Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Master of Arts in Communication Studies

Joe HaasePictured | Joseph Haase | M.A., Communication Studies | B.A., Indiana University, 1990 | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Club Affiliation | IU South Bend Graduate Student Association of Communication Studies (treasurer)

Degree Requirements (36 cr.)

The 36 credit hour curriculum has four components:

Required Core Courses (12 cr.)
  • COMM-C 501 Applied Quantitative Research Methods in Communication Studies
  • COMM-C 502 Applied Qualitative Research Methods in Communication Studies
  • SPCH-S 500 Introduction to Graduate Study and Research
  • SPCH-S 502 Introduction to Communication Theory

Concentration (15 cr.)

Students will take five three-credit hour courses in Communication Studies reflecting their interests.

Outside Concentration (6 cr.)

Students will take two graduate-level courses outside of their focused concentration(s). Those courses will be chosen in consultation with the student’s faculty or academic advisor.

Master's Project or Thesis (3 cr.)

Students will complete a Master's thesis of project by enrolling in one of the following courses:

  • JOUR-J 560 Topics Colloquium (pending approval)
  • SPCH-S 800 MA Thesis (pending approval)

Return to Master of Arts in Communication Studies Information Page

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.