
Intercampus and Intra-university Transfers

IU Southeast is part of the eight-campus Indiana University system, and mechanisms exist for graduate students to complete classes offered by the other campuses toward their degrees here.

For students pursuing any of the joint online collaborative degrees or certificates, designated classes from the  other participating campuses that satisfy requirements in those collaborative program are replicated to the Southeast schedule of classes, so students can access and enroll in them from the Southeast campus, and are finanacially responsible to the IU Southeast bursar office for the tuition and fees.

Outside the context of the collaborative degree/credential programs, graduate students may occasionally seek to make a temporary intercampus transfer to take a course at another campus that did not replicate. This option should be pursued only after consultation and coordination with your graduate program advisor or department administrator.

Graduate students should not use the Intercampus transfer portal available to undergraduates for two reasons:

  • Graduate programs exercise strong discretionary control over which classes from other institutions, even other IU campuses, may fulfill the objectives of a required courses. They will only sparingly allow this option, usually when our campus is not offering an appropriate course that term, and delaying completion means student falls off track to finish their program.
  •  The Intercampus transfer portal for undergraduates classifies students as undergraduate at the host campus. If the class is completed under that undergraduate status, the course will register on the undergraduate portion of the IU official transcript--and may not get recognized as graduate credit. By students working through the graduate program offices, graduate advisors and the support staff can work with our registrar and the corresponding agents on the host campus to build a profile on that campus that yields appropriate graduate credit on students' transcripts. 

When taking a class through a bona fide inter-campus transfer, students enroll through the other campuses' schedule of classes, and are billed by, and financially responsible to, their bursar office. Kentucky resident students should be aware that the reciprocity agreement that allows Kentucky residents from specific counties to pay the in-state tuition rate only applies to IU Southeast. At other IU campuses, Kentucky students are considered out-of-state and will be billed as such by the host campus bursar for classes taken through inter-campus transfer.  

In special circumstances approved and coordinated through their department advisor and administrators, graduate students may transfer in courses taken at other non-IU institutions in the greater metropolitan Louisville area to satisfy some degree requirements. 


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