Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Checkpoint One

Eve MathewsPictured | Eve Mathews | Elementary Education, English as a New Language | Granger, Indiana (hometown)
Club Affiliation | International Students Club

Checkpoint One—

Admission into Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Candidates are officially admitted to the program at the end of the semester prior to entering the next phase of the program. For Checkpoint 1, this typically occurs after candidates have completed coursework in one of the following courses (depending on the program in which the candidate is enrolled):

  • EDUC-M 310 General Methods
  • EDUC-M 311 Methodology for Kindergarten/Elementary Teachers
  • EDUC-M 314 General Methods for Senior High–Junior High/Middle School Teachers

Candidates must complete specific courses according to major, have a 2.75 CGPA, demonstrate professional dispositions as measured in the following classes:

  • EDUC-F 201 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Laboratory Experience (2 cr.)
  • EDUC-F 202 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Field Experience (1 cr.)

In addition, they must also submit other artifacts at this checkpoint. If candidates successfully complete the Checkpoint One requirements, they are admitted into the Teacher Education Program. Candidates who do not successfully complete Checkpoint One will be advised about a remedial plan.

All required courses must be completed with grades of C or better in order to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Courses vary according to major.

Admission to TEP: Elementary Education Majors

Elementary education majors must complete the following foundations courses prior to admission to the TEP and prior to taking other foundations courses. 

Completion of the following education courses with a grade of C or higher.

  • EDUC-K 205 Introduction to Exceptional Children
  • EDUC-P 250 General Educational Psychology
  • EDUC-Q 200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
  • EDUC-W 200 Using Computers in Education

After the above courses are completed, elementary majors must complete these additional foundations courses with a grade of C or better in order to be admitted into the TEP.

  • EDUC-H 340 Education and American Culture
  • EDUC-M 311 Methodology for Kindergarten/Elementary Teachers
  • EDUC-F 201 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Laboratory Experience (2 cr.)
  • EDUC-F 202 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Field Experience (1 cr.)
  • EDUC-W 310 Integrating Technology K-12

Elementary education majors must also complete other designated courses that fulfill general education and program requirements as indicated on program plans and earn a grade of C or better prior to admission into the TEP. All education majors must consult with the Office of Advising to ensure the required courses are taken in the appropriate sequence in order to maintain steady progress toward program completion

Admission to TEP: Secondary Education Majors

Secondary education majors must also complete other designated courses that fulfill general education and program requirements as indicated on program plans and earn a grade of C or better prior to admission into the TEP. All education majors must consult with the Office of Advising to ensure the required courses are taken in the appropriate sequence in order to maintain steady progress toward program completion.

Completion of the following courses with a grade of C or higher:

  • EDUC-P 250 General Educational Psychology
  • EDUC-W 200 Using Computers in Education

After the above courses are completed, secondary education majors must complete these additional foundations courses with a grade of C or better in order to be admitted into the TEP.

  • EDUC-F 201 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Laboratory Experience (2 cr.)
  • EDUC-F 202 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Field Experience (1 cr.)
  • EDUC-H 340 Education and American Culture
  • EDUC-M 314 General Methods for Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Teachers
  • EDUC-W 310 Integrating Technology K-12

Secondary education majors must also complete other designated courses and earn a grad of C or better prior to admission into the TEP.

Admission to TEP: Special Education Majors

P-12 Special Education majors must also complete other designated courses that fulfill general education and program requirements as indicated on program plans and earn a grade of C or better prior to admission into the TEP. All education majors must consult with the Office of Advising to ensure the required courses are taken in the appropriate sequence in order to maintain steady progress toward program completion.

Complete of the following Foundation I courses with a grade of C or higher:

  • EDUC-F 100 Introduction to Teaching (1 cr.)
  • EDUC-K 205 Introduction to Exceptional Children
  • EDUC-P 250 General Educational Psychology
  • EDUC-Q 200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
  • EDUC-W 200 Using Computers in Education (can take section for elementary or secondary education)

After completing the Foundations I, special education majors must complete Foundations II courses (listed below) with a grade of C or better to be eligible to enter the Teacher Education Program (TEP).

  • EDUC-F 201 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Laboratory Experience (2 cr.)
  • EDUC-F 202 Exploring the Personal Demands of Teaching: Laboratory Experience (1 cr.)
  • EDUC-H 340 Education and American Culture
  • EDUC-K 300 Developmental Characteristics of Exceptional Individuals
  • EDUC-M 310 General Methods
  • EDUC-W 310 Integrating Technology K-12

P-12 Special Education majors must also complete other designated courses that fulfill general education and program requirements as indicated on program plans and earn a grade of C or better prior to admission into the TEP. All education majors must consult with the Office of Advising to ensure the required courses are taken in the appropriate sequence in order to maintain steady progress toward program completion.

Critical Checkpoint 2 >>
Critical Checkpoint 3 >>

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

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