Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Telecommunications | TEL

David SalehPictured | David Saleh | Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Public Relations and Strategic Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Relational Communication and Social Interaction / Minor in Political Science  | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Volunteer Activities | South Bend Community School Corporation (head wrestling coach–middle school; head girls' wrestling coach–high school)
Club Affiliation | Muslim Student Association

Telecommunications | TEL

P Prerequisite | C Co-requisite | R Recommended
I Fall Semester | II Spring Semester | S Summer Session/s

  • TEL-R 208 Audio Production (3 cr.) Credit not given for both TEL-R 208 and TEL-R 305. P: JOUR-C 200 and consent of instructor. Practice and principles in concepts of communication via audio for radio and television. 
  • TEL-R 404 Topical Seminar in Telecommunications (1-3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of C or better in JOUR-C 200 to enroll. Transfer credit accepted. Exploration of problems and issues of telecommunications in contemporary society.
  • TEL-T 211 Writing for Electronic Media (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Style, form, and preparation of written materials for electronic media.
  • TEL-T 273 Media Program Design (3 cr.) AHLA provides a conceptual framework for writing, designing, and evaluating a variety of media products. Media program design is not a hands-on production course, but does offer an overview of the production process. Topics include script-writing, production design, visualization, composition, editing styles, and others. This course is a prerequisite for some advanced-level courses in the design/production area.
  • TEL-T 283 Introduction to Production Techniques and Practices (3 cr.) Introductory hands-on production course which concentrates on the planning and production of video and related media. Specific units include TV studio, field shooting/linear tap editing and digital video/nonlinear video editing. Content consists of applied activities within a conceptual framework.
  • TEL-T 313 Comparative Media Systems (3 cr.) A comparative study of the ways in which various countries deal with fundamental questions of media organization, control, financial support, program philosophy, and social responsibility.
  • TEL-T 331 Script Writing (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131 or ENG-W 140 with a grade of C or better. Covers format, structure, and writing of dramatic and non-dramatic scripts.
  • TEL-T 336 Digital Video Production (3 cr.) P: TEL-T 273 or TEL-T 283 or INMS-N 283 or permission of instructor. An intermediate-level production course that combines organizational, technical, and aesthetic skills. Emphais on designing and producing computer graphics for television and multimedia, digitally edited video programs, and multimedia presentation. Special consideration will be given to interactive components of these media.
  • TEL-T 380 Latin American Cinema (3 cr.) Latin American cinema is enjoying a new surge of international recognition. What are the distinctions and peculiarities of Latin American Cinema? What are some of the questions raised by Latin American film makers? This course examines Latin American film within a pan-American context that begins with classics of Latin American cinema and concludes with Latin America's emerging influence on the global market.. II, S
  • TEL-T 390 Literary and Intellectual Traditions (3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of C or better in ENG-W 131 or ENG-W 140 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. Explores in an interdisciplinary way, one of the great humanistic traditions of inquiry regarding one of the following themes: ideas of self, truth, beauty, community, nature, or conflict. Writing intensive and discussion focused. I
  • TEL-T 416 Program Analysis and Criticism (3 cr.) Critical analysis of the form, production and performance elements of program genres including drama, comedy, talk, and game shows, documentaries, news, and emerging or experimental types of mass media content. Explores the relationships between programming, the media industries, and American culture.
  • TEL-T 430 Topical Seminar in Design and Production (1-3 cr.) Credit not given for both TEL-T 430 and TEL-T 452. P: One of the following: TEL-T273, TEL-T 283, INMS-N 283, INMS-N 212, INMS-N 201, or permission of instructor. Exploration of design or production problems and issues in telecommunications. Topics vary. 
  • TEL-T 434 Advanced Production Workshop (3 cr.) P: TEL-T 336 or permission of instructor. Advanced production techniques in a specialized area. The topics will cover advanced theory and concepts that build upon lower-level video production courses.
  • TEL-T 452 Topical Seminar in Design and Production (1-3 cr.) Exploration of design or production problems and issues in telecommunications. Topics vary.
  • TEL-T 498 Projects in Telecommunications (1-3 cr.) P: TEL-T 336 or permission of insructor. Individual projects in the area of telecommunication. May be repeated.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.