Degree Programs
The graduate English program has been designed to prepare students for careers in the analysis and production of texts. The program covers issues and skills in reading and writing, in the richest sense of these words—in order to prepare students to address these issues and to teach these skills. Graduates of the program should be prepared for such careers as teaching writing and literature; teaching English as a second language; and writing for business, government, and other professions. In contrast to traditional M.A. programs, which place heavy emphasis on literary history, the IUPUI program focuses on the application of English studies to contemporary situations and problems.
M.A. students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B).
Course Requirements
The M.A. in English has two options: thesis and non-thesis.
Thesis Option (36 cr.)
Core courses (8 cr.)
Choose two:
- ENG-G 500: Introduction to the English Language
- ENG-W 509: Introduction to Writing and Literacy Studies
- ENG-L 506: Introduction to Methods of Criticism and Researching
Electives (24 cr.)
Choose at least six courses in consultation with a faculty advisor for a total of 24 credit hours. These 24 hours may include a third core course and up to 8 credit hours of Internship.
Thesis Credits (4 cr.)
- ENG-L 699: Thesis Credits (4 cr.)
Non-Thesis Option (40 cr.)
Core Courses (8 cr.)
Choose two:
- ENG-G 500: Introduction to the English Language
- ENG-W 509: Introduction to Writing and Literacy Studies
- ENG-L 506: Introduction to Methods of Criticism and Research
Electives (32 cr.)
Choose at least eight courses in consultation with a faculty advisor for a total of 32 credit hours. These 32 hours may include a third core course and up to 8 credit hours of Internship.
Foreign Language Requirements
There is no foreign language requirement, but M.A. students going on for the Ph.D. are encouraged to validate their reading proficiency in a foreign language according to University Graduate School standards.