IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » nursing » Graduate » Degree Programs » Master of Science in Nursing » Academic Standing


Master of Science in Nursing

Academic Standing

Good Standing

A student is in good academic standing when his or her cumulative grade point average is 3.0 or higher.

Disciplinary Probation

Disciplinary probation is administered under the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The faculty reserve the right to request the withdrawal of a student when problems related to personal integrity, health, maturity, or safety in the practice of nursing demonstrate the student’s unfitness to continue preparation for professional nursing.

Academic Probation

A student is placed on academic probation when the cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0 or if he or she earns a C+ or lower in a required course. The probationary status is removed within one semester or its equivalent (9 credit hours). Students who do not regain good academic standing after three semesters of probation will be dismissed from the program.

Maintaining Status
  • Students who do not register for a period of three consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the program.
  •  Students admitted on probation who fail to remove the conditions of admission within the time frame specified are subject to dismissal.
  • Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 throughout the duration of the program. Course grades lower than B- will constitute course failure.
  • Students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to be eligible for graduation.
  • Students who receive a failing course grade in a non-clinical course will be placed on academic probation and monitored by the MSN Curriculum and Student Affairs Committee.  The student may request an opportunity to repeat the course one time.
  • Students who receive a failing grade in a clinical course or in more than one course (clinical and/or didactic) within the same semester will be dismissed from the program.
  •  If a course must be repeated, the department may specify additional conditions relating to progression in the program until the course is successfully completed.
  • Students will remain on academic probation, even after successful completion of a repeated course, until cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 3.0.
  • Students who are on academic probation and/or has one or more course Incomplete(s) outstanding cannot enroll in further coursework unless approved by the MSN Curriculum and Student Affairs Committee.
  • Evidence of lack of progress toward the degree is described as failure to successfully attain a B– or higher in a course in which an unsatisfactory grade has been previously received. Students who do not complete all degree requirements within a six-year period following initial registration will be dismissed.