IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Graduate » Degree Programs

Degree Programs

  • Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (M.S.B.M.E.)
  • Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems (M.S.C.T.S.)
  • Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.S.E.C.E.)
  • Master of Science in Engineering in Motorsports Engineering (M.S.E.)
  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (M.S.M.E.)
  • Master of Science in Music Technology (M.S.M.T.)
  • Master of Science in Music Therapy (M.S.M.Th.)
  • Master of Science in Technology (M.S.T.)
  • Master of Science and Master of Science Engineering (IDE)
  • *Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering (Ph.D.B.M.E.)
  • *Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ph.D.E.C.E.)
  • *Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.M.E.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Music Technology (Ph.D.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Music Therapy (Ph.D.)

Graduate Programs in Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary program and a joint effort of the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, the Purdue School of Science, and the Indiana University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry at Indiana University–Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI). In addition to these participating academic units, the program operates in close collaboration with several centers and facilities on campus.

M.S.B.M.E.:  Students interested in the Master's degree in BME may apply directly to the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology.  Qualified research-oriented student may plan to pursue a thesis-based Master's degree.  Form more information, please visit:  https://et.iupui.edu/departments/bme/programs/grad/msbme/

Ph.D.B.M.E.:  Students interested in the Ph.D. degree inBME may also apply directly to the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI. For more information, please visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/bme/programs/grad/phdbme/

B.S./M.S.B.M.E.: The department also offers an accelerated combined Bachelor's and Master's degree programs which allows academically successful students the opportunity to earn both B.S. and M.S. degrees in a total of five years.  For more information about the 5-year B.S./M.S.B.M.E., combined degree program, visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/bme/programs/undergrad/5yearBsMs/.

B.S. Neuroscience/M.S.B.M.E.: Similarly, the department offers an accelerated master's degree program to allow academically successful students in the B.S. Neuroscience program to earn a M.S.B.M.E. degree in one year following the B.S. Neuroscience degree.  For more information about the 5-year B.S. Neuroscience/M.S.B.M.E. program visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/bme/programs/grad/5yr_neuro/

M.D./M.S.B.M.E.: The BME department, together with the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) offer a combined degree program on the IUPUI campus that integrates a Master's degree in BME with the Doctor of Medicine degree program.  For more information about this program visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/bme/programs/grad/md-msbme/.

 Contact for Biomedical Engineering: bmegrad@iupui.edu

For more information about the M.S.B.M.E program visit:

For more information about the Ph.D.B.M.E. program visit:

Graduate Programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Students may earn the Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.S.E.C.E.) or the Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.), through the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI. The M.S.E.C.E. degree is organized into several areas of study, including computer engineering, controls and automation, communication and signal processing, robotics, energy engineering, renewable energy, mechatronics, and VLSI and circuit design. The M.S.E. degree provides an interdisciplinary plan of study and is typically offered to Bachelor's degree holders in fields other than electrical or computer engineering.  Students with bachelor's degrees in fields other than electrical or computer engineering may pursue the M.S.E.C.E. if they successfully complete the prescribed prerequisite courses.

The ECE department also offers an accelerated combined bachelor's and master's degree programs, which enables students to complete both B.S. and M.S. degrees within 5 years.  For more information for the BS/MS program:  https://et.iupui.edu/departments/ece/programs/5yearbsms/

The M.S. and M.S.E. degree programs are designed for students who desire broad flexibility and the opportunity for interdisciplinary Study.

In addition to graduate degree programs, the department also offers graduate certificate programs in the following areas:

For more information on these graduate certificate:  https://et.iupui.edu/departments/ece/programs/grad/

Qualified research-oriented students may be approved to pursue the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at IUPUI. The Ph.D. degree is a research-oriented degree, which is organized into several areas of study, including computer engineering, controls and automation, communication and signal processing, VLSI and circuit design and power and energy.

Contact for Electrical and Computer Engineering: ecegrad@iupui.edu

For more information about the M.S.E.C.E. program visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/ece/programs/grad/msece/

For more information about the ECE Ph.D. program visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/ece/programs/grad/phdece/

Graduate Programs in Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering has an outstanding engineering faculty with research interests and expertise in the areas of advanced computer-aided design and manufacturing, materials, energy nanotechnology, biomechanics, composites, computational fluid dynamics, combustion, controls, fluid mechanics, finite element analysis, fracture, heat transfer, propulsion, robotics, solid and structural mechanics, stress analysis, and turbomachinery. The department offers graduate programs of study that lead to the degrees of Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.), Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (M.S.M.E.), and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.M.E.). 

The department also offers two accelerated and combined bachelor's and master's degree programs, which enable students to complete both B.S. and M.S. degrees within five years. The combined degree programs are available to high achieving mechanical engineering undergraduates leading to combined B.S. and M.S. degrees in M.E. (B.S./M.S.M.E.); energy engineering undergraduates leading to a combined B.S. degree in Energy Engineering and M.S. degree in M.E.; or physics undergraduates leading to combined B.S. degree in Physics and M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (B.P.M.M.E.). The combined degrees prepare students for advanced engineering careers with two degrees (bachelor's and master's) in five years.

The M.S. and M.S.E. degree programs are designed for students who desire broad flexibility and the opportunity for interdisciplinary study.

In addition to graduate degree programs, the department also offers graduate certificate programs in the following areas:

Additional information about graduate and combined degree programs in mechanical engineering and graduate certificates are provided at this website:


Graduate Program in Motorsports Engineering
The M.S.Degree in Engineering (M.S.E.) - Motorsports Engineering Major is applicable for either students seeking additional motorsport industry training immediately after completion of their bachelor's degree in an engineering program or for industry professionals wishing to resume their studies to complete a master's degree.  The Motorsports Major provides an integrated experience in motorsports with emphasis on race engineering.  Students pursuing the Motorsports Major may choose from a course only (non-thesis) option or thesis option requiring a research thesis in an area related to the motorsports industry. Both options require 30 credit hours.  The non-thesis program requires a minimum of 30 credit hours of course work, and the thesis program requires a minimum of 21 credit hours of course work in addition to an acceptable research thesis (9 credit).

The program also offers an accelerated combined bachelor's and master's degree programs, which enable students to complete both B.S. and M.S.E. degrees within five years.  The combined degree programs are available to high achieving motorsports engineering undergraduates leading to a combined B.S. and M.S.E. degrees in motorsports.

The Motorsports Engineering Program has an outstanding engineering faculty with research interests and expertise in the areas of advanced aerodynamics, vehicle dynamics, materials, composites, vehicle simulations, computational fluid dynamics, computer-aided design, finite element analysis, solid and structural mechanics, and stress analysis.

Additional information about graduate and combined programs in motorsports engineering are provided at this website:  https://et.iupui.edu/departments/ent/programs/mste/msemste/

Graduate Programs in Music Technology 
The Master of Science in Music Technology (M.S.M.T.) program provides professional education in areas of computer-based music technology, multimedia and interactive design, and multimedia production techniques.  The primary focus is on the development of research-related competencies and integration of research findings into the development and use of music technology with specialties in 1) recording, manipulation, and live sounds; 2) the creative production of electronic music and live electronics; and 3) music technology in education and pedagogy.  The program, offered online or on campus, is conferred by Indiana University and accredited by the National Association for Schools of Music. 


The Doctor of Philosophy in Music Technology extends the research emphasis of the M.S.M.T. and is designed for students with backgrounds in music technology, music, computer science, engineering, informatics, human computer interaction, and other related fields.  The principal objective of the Ph.D. is to train graduates who will conduct research and develop transformative new technologies in music and the arts; examine the practices of designing, making, and managing music technology, and apply music technology in education and industry.  The Ph.D. in Music Technology is offered on campus only.


Graduate Programs in Music Therapy
The Master of Science in Music Therapy (M.S.M.Th.) program is designed to provide board-certified music therapists with advanced research and clinical practice competencies.  The M.S.M.Th. degree is unique, providing music therapists with the opportunity to infuse advanced music technology concepts and skills throughout the curriculum.  The M.S. in Music Therapy leverages close collaborations with the IU Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, providing rich resources for inter-professional collaboration and learning.  The program is accredited through the National Association of Schools of Music and approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).  The degree, conferred by Indiana University, is offered online or on campus.


The Doctor of Philosophy in Music Therapy is a research-oriented degree.  The degree is designed to prepare board-certified music therapists for independent academic/research careers enabling them to explore the bast ways music influences health and well-being.  The principal objectives of this doctoral program are to train music therapists who will conduct research examining current music therapy practice and pedagogy; explore opportunities to optimize music therapy practice and pedagory; and apply new understanding to clinical practice and education the overarching goals and learning outcomes of the PhD in Music Therapy are guided by the American Music Therapy Association advanced professional competencies.  The program is available on campus and online.

A total of 90 credit hours is required for the degree, of which up to 30 credit hours may be transferred from a student's post-baccalaureate degree of study, as approved by the graduate advisory committee.

The 90 credit hours for the Ph.D. are distributed among the following 6 content areas:

  • Advanced music therapy competencies - 18 credit hours
  • Other Studies in Music - 9 credit hours
  • Declared minor area - 12 credit hours
  • Life Sciences - 6 credit hours
  • Electives - 12 credit hours
  • Research Credits/Dissertation - 33 credit hours


Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems
The objective of this program is to prepare students to enter the workforce in the rapidly advancing field of cybersecurity and to address the security challenges and risks that industry encounters daily.  The M.S. in Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems provides the student the opportunity to develop foundational knowledge and the necessary cybersecurity skill set to prepare for engineering/information technology careers.

The M.S. in Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems program is designed so that graduates holding a B.S. degree in a technology discipline or a related area can complete their degree either as a full-time student or as a part-time student working full-time.  The program could typically be completed in 4 semesters (2 academic years) and must be completed within five years.

Successful graduates of the program earn a Master of Science (M.S.) in Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems awarded by Purdue University.

The curriculum consists of a total of 30 credit hours as follows:

  • Primary Cybersecurity Courses (9 credit hours)
  • Foundational Cybersecurity Courses (9 credit hours)
  • Elective Cybersecurity Courses (6 credit hours)
  • Elective Courses (6 credit hours)

For more information visit our website at https://et.iupui.edu/departments/cigt/programs/cit/grad/cybersecurity/ or contact Computer and Information Technology at (317) 274-9705 or vial email: cit@iupui.edu.

Master of Science in Technology
The School of Engineering and Technology offers graduate education in technology in specific technology-related discipline areas with the primary goal of developing advanced technical skills for practitioners in industry.  The Master of Science in Technology (M.S.T.) degree program is designed so that graduates holding a B.S. degree in a technology discipline or a related area can complete their degree as a full-time or part-time student while working full-time.  The M.S. in Technology curriculum consists of a total of 33 credit hours with plans of study ranging from "course only" to those which include a directed project.  The Technology academic departments jointly offering the M.S. in Technology degree are listed below.

Department of Computer Information and Graphics Technology (CIGT)
MS in Technology degree program with disciplines in:

  • Information Security and Assurance (InfoSec)
  • Applied Data Management and Analytics

Department of Engineering Technology (ENT)
MS in Technology degree program with disciplines in:

  • Facilities Management (A fully online program)
  • Motorsports

Department of Technology Leadership and Communication (TLC)
MS in Technology degree program with disciplines in:

  • Organizational Leadership (OLS)
  • Human Resource Development (HRD)
  • Technical Communication (TCM)

Certificate in Engineering Leadership

Earning the Certificate in Engineering Leadership (CEL) at IUPUI will provide students with strong preparation in engineering leadership knowledge and skills.  This Purdue certificate will supplement an already-earned bachelor's degree from a variety of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  


Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Development

Earning the Human Resource Development (HRD) Graduate Certificate will provide students with strong preparation in the foundations of HRD, including related skill development.  This certificate will supplement an already-earned bachelor's degree from a variety of disciplines and can be earned by itself or in conjunction with another graduate degree.


Graduate Certificate in Project Management

Earning the Project Management (PM) Certificate at IUPUI will provide you with strong preparation in the foundations of project management knowledge and skills.  This certificate will supplement an already-earned bachelor's degree from a variety of disciplines and can be earned by itself or in conjunction with another graduate degree.


For more information about the Technology graduate programs visit: https://et.iupui.edu/departments/mstech/

Master of Science and Master of Science in Engineering