is reinstated will be on probation with impact until the CGPA reaches 2.0 or higher.
IU South Bend Undergraduate Academic Notice, Suspension, and Dismissal Policy
Policy effective Fall 2025 Term starting August 25, 2025
The university has established levels of academic performance that determine whether an IU South Bend degree-seeking undergraduate student is in Good Academic Standing, on Academic Notice, on Academic Improvement, or ineligible to continue studies.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (Cumulative GPA):
Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is calculated based on the student’s record (IU transcript) after application of the best grade policy and course repeat policy. For this policy, IU dual credit from high school will not be used to determine Academic Notice or Dismissal.
Semester Grade Point Average (Semester GPA):
Semester GPA (SGPA) is calculated based on all the courses for which the student received a letter grade (A+ through F) in that semester, regardless of the application of other policies such as the best grade policy and course repeat policy. Semesters/Terms include all terms/semesters e.g., Fall, Spring, and Summer.
IU South Bend Good Academic Standing:
A student with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher is in Good Academic Standing
Academic Program Academic Standing:
Programs may establish additional academic requirements, such as a minimum cumulative GPA that is higher than 2.0. Students who do not meet the cumulative GPA requirement of their academic programs may be suspended or dismissed from those programs but not from IU South Bend. In such cases, a student may choose to continue enrollment at IU South Bend in a different program. Refer to academic bulletin listings for each college, school, or program to identify program-specific requirements and processes.
Academic Warning:
Continuing students who are in good academic standing and receive a semester GPA below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning.
Academic Notice:
Students will be placed on Academic Notice when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.
Academic Improvement:
- Students currently on Academic Notice will be placed on Academic Improvement if their most recent semester GPA is 2.0 or higher, but their cumulative GPA is still below 2.0.
- Students currently on Academic Improvement will return to Academic Notice if their semester GPA falls below 2.0.
Return to Good Academic Standing:
Students who are currently on Academic Notice or Academic Improvement will be updated to Good Academic Standing after their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.
Academic Suspension:
- Students with a semester GPA below 2.0 in their first semester of Academic Notice who completed the Academic Resilience Program will be granted one additional semester extension to continue Academic Notice.
- Students with a semester GPA below 2.0 in their first semester of Academic Notice who did not complete the Academic Resilience Program will be suspended for one academic semester (Fall or Spring) from IU South Bend.
- Students with a semester GPA below 2.0 in their second and subsequent semesters of Academic Notice will be suspended for one academic semester (Fall or Spring) from IU South Bend.
Reinstatement After Academic Suspension:
Students who have been placed in Academic Suspension may request to be reinstated at IU South Bend after one academic semester (Fall or Spring). Upon reinstatement, they will be placed on Academic Notice.
Academic Dismissal:
Reinstated students will be dismissed from IU South Bend for one year if their first semester GPA after reinstatement is below 2.0.
- Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal | Students who have been academically dismissed may request to be reinstated after a period of one year. Upon reinstatement, they will be placed on Academic Notice.