Departments & Programs
Department of Computer and Information Science
Minor in Computer and Information Science
The undergraduate minor in computer and information science requires at least 20 credit hours in computer science courses, including CSCI 23000, 24000, 34000, 36200, and two CSCI elective courses. Students who have requested and received approval for the waiver of CSCI 23000 must replace that course with another CSCI major course elective; for such students the minimum total computer science credit hour requirement will be relaxed to 19 credits. Course prerequisites must be fulfilled prior to enrollment in CSCI courses.
A minimum GPA of 2.50 must be maintained in these courses. At least 9 credit hours of the minor must be taken at IUPUI.
Students who wish to pursue a minor in computer and information science must consult with a department advisor, who can be reached at (317) 274-9727. They must also file a formal application online. Students should consult an advisor in the department before their final semester regarding minor completion.
Minor in Applied Computer Science
The Minor in Applied Computer Science is available to currently enrolled IUPUI undergraduate students pursuing bachelor's degrees outside computer science. The applied minor requires at least 19 credit hours in computer science courses, including CSCI-N201, CSCI-N207 or CSCI-N211, CSCI-N241, CSCI 23000, and two three-credit electives from two separate areas of computer science. Information on electives is available at Course prerequisites must be fulfilled prior to enrollment in CSCI courses.
A minimum 2.0 GPA must be maintained in these courses, a no grade below C- is allowed. Students who wish to pursue a minor in Applied Computer Science should apply online at Students should consult an advisor in the department before their final semester regarding minor completion.