IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Medicine » Undergraduate Programs » Diagnostic Sonography » Admission


Undergraduate Programs

Diagnostic Sonography

General Information Enrollment at Indiana University does not guarantee admission to any of the Health Professions Programs.  To be eligible for admission to the Diagnostic Sonography program, students must adhere to the program preadmission requirements.  Admission to the professional program is competitive; therefore, completion of the prerequisites does not guarantee admission to the program.

Criteria Used for Selection of Class Previous academic record and availability of positions within the program.  Additionally, individuals without a previous medical imaging related credential must show documentation of 1000 hours of direct patient care experience.

Class Size Varies yearly based on the availability of clinical education sites, ultrasound lab equipment and instructors.

Specific Requirements In addition to the Health Professions Programs’ admission policies and procedures found at the beginning of this section of the bulletin, the admission policies below apply to the Diagnostic Sonography Program.

Application Deadline Admission for the program is November 15 of the year before anticipated entry.

Total Number of Prerequisite Credit Hours 74 This includes the student’s prior coursework at an accredited college or university, or special credit awarded for healthcare credential/experience.

Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average 2.80 on a 4.00 scale at the time of application. All college courses taken, including remedial courses and courses that do not meet prerequisite requirements, are considered when calculating the minimum cumulative grade point average.

Minimum Component Grade Point Average Cumulative 2.50 on a 4.00 scale for math/science courses. Achievement of minimum grade point averages is a condition of application eligibility only and does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

Minimum Grade Requirement in a Stated Prerequisite Course C (2.00 on a 4.00 scale).

Interview An interview is not required.

Technical Standards See the Health Professions Programs’ policy.

Indiana Residents Preference Policy See the Health Professions Programs’ policy.

Experience Students must hold a healthcare related degree and credential (if applicable). Students without a medical imaging credential must provide documentation of at least 1000 hours of direct patient care experience.

The following will be required upon offer of admission into the program and must be completed by assigned deadlines. Complete details may be found at HPP New Student Requirements (IU login required) and will be included on the Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Programs Onboarding Canvas site. 

  • Signed Technical Standards form
  • Signed Honor Code
  • Proof of immunizations
  • Proof of TB (either shot or IGRA)
  • Physical Examination
  • Flu Shot
  • Fit Testing
  • Proof of Health Insurance
  • Background Check and Drug Screen-to be completed within 10 days of offer acceptance

Updated: April 2023