Pictured | Reagan Ayala | Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies, Public Relations and Strategic Communication | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Campus Involvement | First Year Seminar Peer Mentor; Admissions Tour Guide; Gateway; Titan Success Center
Club Affiliation | Queer Straight Alliance (president); Team Titan Go!
Communication Studies | COMM
P Prerequisite | C Co-requisite | R Recommended
I Fall Semester | II Spring Semester | S Summer Session/s
- COMM-B 190 Human Behavior and Social Institutions (3 cr.) This course introduces students to the relationship of the individual in relation to and as a product of the contextualized social world. This course will explore the processes of social interaction and emphasize the techniques social scientists use to explain the causes and patterns of individual and institutional behavior.
- COMM-C 180 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.) Examines basic verbal and nonverbal concepts affecting the communication processes involved in interpersonal contexts. Theoretical models help clarify communication topics and illustrate the process for effective communication in family, personal, and professional situations. Concepts covered may include self-concept, relationship and conversation management, listening, conflict, and cultural/gender differences in interpersonal communication.
- COMM-C 223 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.) Introductory survey of organizational communication processes; preparation and presentation of interviews, speeches, and oral reports appropriate to business and professional organizations; group discussion and decision-making. This is an intermediate skills course with survey characteristics.
- COMM-C 501 Applied Quantitative Research Methods in Communication Studies (3 cr.) The course is designed to offer an opportunity to examine, assess, and conduct quantitative research that employs communication theory and qualitative research methods as a means to test theory in applied settings and/or as a means to applied ends (i.e. problem-solving policy analysis).
- COMM-C 502 Applied Qualitative Research Methods in Communication Studies (3 cr.) Inductive (data-to-theory) approach to knowledge, and associated sequential and non-sequential methods for studying communication in applied everyday situations, e.g. friendships and other close personal dyads, families, small groups, organizations, and public, media, historical, computer mediated, or health-related contexts.
- COMM-C 503 Applied Learning Project (3 cr.) P: Permission by the M.A. in Communication Studies program coordinator. An applied learning project that provides students with a culminating education experience which gives them the opportunity to apply their knowledge of communicative processes to real life organizational problems, and provide the opportunity to produce a body of work reflective of their abilities that they can use in seeking employment.
- COMM-C 510 Health Provider- Consumer Communication (3 cr.) This course is designed to teach communication skills and practices related to health care talk, by examining transactional communication within health care contexts. Topics covered in this course focus directly upon interpersonal dialogue between health care providers and patients.
- COMM-C 525 Communication Pedagogy (3 cr.) Exploration of theories, methods, and problems related to communication pedagogy. Topics will include instructional strategies, diversity in the classroom, philosophies of pedagogy, and ethical issues.
- COMM-C 528 Group Communication and Organizations (3 cr.) This seminar-format course examines the ways in which informal groups and communication networks facilitate a variety of organizational processes (i.e. socialization, diffusion of innovation). Emphasis is placed on developing theoretical understanding of informal groups in organizations as well as on methodological issues involved in studying communication networks in organizations.
- COMM-C 530 Communication Criticism (3 cr.) This course will introduce students to criticism as a method of studying persuasive messages in speeches, fiction, mass media, musical lyrics, political campaign literature, art, and other modes of communication in contemporary culture.
- COMM-C 531 Media Theory and Criticism (3 cr.) A course organized primarily around theories and critical strategies commonly considered within the broad category of contemporary criticis-it utilizes primary theoretical texts to introduce students to a variety of methodologies employed in analyzing media messages, and emphasizes the application of theoretical frameworks in the analysis of specific media texts.
- COMM-C 537 Postmodern Culture (3 cr.) C: Graduate student status. This course examines representations in mass media and culture in order to evaluate and explore how values and beliefs of modernity and postmodernity are constructed, and reflect or in-part counteract with each other. It aims to analyze principles and assumptions from the representative theories of modern and postmodern cultures.
- COMM-C 544 Advanced Relational Communication (3 cr.) An introductory course in interpersonal communication. Applications of communication theory/research in such areas as relational culture and relationship development. Includes a scholarly project on a real relationship, and applications of research to areas such as pedagogy and couple/family therapy.
- COMM-C 591 Topics in Applied Communication (3 cr.) Topics in Communication is a revolving topics course. The changing nature of the topic allows graduate students to explore, synthesize, and integrate knowledge of the field of communication and the particular discipline of applied communication while focusing on a single topic not otherwise addressed in the course of study.
- COMM-C 597 Thesis (3 cr.) P: Permission by the M.A. in Communication Studies program coordinator. Applied Communication students who choose the thesis option will identify a research topic and develop it under the guidance of the student's thesis director. The thesis topic will be related to the field of applied communication in its foci and method.
- COMM-C 599 Independent Study (1-6 cr.) This course provides students with the opportunity to synthesize and apply knowledge acquired through course work and professional experience into a completed research project in applied communication. Students will work independently on a topic/issue of choice under the guidance of graduate faculty.
- COMM-J 522 Political Communication (3 cr.) Examination of the role of rhetoric in public discourses, policies, and practices in the U.S. Students will study the rhetorical dimensions of electoral politics and protests while also considering how particular texts participate in broader struggles to define political practice, citizenship, and national identity in America.
- COMM-S 122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.) This course increases understanding of oneself, the many roles one plays in the communication process, and the interpersonal relationships of individuals in society. Course includes nonverbal communication, the role of language in structuring interpersonal situations, and the importance of dialogue in resolving interpersonal conflicts.
- COMM-S 200 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 cr.) Survey of functions, responsibilities, and influence of various mass communication media. Directed toward the consumer and critic of mass media in modern society.
- COMM-S 229 Group and Team Communication (3 cr.) This course introduces the basics of group and team communication. Students learn about the dynamics of group interaction, emphasizing leadership, decision making, and group preparation. Students will be exposed to a variety of group types, including standing committees, ad hoc groups, task forces, special interest groups, and administrative groups.
- COMM-S 300 Communications Law (3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of C or better in ENG-W 131 or ENG-W 140 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. History and philosophy of laws pertaining to free press and free speech. Censorship, libel, contempt, obscenity, right of privacy, copyright, government regulations, and business law affecting media operations. Stresses responsibilities and freedoms in a democratic communications systems.
- COMM-S 324 Persuasion (3 cr.) This course examines motivational appeals in influencing behavior, psychological factors in speaker-audience relationship, and contemporary examples of persuasion. Practice in persuasive speaking.
- COMM-S 370 Interpersonal Conflict (3 cr.) This course introduces students to essential communication skills, theories, principles, practices, and research designed to aid effective conflict management in a variety of contexts and relationships such as family, friendship, business, and politics.
- COMM-S 380 Nonverbal Communication (3 cr.) This course provides a conceptual and theoretical foundation for understanding how nonverbal communication influences perceptions of others and the ways in which nonverbal communication reflects emotions, status, sex-roles, etc. The course explores how nonverbal communication facilitates retention, comprehension, and persuasiveness of verbal information, including the ability to detect deceptive communication.
- COMM-S 400 Senior Seminar in Communication Studies (2-3 cr.) P: COMM-S 121 and COMM-S 205. This course reviews principles and theories of communication studies and prepares students for post-college success.
- COMM-S 405 Communication Theory (3 cr.) This course provides a survey of contemporary theories of human communication with emphasis on the nature of theory construction and contributions of allied disciplines to communication theory.
- COMM-S 427 Intercultural Communication (3 cr.) P: COMM-S 121, COMM-S 130, or COMM-S 202. This course is a survey study of national, cultural, and cross cultural persuasion in theory and practice.
- COMM-S 440 Organizational Communication (3 cr.) P: COMM-S 121, COMM-S 130, or COMM-S 202. This course provides an examination of internal and external communication in business and other professional organizations, with emphasis upon theory, techniques, practices, goals, and the social environment in which such communication exists.
- COMM-S 450 Gender and Communication (3 cr.) This course examines the extent to which biological sex and gender role orientation stereotypes influence the process of communication. It focuses on gender differences in verbal and nonverbal behavior, development of sex roles, and gender stereotypes, and analyzes how the media present, influence, and reinforce those stereotypes.
- COMM-T 190 Literary and Intellectual Traditions (3 cr.) This course instructs students how to analyze or evaluate texts, events, or ideas in their cultural, intellectual or historical contexts. Students will use literary/intellectual methods to analyze diverse narratives or viewpoints in order to explore the complexity of fundamental issues related to the human experience across space and time.