Student Life
Drug-Free Campus
Description of Health Risks Associated with Alcohol and Controlled Substances (Drugs)
All persons should be aware of the health risks caused by the use of alcohol, and by the illegal use of controlled substances (drugs).
- Consumption of more than two average servings of alcohol in several hours can impair coordination and reasoning to make driving unsafe.
- Consumption of alcohol by a pregnant woman can damage the unborn child. A pregnant woman should consult her physician about this risk.
- Regular and heavy alcohol consumption can cause serious damage to liver, nervous and circulatory system, mental disorders and other health problems.
- Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short time may quickly produce unconsciousness, coma, and even death.
Use of controlled substances (drugs) can result in damage to health and impairment of physical condition, including:
- Impaired short term memory or comprehension
- Anxiety, delusions, hallucinations
- Loss of appetite resulting in a general damage to the user’s health, over a long term
- A drug-dependent newborn if the mother is a drug user during pregnancy.
Pregnant women who use alcohol, drugs, or who smoke should consult their physicians
- AIDS, as a result of “needle-sharing” among drug users
- Death from overdose
The health risks associated with drugs or excessive use of alcohol are many and are different for different drugs, but all nonprescription use of drugs and excessive use of alcohol endangers your health. THERE ARE NO GOOD REASONS FOR USING A DRUG THAT IS NOT PRESCRIBED BY YOUR DOCTOR OR FOR DRINKING TO EXCESS.