IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » SPEA » Policies & Procedures » Graduate and Professional Policies


Policies & Procedures

Graduate and Professional Policies

The following academic regulations of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs are applicable to all graduate programs.

Confidentiality of Student Records  In accordance with Indiana University regulations, student records are confidential and are available to other persons only under specific conditions as outlined in university regulations.

Student Rights and Responsibility  Students are responsible for planning their own academic programs and for meeting the requirements for their degree or certificate programs. Faculty and academic advisors may assist students in meeting their responsibilities. Due process is followed in the event of disciplinary or other actions. Students should read the IUPUI Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, which can be accessed at http://life.iupui.edu/help/code.asp, to ensure they are aware of these rights and responsibilities.

Applicability of Degree and Certificate Requirements  Students may choose to complete either the specific degree and certificate requirements published in the appropriate bulletin at the time of entry into the university or those in the bulletin current at the time of graduation.

Residency Requirements-Master's and Certificate Programs  The campus at which a student completes the majority of required course work will certify and award the degree or certificate, provided the campus is authorized to grant that degree or certificate. The student must have been admitted by the SPEA campus awarding the degree or certificate.

Academic Standing  Students are considered to be in good standing during any semester in which their academic grade point average is at least 3.0 (B) both for their last semester's course work and for the cumulative average of all course work completed. Only courses with grades of C (2.0) or above may be counted toward degree requirements. However, grades below C are used in computing the cumulative grade point average, even if a course is repeated and a higher grade is earned. Certificate students who do not have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average within their first 9 credit hours will be dismissed.

Academic Probation  Students are placed on probation following a semester in which their cumulative or semester grade point average falls below 3.0. Students on probation or admitted provisionally are required to attain an average of at least 3.0 for all work completed by the end of the next semester. Failure to do so is cause for dismissal. Certificate students who do not have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average within their first 9 credit hours will be dismissed.

Dismissal  MPA and MSCJPS students who do not maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA face dismissial. Certificate students who do not have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average within their first 9 credit hours will be dismissed.  Students who are dismissed may appeal their dismissal but must sit out at least one semester before returning to the program.

Grading System  SPEA follows the official grading system of Indiana University described in the introductory section of the bulletin.

Incomplete  A grade of Incomplete must be removed within the time specified by the instructor of the course; if not, the grade automatically changes to an F one calendar year after the Incomplete was given.

Withdrawals  Students must formally withdraw from courses in the timeframe allowed by the Registrar's office. This information can be found at the Web site www.registrar.iupui.edu

Intercampus Transfer  Students enrolled in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at any campus of Indiana University may transfer to SPEA on another campus, provided they are in good standing. Communication with the appropriate campus is appropriate.

Transfer of Credit  A maximum of 9 credit hours of appropriate graduate course work with grades of B (3.0) or better may be transferred from degree programs of other academic units within Indiana University or other accredited colleges and universities and applied to SPEA master's-level degree programs. The transfer must be approved by the appropriate graduate program director.

Credit Earned in Nondegree Status  Not more than 12 hours of graduate credit completed as a nondegree student may be credited toward a SPEA graduate degree. Not more than 9 hours of SPEA graduate credit earned as a nondegree student may be credited toward SPEA certificate programs.

Course Waivers  Requests for waiver of specific courses or requirements on the basis of previous course work are to be submitted in writing to the appropriate faculty member or program director.

Program Deviations  Requests for deviation from SPEA programs or school requirements are granted only with written approval from an academic advisor and a campus or program director. Disposition by the SPEA program or campus director is final.

Minimum Credit Hours  To qualify for the M.P.A. degree, students must complete a minimum of 24 of the required 48 credit hours of graduate SPEA courses at Indiana University. Credit granted to transfer students and those exercising the mid-career option does not reduce the number of courses taken in SPEA below this 24 credit hour minimum.

Academic Integrity  Academic integrity requires that students take credit only for their own ideas and efforts. Misconduct, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, interference, or facilitating academic dishonesty, is prohibited because it undermines the bonds of trust and cooperation among members of this community and between us and those who may depend on our knowledge and integrity. Complete details are contained in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct at http://life.iupui.edu/help/code.asp.

Academic Appeals  Students may appeal academic decisions made by SPEA faculty members. Attempts to resolve such issues should be made first at the class/instructor level. If necessary, written appeals should be submitted to relevant program directors. Appeals must be submitted before the last day of classes in the semester following the point at which the events in question occurred.