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Biomedical Engineering
  • BME 22200 Biomeasurements (4 cr.) P: PHYS 25100 and ENGR 29700 C: MATH 26600. The foundations of circuit theory are developed.  Electrical circuits are used in the context of biomedical applications including transducers, electrodes and the amplification and filtering of clinically relevant bioelectric signals.  Laboratory exercises develop technical skills in the design and analysis of analog electrical circuits, signal processing and digital data acquisition and their safe use for biomeasurements.
  • BME 22201 Introductory Biomeasurements (3 cr.) P: PHYS 25100. C: BME 22400. The foundations of basic circuit theory are introduced including voltage-current characteristics of resistive and reactive elements.  Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws, equivalent sources, transformations and superposition, transient response, instantaneous and average power, AC impedance, dynamic response of first and second order systems.
  • BME 22400 Biomeasurements Lab (1 cr.) P: PHYS 25100. C: BME 22201. Laboratory exercises will reinforce the foundations of basic circuit theory.  Electronic instruments are used tin the context of biomedical signal measurement and processing and include the use of oscilloscopes, function generators, transducers, electrodes, biopotential amplifiers and digital data collection and analysis.  Laboratory exercises utilize industrially relevant instruments for measurement and acquisition of time varying signals arising from electronic and bioelectric sources.
  • BME 24100 Fundamentals of Biomechanics (4 cr.) P: PHYS 15200. This course combines didactic lecture and laboratory and will introduce the student to the principles of biomechanics in the context of the musculoskeletal system.  Topics include: fundamental concepts of mechanics, force systems and couples (including muscle and joint forces), free body diagrams, stress analysis and failure of materials (including analysis of bone strength), mechanical behavior of soft tissues, dynamics of particles and rigid bodies (including analysis of gait), and impluse (including analysis of injury).
  • BME 24101 Introductory Biomechanics (3 cr.) P: PHYS 15200. C: BME 24300. This course uses didactic lecture material to introduce students to the principles of mechanics and how these concepts apply to musculoskeletal tissues.
  • BME 24300 Biomechanics Lab (1 cr.) P: PHYS 15200. C: BME 24101. This course uses laboratory experiments to introduce students to the principles of mechanics and how these concepts apply to musculoskeletal tissues.
  • BME 30200 Professional Development & Design in BME (2 cr.) P: Junior level standing in BME. This course explores design, career, and professional topics in Biomedical Engineering.  To prepare students for capstone and engineering practice, students will engage in case study design encompassing conceptualization, requirements generation and system design.  Essential design elements such as user need, ideation, constraints, regulatory, and documentation will be reviewed and applied.  Additional career and professional topics include resume writing, interviewing, and professional conduct; post-graduate education and lifelong learning; and industrial, clinical, and research opportunities in Biomedical Engineering.
  • BME 32200 Probability and Applications in BME (3 cr.) P: BME 33400. Probability theory and statistical methods are developed for life science applications. Analytical tools such as hypothesis testing, estimation of moments, sampling theory, correlation and spectral analysis are developed and applied to identifying underlying processes in biological systems, developing realistic models of physiological processes, designing experiments, and interpreting biological data.
  • BME 33100 Biosignals and Systems (3 cr.) P: BME 22200 and MATH 26600. This course applies mathematical analysis tools to biological signals and systems. Frequency analysis, Fourier and Laplace transforms, and state equations are used to represent and analyze continuous and discrete-time biosignals. Classic feedback analysis tools are applied to biological systems that rely on negative feedback for control and homeostasis.
  • BME 33400 Biomedical Computing (3 cr.) P: ENGR 29700 and MATH 26600. This course explores numerical and computational approaches to analyzing biological data and solving biological problems. Students will learn to fit and interpret biological data, apply probabilistic and differential equation modeling techniques to biological processes, and assess appropriateness of numerical tools for biomedical applications. Special attention is given to the built-in analysis functions and toolboxes of MATLAB.
  • BME 35200 Cell & Tissue Mechanics (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 101 and CHEM-C 106. C: BIOL-K 324. This course will introduce the students to the biological principles of cellular/tissue behaviors and properties. Topics include: fundamental concepts of cellular structure and tissue organization, biomolecular elements and their properties, cell shape, cell adhesion and migration, mechanotransduction, pattern formation in embryos, and stem cell and tissue regeneration.
  • BME 35400 Cell & Tissue Lab (1 cr.) P: BME 24100 and BIOL-K 32400 C: BME 35200. This course develops quantitative biomechanical methods to analyze cell/tissue behavior and properties to solve biomechanical engineering problems.  Topics include: bioviscoelasticity, failure, filament dynamics, membrane dynamics, biofluid dynamics, cellular dynamics, and tissue dynamics.
  • BME 38100 Implantable Materials and Biological Response (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 101 and CHEM-C 106. This course combines biomaterials, their biological response, and interactions between implantable materials and biological systems. Materials science of implantable materials; overview of implantable biomaterials and interactions between implants and biosystems; in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility tests; and specific examples on implant-tissue interactions, biocompatibility, and evaluation tools are presented.
  • BME 38300 Implantable Materials Lab (1 cr.) P: BME 24100 and CHEM-C 106. C: BME 38100. Supplements the basic science of BME 38100 with quantitative, analytical examples and problems related to fundamental engineering principles in implantable materials. Topics include:  microstructure, phase transformation, and processing and design issues related to major engineering materials used for implantation purposes.
  • BME 38800 Applied Biomaterials (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 106. This course covers foundational knowledge in the fields of materials science and engineering.  Emphasis is placed on the materials that used in biomedical applications and the relationship between material properties and the performance of these biomaterials.
  • BME 39500 Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering (3 cr.) Specialized topic areas for which there are no specific courses, workshops, or individual study plans, but having sufficient student interest to justify the formalized teaching of a course.
  • BME 40200 Senior Seminar (1 cr.) P: Junior standing in BME or consent of instructor. This course explores career and professional topics in Biomedical Engineering. Topics include resume writing, interviewing, and professional conduct; post-graduate education and life-long learning; and industrial, clinical, and research opportunities in Biomedical Engineering.
  • BME 41100 Quantitative Physiology (3 cr.) P: BME 33100. This course applies systems theory and explores feedforward and feedback control in the context of physiological systems.  Control, frequency response, and linear systems concepts are applied to action potential generation, motor control, heart rate regulation, and other physiological processes.
  • BME 41101 Quantitative Physiology in BME (4 cr.) P: BME 33100 with a grade of C- or higher. This course is an introductory course in physiological systems and an introductory course in classical feedback control theory for biomedical engineers.  It aims to apply systems theory and classical feedforward and feedback control in the context of physiological.  Control, frequency response, and linear systems concepts are applied to action potential generation, motor control, heart rate regulation, and other physiological processes.  Approximately a third of the course will be devoted to physiological systems, as third to classical control theory and a third to the application of classical control and systems theory to physiological systems.
  • BME 44200 Biofluid Mechanics (3 cr.) P: BME 35200 and BME 35400. This course explores fluid mechanics in the context of the human circulatory system. Principal equations are derived from differential analysis of fluid flow, and models of characteristic flow conditions are fully analyzed. Biofluid mechanics, vessel biomechanics, and hemodynamic analysis of the circulation system will also be discussed.
  • BME 46100 Transport Processes in BME (3 cr.) P: BME 33400. This course explores engineering principles in mass and other transport processes in biological systems.  Topics covered include diffusion, convection, reaction kinetics, transport in porous and fluid mediums, etc.  Mathematical models of transport are developed and applied to biomedical problems and physiological systems such as the kidney/renal and oxygen/arterial systems.
  • BME 49100 Biomedical Engineering Design I (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and consent of Department Chair. This course prepares students for engineering practice through a major design experience, encompassing conceptualization, requirements generation, and system and detailed design. Essential design constraints will be reviewed and applied including: safety, economics, and manufacturability. The course encompasses lectures, case studies, team formation, project assignments and generation of initial design.
  • BME 49101 Biomedical Engineering Design (2 cr.) P: Senior level standing in program. This course prepares students for engineering practice through a major design experience, encompassing conceptualization, requirements generation, and system and detailed design. Essential design constraints will be reviewed and applied including: safety, economics, and manufacturability. The course encompasses lectures, case studies, team formation, project assignments and generation of initial design.
  • BME 49200 Biomedical Engineering Design II (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and consent of Department Chair. This course continues the design experience from BME 49100 with verification, validation, and re-design of student projects. Regulatory and ethical design constraints will be discussed.
  • BME 49500 Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering (1-6 cr.) Specialized topic areas for which there are no specific courses, workshops, or individual study plans, but having sufficient student interest to justify the formalized teaching of a course.
  • BME 49600 Biomedical Engineering Design Projects (1-6 cr.) P: Permission of Department. Individual research projects to be approved by the supervising faculty member before registering for the course.  An approved written report is required.
  • BME 49700 Directed Readings - Biomedical Engineering (1-6 cr.) P: Permission of department. Individualized reading course supervised by an appropriate faculty.  Approval for each reading course must be optained from the department prior to registration.
  • BME 50000 Biomedical Engineering Graduate Seminar (0 cr.) This is a graduate seminar course consisting of a series of weekly seminar presentations by Biomedical Engineering department and other IUPUI faculty members, researchers from academia, representatives from industry, and peer graduate students in the BME Department.  The presentations aim to introduce students to a wide variety of current topics associated with the field of Biomedical Engineering, to broaden the students by exposing them to topics (research, methods, technical developments) outside of their topical concentration areas and develop critical thinking and technical presentation skills through discourse, inquiry, and defense; the application of the Socratic method.
  • BME 52700 Implantable Systems (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required.

    BME 52700 is a three credit (3 cr) graduate level engineering course that covers issues related to how the anatomy and physiology of the target organ system impacts the design specifications for biomedical and implants and the biosensors that can be part of the command and control strategy for the implant.  The course material is roughly organized according to motor (skeletal, cardiac) and sensory (vision, audition, olfaction, touch) and visceral (lungs) organ systems.  For each topic area there will be a brief introduction to the physiology and neuroanatomy of the target organ system or biological environment (e.e. subcutaneous implants).  Each topic area will have companion lectures demonstrating the extent to which biomedical engineers have been able to fabricate functional replacement (prosthetic) or assistive (orthotic) devices and tissue interfaces (electrodes).  For example, issues related to performance, powering, communications, command control and user interfaces for auditory and visual neuroprostheses are presented immediately following lecture materials describing these organ systems.  Although not central to the course content, tissue and cellular responses to materials will be stressed throughout the semester.  Topics will include normal wound healing processes, host response to implants and general biocompatibility.  Lectures will emphasize fundamental principles of bioengineering as related to the design of implantable systems and will require student participation in classroom discussions.

  • BME 53700 Experimental Methods in Biomedical Engineering (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. BME 53700 is a three credit (3 cr.) graduate level engineering course that covers issues related to general laboratory practice, techniques, instrumentation and analysis methods utilized by Biomedical Engineering researchers working in the life sciences.  Both theoretical and practical aspects of experimental design and data analysis are covered using select examples from BME life science researchers here on the IUPUI campus.  Most topic areas are presented from a decidedly analytical and engineering viewpoint.  Students should have successfully completed courses in elementary analog electronic circuits and ordinary differential equations, and should be prepared to solve related homework problems using any available software programming tools (e.g. Matlab, Maple, Visual C, Visual Basic, etc.)  Basic knowledge of biological sciences is required as the course is best suited for participants who have completed a first year undergraduate course in Chemistry and/or Biology.  To be successful in this course students should have successfully completed courses in engineering, physics, elementary analog electronic circuits, ordinary differential equations, and should be prepared to solve related homework problems using any available software programming tools (e.g. Matlab, Maple, Visual C, Visual Basic, etc.)  Students must have had at least a first year undergraduate course in Chemistry and/or Biology.  Considerable independent responsibility must be maintained to ensure a timely completion of all laboratory projects and examinations.
  • BME 54400 Musculoskeletal Biology and Mechanics (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required.

    This course will cover topics relevant to skeletal biology including skeletal morphology, physiology, cell biology, embryonic development, adult osteogenesis, mineral homeostasis, tissue mechanics, mechanical adaptation, failure (fracture), fracture fixation, implants, implant mechanics and disease dynamics.  Students will gain a working understanding of tissue biology and physiology and mechanical principles governing tissue formation, maintenance and adaptation and failure.

  • BME 57100 Drug Delivery (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required.

    This course explores the principles, techniques, and applications for therapeutic drug delivery and administration.  This course will start with the fundamentals of drug administration; engineering principles such as diffusion and mass transport, with specific emphasis on transport in biological systems and barriers, pharmacokinetics, and drug distribution.  We will examine the existing state of art in drug delivery systems: controlled release, biomaterials, and polymer-based delivery systems.  Finally, we will also discuss the current field of biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals; identification of novel drug targets, latest development in drug discover, development, clinical trails, and product development, going from research to market using the latest examples from the pharmaceutical industry.

  • BME 58200 Advanced Biomedical Polymers (3 cr.) P: "BME 59500 - Polymers for Biomedical Applications" is required for senior undergraduate students unless special permission is obtained from the course instructor.

    This is an advanced polymer course that provides the most recent development of biomedical polymers and their applications and covers a variety of biomedical areas such as in cardiovascular, dental, orthopedic, opthalmologic and wound healing research.  Drug, cellular and gene delivery are also covered.  This course is designed for all the graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D. level) in biomedical areas.

  • BME 59500 Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering (1-3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. This course is designed primarily for specialized topic areas for which there is no specific course, workshop, or individual study plan, but having enough student interest to justify the formalized teaching of a course.
  • BME 69500 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering (1-3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. This course is designed primarily for specialized topic areas for which there is no specific course, workshop, or individual study plan, but having enough student interest to justify the formalized teaching of an advanced course.
  • BME 69600 Advanced Biomedical Engineering Projects (1-6 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. Individual research projects to be approved by the supervising faculty member before registering for the course. An approved written report is required.
  • BME 69700 Directed Reading in Biomedical Engineering (1-3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. Individualized reading course supervised by an appropriate faculty member. Approval for each reading course must be obtained from the department prior to registration.
  • BME 69800 Research MS Thesis (1-9 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. Research MS thesis.
  • BME 69900 Research PhD Thesis (1-9 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. Research Ph.D. Thesis.