IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » education » Overview » Overview



Indiana University has been preparing teachers since 1851. The first "Department of Pedagogy" was part of what is now the College of Arts and Sciences in Bloomington. In 1908 a formal School of Education was established, and in 1923 the school became autonomous from the College of Arts and Sciences. The first B.S. in education was awarded in 1925.

Education classes have been offered in Indianapolis since 1914, when the Extension Division of Indiana University was founded. Enrollments and course offerings in Indianapolis grew steadily and by 1969 it was possible to earn a bachelor's degree in education at Indianapolis. In 1969, regional campuses of Indiana University and Purdue University merged to form IUPUI.

In 1972, the IUPUI Division of Education was formally established with offices in the Marrott Building on North Meridian Street. In 1975 the School of Education in Bloomington and the Division of Education in Indianapolis merged to become a single School of Education with two campuses, and the School of Education at IUPUI moved into a new Education/Social Work Building located at 902 West New York Street.  In fall 2019, the School of Education at IUPUI separated from Bloomington to become an indpendent school with its own accrediation.   

Today, Indiana University's School of Education is one of America's most respected educational institutions for the preparation of teachers, administrators, and specialists in all areas of education. The School of Education at IUPUI has full equality with the other professional schools of the university and grants the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, Bachleor of Science in Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, Master of Science in Language Education (includes ESL), Masters of Science in Special Education , Masters of Science in Educational Leadership, Masters of Science in School Counseling, and a Ph.D. in Uban Education Studies.

Sudents learn from top professionals in the classroom, assist with cutting-edge research done right here on campus, and engage with the community that surrounds us.  The faculty believe that students should work in the field and engage with the community throughout their time here. As a result, our graduates leave with an unparalleled level of practical experience and real-world skills.


The IUPUI School of Education is strongly committed to introspectively examining our collective role in improving the human conditon through developing leaders, educators, and counselors who are equipped to critique and disrupt longstanding inequities and addess ever-changing dynamics that manifest in urabn educational ecosystems.   With community-engaged research, teaching, and service at the core of our work, IUPUI School of Education faculty, staff, and students seek to positivley impact youth and adult learners in our educational systems and serve the welfare of surrounding communities through our engagement in transactional and strategic alliances to promote equitable, just, culturally relevant and sustaining practices in teaching and learning. 

Our Academic Departments

Our academic programs are divided into two departments to help students easily choose their path of study.

Urban Teacher Education

Graduate Programs in Urban Educational Counseling, Leadership and Policy Studies