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Anthropology | ANTH

Taneisha JacksonPictured | Tanesia Jackson | Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology / Minor in African American Studies | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)

Anthropology | ANTH

P Prerequisite | C Co-requisite | R Recommended
I Fall Semester | II Spring Semester | S Summer Session/s

  • ANTH-A 250 Anthropology in the Modern World (3 cr.) What cultural anthropologists are learning about major issues of our times: cultures facing destruction, communal societies, sex roles, poverty, political repression in the Third World, ethnic conflict, sharpening the study of our own culture.
  • ANTH-A 314 Qualitative Research Methods (3 cr.) P: Must earn grade of D- or better in SOC-S 161, SOC-S 163 or ANTH-E 105 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. This course guides students through major steps of qualitative research. These steps include choosing a topic, developing research questions, and collecting data. Students will be introduced to participant observation, interviewing, archival research, and artifact analysis. They will learn how to analyze and interpret qualitative data and how to write ethnography.
  • ANTH-A 315 Quantitative Research Methods (3 cr.) P: Must have earned a C or better in MATH-A 100 or a math placement exam score of level 3 or better, or an ALEKS assessment score of 36 or better to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. This course will guide students through the major steps of quantitative research. These steps include choosing a topic, developing propositions, operationalizing concepts, proposing hypotheses, and collecting data. Students will be introduced to quantitative data analysis and will learn how to interpret the results from such analyses.
  • ANTH-A 360 Development of Anthropological Thought (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor or must have earned grade of D- or better in either ANTH-E 105 or ANTH-N 190 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. An overview of the major theoretical developments within anthropology as the discipline has attempted to produce a universal and unified view of human life based on knowledge of evolution and prehistoric and contemporary cultures.
  • ANTH-A 370 Research Methods in Anthropology (3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of D- or better in either SOC-S 161 or ANTH-E 105 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. This course is designed to introduce you to the ways that anthropologists gather, present, and evaluate evidence about cultures. You will gain a working knowledge of common anthropological methods including ethnography, archival research, surveys, and observation. Throughout the course, primary emphasis will be placed on developing your ability to effectively critique and engage with the empirical research that others have done-skills that should serve you well across a variety of real-world settings. This objective will be accomplished through a combination of interactive examples and readings from diverse strands of contemporary social science research.
  • ANTH-A 385 Topics in Anthropology (3 cr.) A conceptual examination of selected topics in the field of anthropology. Students may receive credit for only 3 credit hours of ANTH-A 385. Repeatable for credit.
  • ANTH-A 390 Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity (3 cr.) Explores, in an interdisciplinary way, culture, cultural artifacts, and the role of art in the formation and expression of a particular culture. An historical perspective on the intellectual tradition reveals both change and deeper continuities in the social and spiritual values underlying the making of art. Issues of practice of the craft receive greater emphasis at this level. Meets general education common core II-D requirements.
  • ANTH-A 460 Topics in Anthropology (1-3 cr.) P: Any ANTH or SOC  course. Survey of selected topics in the field of anthropology. May be taken with different topics for max of 9 cr.
  • ANTH-A 495 Individual Readings in Anthropology (1-4 cr.) P: Any ANTH or SOC  course. A supervised, in-depth examination, through individual research on a particular topic selected and conducted by the student, in consultation with an anthropology faculty member. May be taken twice.
  • ANTH-A 496 Field Study in Anthropology (1-8 cr.) P: ANTH-E 105, ANTH-N 190, SOC-S 161 or SOC-S 163, and prior consent of instructor. Supervised fieldwork of an anthropological nature arranged through an outside agency or institution, such as an internship, apprenticeship or volunteer at a governmental office, zoo or archaeological site. May be taken for max of 8 cr.
  • ANTH-B 190 Human Behavior and Social Institutions (3 cr.) Develops insights into human nature, the nature of social institutions, the social processes that shaped the world of the twenty-first century. In an interdisciplinary way, introduces the distinctive perspectives of the social sciences, emphasizing frameworks and techniques used in explaining causes and patterns of individual and institutional behavior. May be repeated for credit.
  • ANTH-B 300 Fundamentals of Bioanthropology (3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of D- or better in either ANTH-E 105 or ANTH-N 190 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. Bioanthropology of humans, basic biological principles, morphology, function of evolutionary history. Human evolution from lower forms, environmental factors, speciation and differentiation into varieties, mixture, growth, sexual differences, and constitutional variability.
  • ANTH-B 320 Forensic Anthropology (3 cr.) This course will explore the application of biological anthropology in the legal process of death investigation. Topics to be covered include:  determining sex, age, and ancestry from human remains; procedures for reconstructing trauma and/or pathological conditions from skeletons; the ethics of forensic anthropology; and working with law enforcement agencies.
  • ANTH-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions (3 cr.) Develops insights into human nature, social institutions, and social processes that have shaped the world of the 21st century. Explores a specific critical problem or social science theme in a manner that takes into account perspectives from several disciplines. Attention given to ethical dilemmas as they arise in the discipline and theme of course. May be repeated for credit.
  • ANTH-E 105 Culture and Society (3 cr.) Introduction to the ethnographic and comparative study of contemporary and historical human society and culture.
  • ANTH-E 300 Culture Areas and Ethnic Groups (1-3 cr.) An ethnographic survey of a selected culture area or ethnic group. May be taken with different topics for max of 8 cr.
  • ANTH-E 304 Fundamentals of Sociocultural Anthropology (3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of D- or better in either ANTH-E 105 or ANTH-N 190 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. Intermediate survey of theories and problems in social and cultural anthropology.  Historical development, methods of inquiry, focal problems, and contemporary theoretical perspectives.
  • ANTH-E 308 Medical Anthropology (3 cr.) Introductory overview of the major theory, methods and scope of medical anthropology. Topics include political-economic perspectives on health and healing, ethnomedicine, medical ecology, health problems research, medical pluralism, and the analysis of health delivery systems.  This course explores these issues in both the developed and developing countries.
  • ANTH-E 310 Introduction to the Cultures of Africa (3 cr.) Ethnographic survey of culture areas south of the Sahara.
  • ANTH-E 320 Indians of North America (3 cr.) Ethnographic survey of culture areas from the Arctic to Panama plus cross-cultural analysis of interrelations of culture, geographical environment, and language families.
  • ANTH-E 321 Peoples of Mexico (3 cr.) Surveys modern Indian groups, peasant societies, problems of acculturation, and urbanization in contemporary Mexico.
  • ANTH-E 323 Indians of Indiana (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the history and culture of the two principal Native American Nations of Indiana, the Miami and Potawatomi. The course takes an ethnohistorical approach, investigating the past and present of these communities on the basis of anthropological research as well as historical documents.
  • ANTH-E 335 Ancient Civilization of Mesoamerica (3 cr.) Historical ethnography of the major pre-Columbian civilizations including the Olmec, Mayan and Aztec. Emphasis on the social life, cultural achievements, religion, worldview and political systems to illustrate the diversity and richness of Amerindian life before the Spanish conquest.
  • ANTH-E 365 Women and Power (3 cr.) Cross-cultural examination of different forms and systems of power in women's experiences. Topics include: power and dominance, motherhood as power, power and ordinary women's lives, women's experiences of colonialism, women as revolutionaries, women in the labor market, and women in international politics.
  • ANTH-E 380 Urban Anthropology (3 cr.) P: Must earn grade of D- or better in SOC-S 161, SOC-S 163 or ANTH-E 105 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. Urban social organization in cross-cultural perspective. Theoretical perspectives on urbanism and urbanization. Problems focused on include kinship and social networks, politico-economic factors, and cultural pluralism. Strategies of anthropological research in urban settings.
  • ANTH-E 385 Applied Anthropology (3 cr.) Survey of the applications of anthropological theory and method to meet societal needs in the areas of education, health, industry, food production, and rural development.
  • ANTH-E 391 Women in Developing Countries (3 cr.) This course will explore the nature of women's roles in developing countries. Particular emphasis will be placed on exploring how development and culture change have affected the lives of women.
  • ANTH-E 397 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (3 cr.) General anthropological introduction to social institutions and cultural forms of the Arab countries of North Africa and the Near East, Israel, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan. Topics: ecology, development of Islam and Muslim empires, traditional adaptive strategies, consequences of colonialism, independence and rise of nation-states, impact of modernization, changing conceptions of kinship, ethnicity, gender.
  • ANTH-E 402 Gender in Cross-Cutural Perspective (3 cr.) P: Any ANTH or SOC  course. This course considers the meaning and social implications of gender in human society. Cultural definitions of "male" and "female" gender categories as well as associated behavioral and structural differentiation of gender roles will be analyzed using current anthropological concepts and theories.
  • ANTH-E 420 Economic Anthropology (3 cr.) Selected topics in economic anthropology. Focus includes contemporary and classic debates; gendered forms of (re)production, such as division of labor and knowledge; ecology; nutrition and food politics; and money, markets, consumption, and valued in transnational and global contexts. I, II. May be taken twice with a different topic.
  • ANTH-L 300 Culture and Language (3 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of D- or better in either ANTH-E 105 or ANTH-N 190 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. Explores the relationships between language and culture, focusing on research methodology and surveying various theoretical frameworks.
  • ANTH-N 190 The Natural World (3 cr.) Introduces students to the methods and logic of science, and helps them understand the importance of science to the development of civilization and the contemporary world.  Provides a context within which to evaluate the important scientific and technological issues of modern society.  Interdisciplinary elements.
  • ANTH-N 390 The Natural World (3 cr.) P: Passed MATH-A 100 or scored >= 31 on ALEKS. Explores an important scientific or technological issue in modern society. Applies scientific methods and interdisciplinary perspectives in an examination of the subject.  Investigates the broader implication and ethical dimensions of scientific research and technological advancement.
  • ANTH-P 300 Topics in Prehistoric Archaeology (3 cr.) World archaeology in the framework of major cultural stages. The methods, analysis, and significance of archaeological research.
  • ANTH-P 304 Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology (3 cr.) P: ANTH-E 105 or ANTH-N 190. Intermediate survey of goals, methods, and theories that archaeologists use to learn about the past. The pursuit and interpretation of archaeological evidence are explored by reviewing case studies from across the globe and diverse time periods. Topics include food and subsistence, culture change, social life, political economies, and archaeological ethics. I, II
  • ANTH-P 360 North American Archaeology (3 cr.) An exploration of the archaeology of North America by addressing current issues and debates, including the peopling of the New World, hunter-gatherer research, origins of agriculture, socio-political complexity and inequality, trade and exchange, post-colonial culture contact, and archaeological ethics. Archaeological evidence from several regions and culture areas is emphasized.
  • ANTH-P 398 The Rise of Civilization (3 cr.) Archaeology of the earliest high civilizations of the Old and New Worlds (Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, China, Mesoamerica, and Peru). Both an introductory survey of ancient complex societies and an exploration of the nature and development of the political state.
  • ANTH-P 405 Field Work in Archaeology (1-8 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Archaeological work directed toward field techniques: excavation and preservation of materials, surveying, photography, and cataloging.
  • ANTH-P 406 Laboratory Methods in Archaeology (1-6 cr.) P: Must have earned grade of D- or better in either ANTH-E 105 or ANTH-N 190 to enroll. Can be currently enrolled. Transfer credit accepted. Specialized training in laboratory procedures and analysis of archaeological materials. Major categories of material culture to be studied include lithics, ceramics, faunal and floral remains. Emphasis is on processing, sorting, identifying, and analyzing material recovered from the previous Field School in Archaeology (P405).
  • ANTH-A 105 Human Origins and Prehistory (3 cr.) Introduction to the comparative study of contemporary human cultures and social processes that influence behavior.

Academic Bulletins

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2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

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