Campus Life

Safety and Security

Indiana University Police Department

The Indiana University Police Department is a fully empowered law enforcement agency. The department patrols the campus on a 24-hour basis. The office is located in University Center North, room 027, and the phone number is (812) 941-2400. Any criminal or suspicious activity and all vehicular accidents that occur on campus should be reported to 911 immediately. There are three types of emergency phones available across campus that will provide a direct line to the police department. There are yellow boxes in and around buildings, blue stanchions around the lodges, and silver boxes at the main entrance of each lodge.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

IU Notify is the University Emergency Alert System.  It is used to immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus.  IU Notify sends updates (text, voice message, and email) to cell, home, and work phones, and email accounts that are registered with the IU Notify system.  A test of the IU Notify Emergency Notification System is conducted at least once per calendar year.

University police will confirm the significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees on campus.  The chief of police (or designee) depending on the situation and when time permits will consult with the vice chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, or Academic Affairs to make the decision whether a significant emergency exists, which segment of the campus community will be notified, and the content of the notification.  The emergency notification will be made without delay for the safety of the campus community unless issuing a notification will, in professional judgment of the University Police, compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.  The emergency notification will be sent by the University Police.  Follow-up information will be provided to the University community as needed.  If the emergency notification needs to be disseminated outside of the campus community, the telephone information line and communication with local news agencies will be used.

Fire drills are scheduled annually to test the evacuation procedures for buildings on campus.

Law Enforcement Authority

The IUPD employs sworn police officers, certified by the state of Indiana, and meet state mandated training requirements.  These officers have full police powers as granted by the state of Indiana (IC 21-39-4), and have access to national and state law enforcement networks.  IUPD officers have primary jurisdication on any real propery owned or occupied by the university, including the streets passing through and adjacent to such property.  In addition, these officers have the power to assist university officials in the enforcement of IU's rules and regulations.

Working Relationship with State and Local Enforcement Agencies

By resolution of the Indiana University Board of Trustees, university police are authorized to exercise police powers beyond the primary jurisdiction in certain circumstances.  The IUPD maintains a cooperative working relationship with municipal and county law enforcement agencies in the geographic areas in which campuses are located, as well as Indiana State Police and Federal agencies.  When investigating alleged criminal offenses, the IUPD cooperates with the appropriate law enforcement agencies and other criminal justice authorities.

These cooperative working relationships include:

  • New Albany Police Department works closely with us and will assist us in response to criminal offenses when requested.  There is not an MOU between the departments.
  • Floyd County Sheriff's Office works closely with us and will assist us in response to criminal offenses when requested.  There is not an MOU between the departments.
  • Indiana State Police works closely with us and will assist us in response to criminal offenses when requested.  There is not an MOU between the departments.

IUPD officers normally investigate all criminal offenses that occur in the IUPD's primary jurisdiction, and work with the staff of cooperating agencies when incidents arise that require joint investigative efforts, resources, crime-related reports, and exchanges of information.   The officers of IUPD and cooperating agencies communicate regularly at the scene of incidents that occur in and around the campus.  Meetings may be held between the IUPD and cooperating law enforcement agencies for purposes of sharing information, on both a formal and informal basis.  Local and state police agencies provide back-up assistance for any emergency that might require extensive police services.  Any law enforcement officer may come onto campus at any time; just as IUPD officers have powers to arrest, city and state police can arrest students and visitors on campus for violations of law within their agencies' jurisdictions.  In addition, the university has the responsibility of advising the appropriate authorities of violations of civil or criminal law committed by anyone on campus, either when a request for specific information is made or when there is a danger to life or property.

Sex Offenses
Prevention and Education Programs

IU offers educational programs to promote the awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, and other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses.  These programs are offered through:

  • IUPD-4201 Grant Line Rd, UC 027
  • Dean of Student Life Office-4201 Grant Line Rd, UC 010
  • University Personal Counseling Services-4201 Grant Line Rd, UC 207
  • The Center for Women and Families 812-944-6743
Procedures for Victims
  • Get to a Safe Place as Soon as Possible.
  • Preserve Physical Evidence - In the case of sexual assault, it is particularly important to remember that it may be necessary to preserve evidence for use in court or in university disciplinary proceedings.  Do not change your clothes, wash, douche, or use the toilet before seeking medical attention, as such activities may result in the loss of evidence.
  • Contact the Police -If you are the victim of sexual assault, get help as soon as possible.  Report the assault immediately by calling the IUPD at 812-941-2400 or coming to the police department, located at 4201 Grant Line Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 in person.
  • Get Medical Attention - Victims of sexual assault should seek medical attention as soon as possible.  This is necessary to mitigate the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy and to determine the existence or extent of, and to treat, any physical injury.  Additionally, medical personnel will obtain evidence to help in the investigation.  Not seeking medical attention could have physical and emotional consequences.  Victims of sexual violence may be eligible for certain services at no cost; the IUPD can provide victims with resources concerning health care cost and reporting to your insurance company, as stated in state laws.  IUPD personnel will assist a victim with transportation to a hospital, if necessary.  Some area hospitals have personnel who have been specially trained to deal with sexual assaults.
Reporting and Response Procedures

If you choose to report the incident to the IUPD, an officer will take a statement from you regarding what happened.  The officer will ask you to describe the assailant(s) and may ask questions about the scene of the crime, any witnesses, and what happened before and after the incident.  If you wish, you may have a support person with you during the interview.  IMPORTANT: Reporting an incident to the police is a separate step from choosing to prosecute.  When you file a report, you are NOT obligated to continue with legal proceedings or university disciplinary action.  YOU can CHOOSE whether or not to participate in proceedings at any point.

There are numerous reasons to report sexual assault to the IUPD, including:

  • Assisting the victim;
  • Taking actions to prevent further victimization, including issuing a crime alert to warn the campus community of an impending threat to safety;
  • Apprehending the assailant;
  • Collection and preservation of evidence necessary for prosecution;
  • Seeking justice for the wrong that has been done to the victim; and
  • Having the incident recorded for purposes of reporting statistics about incidents that occurred on campus.

In the case of crimes not occurring on university property, IUPD personnel will also assist in contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency, at the victim's request.

Counseling Service

Victims may choose to seek assistance from the following on-campus resources:

  • University Personal Counseling Services (812-941-2244) is located at 4201 Grant Line Rd, UC South Room 207.  Counselors can provide confidential support for you during this difficult period.  They can inform you of common emotional reactions and discuss coping methods that may assist you immediately following the assault and later.  Talking about your concerns with a counselor in a safe and supportive environment may help you sort through your feelings and decide what to do.  You do not need to disclose your name if you call the University Personal Counseling Center for information.  Counselors will not reveal your identity to anyone without your permission.  Students may be seen on an emergency walk-in basis or by appointment.
  • Assistance and support for dealing with personal and academic issues is also available from the Dean of Student Life Office (4201 Grant Line Rd, UC Room 010, 812-941-2316)

Victims may also consult off-campus resources, including the Center for Women and Families (812-944-6743), which provides a confidential hotline at 877-803-7577, and advocacy services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

University Disciplinary Procedures

If a sex offense involves another student, regardless of where the alleged offense occurred, the victim may request that disciplinary action be initiated within the university.  The accuser and the accused are both entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding.  The outcome of the proceedings will be provided to both the accuser and the accused.  This may only include the final determination with respect to the alleged sex offense and any sanction that is imposed against the accused.  The victim cannot be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement or to otherwise agree to a prohibition from discussing the case.  Notification of final results is made to both the victim and the accused, in the same manner and within the same time frame.  Sanctions may include counseling, suspension, expulsion, or termination from the university.  More information concerning university procedures for disciplinary action is contained in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.

Student victims may also request changes in university classroom, academic, and/or living arrangements; these requests will be granted when such changes are reasonably available.

Sex and Violent Offender Registry

Effective January 1, 2003, Zachary's Law requires sheriff departments to jointly establish and maintain the Indiana Sheriff's Sex Offender Registry to provide detailed information about individuals who register as sex or violent offenders at Indiana sheriff departments (in Marion County, the Indianapolis Police Department).  The purpose of the registry is to inform the general public about the identity, location, and appearance of sex and violent offenders who live, work, and study in Indiana.  The registry can be found at the Indiana Sheriffs' website.

The state of Indiana also keeps a Sex and Violent Offender Directory.  The directory can be accessed on the Internet.

Due to our close proximity to the state of Kentucky, the Sex/Criminal website can be accessed through Kentucky sex offender registry.  If you have any questions about these registries, please contact the IU Southeast Police Department at (812) 941-2400 or in person at University Center North, 027.

The National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW) is coordinated by the U.S. Department of Justice.  The website "is a cooperative effort between jurisdictions hosting public sex offender registries ("Jurisdictions") and the federal government and is offered free of charge to the public.  These Jurisdictions include the 50 states, U.S. Territories, the District of Columbia, and participating tribes.  The Website provides an advanced search tool that allows a user to submit a single national query to obtain information about sex offenders; a listing of public registry Web sites by state, territory, and tribe; and information on sexual abuse education and prevention" (source: NSOPW).

In April 2012, Indiana University implemented policy PS-01, "Programs Involving Children."  The policy requires that all faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and all others involved with applicable programs have been subject to a criminal background check and sex offender registry check within the last three years. 

If you have any questions about these registries, please contact the IU Southeast Police department at ext. 2400 or stop by the office in UC 027.

Missing Student Notification

IU's policy is to thoroughly investigate all reports of missing persons, and to ensure that all missing person notifications are made promptly and in accordance with applicable state and federal law.

If a student who resides in on-campus housing is believed to be missing, this must be reported immediately to the IUPD.  The IUPD will obtain a report and initiate an investigation.  If the IUPD determines that a student is missing and has been missing for more than 24 hours, the IUPD will notify local law enforcement and inform the student's designated contact person(s) no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.  These procedures may be implemented in less than 24 hours if circumstances warrant.

In addition to identifying an emergency contact, any student who resides in on-campus housing facility may identify the same or different person to be contacted should the student be determined to be missing.  If a student has identified such a person, the IUPD will notify that person no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.  If the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated person, the IUPD will notify the student's parent or legal guardian in addition to the students designated contact.  This contact information will be registered confidentially, will be accessible only to authorized campus officials, and will not be disclosed outside of a need to further a missing student investigation.  A student can register their missing student contact information by:

  • Contacting Residence Life in Meadow Lodge Room 113

Information about the missing person will be entered into National Crime Information Center (NCIC) within two hours of being received by police.  This information will also be sent to any police department near the location where the missing student was last seen, or any law enforcement agency to which the reporting party requests the information be sent, provided the officer considers the request to be reasonable.

First Aid

The University Police Department should be contacted immediately in the event of injury or illness. Limited first aid supplies are maintained by the department; and all officers and office staff are certified in first aid, CPR, and the use of AEDs. If an ambulance is required, the responsibility for payment of the ambulance costs belongs to the party requiring treatment.


Forms of harassment including sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, or religion are violations of university policy and various state and federal laws. IU Southeast values diversity and will not tolerate harassment. Women and men who believe they are victims of harassment or who believe others have been victimized are encouraged to report such incidents. IU Southeast will promptly investigate every complaint, respond, and take corrective action to stop the harassment. Investigations of these complaints will be conducted in a fair and thorough manner, which— to the extent possible—protects the privacy and reputation of both the complainant and the accused. To report harassment or to receive information regarding the definition of harassment and how it can be handled, consult the Office of Diversity located in Room 231 of University Center South; the telephone number is (812) 941-2306. Academic-related complaints about a faculty member should be reported to the dean of the school that offers the course or to the Academic Affairs Office. A complete description of the IU Southeast Complaint Process is available online.

Crime Prevention

Ongoing crime prevention efforts by IU Southeast include:

  • emergency phone system
  • 24-hour police patrol
  • burglar alarms and surveillance cameras in key areas
  • crime prevention and safety seminars presented to any group requesting presentations
  • crime prevention and safety literature available at the university police office

The university police maintain a daily log of all crime and fire reports filed with the department. Copies of the IU Southeast Campus Security and Fire Safety Annual Report are available in the police office and may be requested by mail.

Academic Bulletins

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