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Departments & Programs

Department of Earth Sciences

Engineering, Science, and Technology Building, SL 118
723 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5132
(317) 274-7484; fax (317) 274-7966

Department Chair: Kevin Mandernack, Ph.D.

Department Advisors:

Geology is the study of the planet Earth: the materials of which it is made, the processes that act upon these materials, and the history of the planet and life forms since its origin. Geology considers the physical forces acting on the earth, the chemistry of its constituent materials, and the biology of its past inhabitants. Geology also includes the study of the interrelationships in the modern environment of humans and geological phenomena and focuses on such important concerns as how our global climate is changing and how that change will affect human activities.

The Department of Earth Sciences offers the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Geology and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees in Geology and in Environmental Science from Indiana University and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Earth Science Education from Indiana University. These programs prepare students for graduate studies and for a variety of careers with emphasis on investigation of the environment by federal and state agencies, industries, and consulting companies, or earth and space science education. The programs allow flexibility to accommodate the needs and interests of all students. Selection of a particular program should be made in consultation with a departmental advisor.

The Department of Earth Sciences offers graduate study leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees granted by Indiana University. The M.S. program in Geology offers both thesis and non-thesis options.  The Ph.D. program in Applied Earth Sciences is an interdisciplinary research training program involving students and faculty from the IUPUI Schools of Science, Liberal Arts, and Medicine.

Faculty and students of the Department of Earth Sciences are actively engaged in basic and applied research. Specific research areas include biogeochemistry, biomineralization, glacial geology, geochemistry, geomicrobiology, history of geology, hydrology, mineralogy, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, paleontology, petrology, remote sensing and planetary geology, sedimentology and soil biogeochemistry.