Honors Program
The SPEA Honors Program offers select students across all SPEA majors an opportunity to enrool in a challenging academic program that will enhance learning opportunities. Benefits include:
- Increased opportunities to interact with faculty members.
- Greater depth of learning in your major through additional challenges.
- Enhanced relationships with other motivated, high-achieving students.
- Enriched classroom discussions.
- Access to the IUPUI Honors College facility such as dedicated study space, computer lab, group-work rooms, interaction with other honors students, and access to the honors college advisors.
- Opportunity to pursue the Honors Minor in Leadership
- Be admitted to SPEA.
- Have 12 IUPUI GPA hours completed with at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
- Complete SPEA Honors Program application.
To successfully complete the SPEA Honors Program, a student must:
- Maintain a cumulative and term GPA or 3.3 or above.
- Maintain a 3.3 or above in honors courses.
- Complete 24 total honors credit hours (15 hours of required SPEA honors courses plus 9 hours of honors electives).
Any student who fails to maintain the GPA requirements will be put on probation status for one semester, will be required to meet with the SPEA Honors Advisor to discuss his or her standing in the program and must complete an Honors Probation Contract. If the student is unable to meet the GPA requirements in subsequent terms, he or she may be dismissed from the SPEA Honors program
Honors Courses- Complete 15 hours of SPEA Major courses for Honors credit.
- We recommend working with the SPEA Honors Advisor to plan these courses. Taking courses from full-time SPEA faculty will be preferred for Honors credit SPEA courses.
- b. SPEA classes being taken for Honors credit will include additional requirements beyond those in the regular course offering. Examples of additional requirements include (applicable paperwork must be submitted and approved prior to the experience in order to receive Honors credit):
- A major paper not required in the regular course
- Additional readings not required in the regular course
- Additional or different questions on exams; these questions may cover additional material or require mastery of material beyond the level required in the regular course
- Other additional assignments not required in the regular course
- Adding an Honors component to study abroad, service learning, senior capstone, or internship experiences
- Students in the SPEA Honors Program will be required to meet with faculty outside of regular class meetings. Such interaction could take different forms and can be arranged for individual students or groups of students. Options include in-person meetings, online interaction, telephone conference calls, etc. We would recommend at least six hours of interaction per semester (that would be half an hour per week or one hour every other week for 12 of the 15 weeks of a semester).
- To complete the program, we recommend completing 1 Honors course per semester.
- Complete 9 hours of Honors elective courses.
A student must meet with the SPEA Honors Advisor each term to complete the contract required to enroll in an honors course. Students then will submit the contract to the Honors College no later than the third week of classes, though we recommend submitting paperwork prior to the start of the semester.