Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Master of Science in Actuarial Science

Master of Science in Actuarial Science

Collaborative Online Degree

This is a 100 percent online degree program offered collaboratively by Indiana University South Bend, Indiana University East, Indiana University Indianapolis, and Indiana University Northwest. An accelerated master’s degree program in Actuarial Science is also available.

This program is authorized, exempt, or not subject to state regulatory compliance and may enroll students from all 50 states.

Many online support services are available to assist you as you progress through the program.

Program Description

The IU Online Collaborative Master of Science Degree in Actuarial Science is a rigorous program of study that combines advanced mathematical and technological knowledge with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Graduates will be qualified to work in the insurance industry and other businesses involved in risk analysis, risk management, and statistical modeling. This degree will provide students with the skills needed to pass the advanced professional actuarial examinations and be well-prepared for lucrative mid-career positions in the insurance and/or financial industry. 

The program is designed to prepare you for the Society of Actuaries (SOA) exams SRM (Statistics for Risk Modeling), FAM (Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics), and one of ALTAM (Advanced Long Term Actuarial Models) or ASTAM (Advanced Short Term Actuarial Models).


To be accepted to this program, you must have:

  • Baccalaureate degree in Actuarial Science or equivalent preparation that meets the core requirements of a B.S. Actuarial Science.
  • Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended must be provided. Transcripts not required from IU Campuses.
  • 3.0 minimum undergraduate GPA

You may submit a 250-word personal statement explaining your background and reasons for entering the program. This statement should include your career goals, a summary of relevant work experience, and a discussion of any deficiencies in your academic record that do not meet program admission standards.

Degree Requirements (30 cr.)

To earn the MS in Actuarial Science, you must complete 30 credit hours. Requirements are broken down as follows:

  • Core Courses (15 cr.)
  • Actuarial Specialization (3 cr.)
  • Electives (12 cr.)

Core Courses (15 cr.)
  • MATH-A 600 Statistics for Risk Modeling I
    Pending approval
  • MATH-A 601 Statistics for Risk Modeling I
    Pending approval
  • MATH-A 605 Fundamentals of Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
  • MATH-A 606 Fundamentals of Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
  • MATH-A 699 Capstone in Actuarial Sciences
    Pending approval

Actuarial Specialization (3 cr.)

Select one of the following:

  • MATH-A 610 Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
    MATH-A 611 Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
    Pending approval

Electives (12 cr.)

Select four of the following:

  • MATH-M 451 The Mathematics of Finance
  • MATH-M 485 Life Contingencies
  • STAT-S 431 Applied Linear Models I; OR 
    STAT-S 531 Applied Linear Models II
  • STAT-S 432 Applied Linear Models II; OR 
    STAT-S 532 Applied Linear Models II
  • STAT-S 450 Time Series Analysis

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.