
Academic Bankruptcy

A student is limited to two semesters of academic bankruptcy in his or her career, whether using part A, part B, or both.


Undergraduate students who have extenuating circumstances as described in the Late Withdrawal Policy, and who were not able to file a Late Withdrawal petition by the deadline established in that policy, may petition for academic bankruptcy Part A in lieu of late withdrawal. Forms for this purpose are available in the registrar’s office.

  • The student must submit documentation of the reasons for failing to complete courses during the semester in question, the reasons for failing to meet the late withdrawal deadline, and a plan for ensuring academic success in subsequent terms. 
  •  A three-member committee (composed of the registrar; the director of academic advising or the dean of the student’s school, or his/ her designee; and one faculty member) will review each request submitted under this policy and make a recommendation to the vice chancellor for academic affairs. The committee may ask for comments from faculty members who taught the courses the student took in the semester in question. The registrar will be responsible for convening review committees.
  • If approved, all grades earned during the term in question will be excluded from the calculation of the student’s program GPA. The grades will remain on the student’s official transcript and will count in the IU GPA. 
  •  A student may use this part of the Academic Bankruptcy Policy only once. Also see “Late Withdrawal Policy.”

Undergraduate students who have not attended IU Southeast for at least two years, are pursuing their first bachelor’s degree, and are returning to IU Southeast for the fall semester 1996 or later may request academic bankruptcy. Bankruptcy means that all grades earned during the term(s) in question will not be counted in the calculation of the program GPA. The grades will remain on the student’s official transcript and will count in the IU GPA. Academic Bankruptcy Part B may be requested for no more than two terms of IU Southeast course work. Two consecutive summer sessions may be considered a single academic term for purposes of this policy. The petition must be submitted during the first semester back at IU Southeast. This part of the Academic Bankruptcy Policy may be invoked only once in a student’s academic career. Academic Bankruptcy Part B Petition forms are available from your academic school or division.

Academic Bulletins

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