IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Minors » East Asian Studies


East Asian Studies

Minor in East Asian Studies

The Minor in East Asian Studies provides a comprehensive understanding of Eastern Asian countries by covering their culture, history, arts, philosophy, and traditional health maintenance standpoints. By taking courses in the minor, students will have the opportunity to build on knowledge of Eastern Asian civilization, improve their analytical and critical thinking skills, increase problem-solving abilities, and gain multiple perspectives of the world. Consequently, students will be trained to become creative innovators and problem solvers with issues related to Eastern Asian countries, reliable community contributors incorporating Eastern Asian perspectives, and effective communicators with Eastern Asian peoples. 

A minor in East Asian Studies requires satisfactory completion of the following requirements:

  • Completion of properly distributed credit hour requirements for the baccalaureate degree in effect when the student was admitted to their home school.
  • Completion of 15 credit hours, with a minimum grade of C in each course.
  • At least six credit hours must be at the 300/400 level,
  • 9 credit hours must be completed at IUPUI,
  • to declare the minor, complete the School of Liberal Arts online declaration form: https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/admissions/update-major-form.html

Required course:

EALC-E 396 Chinese Culture and Civilization: the I Ching (3 cr.)

Choose 12 credits from the following list:

  • AMST-A 102: Asian American Studies (3 cr.)
  • EALC-C 131 First Semester Chinese (4 cr.)
  • EALC-E 231 Japan: The Living Tradition (3 cr.) 
  • EALC-E 232 China Past and Present: Culture in Continuing Evolution (3 cr.) 
  • EALC-E 282 East Asian Calligraphy (3 cr.)
  • EALC-E  301 Chinese Language and Culture (3 cr.) 
  • EALC-E 334 Contemporary Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
  • EALC-E 335 Studies in Chinese Martial Arts Culture (3 cr.) 
  • EALC-E 351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr.) 
  • EALC-E 384 East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity (3 cr.) 
  • EALC-E 397 Traditional Chinese Medicine (3 cr.)
  • HIST-G 451 The Far East I (3cr.)
  • HIST-G 452 The Far East II (3cr.) 
  • HIST-461 Imperial China (3cr.) 
  • HIST-G 485 Modern China (3cr.) 
  • *HPER-148 T’ai Chi Ch’uan(1 cr.) *can be repeated once 
  • HPER-E 248 T’ai Chi Ch’uan(1 cr.) 
  • HPER-E 260 Karate-Intermediate (1 cr.) 
  • PHIL-349 Philosophies of China (3cr.) 

Other courses may be acceptable with the consultation and approval by the program director of the East Asian Culture program.