IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Undergraduate » General Requirements

Undergraduate Engineering Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.), Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (B.S.B.M.E.), Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (B.S.Cmp.E.), Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.), or Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.), students must satisfy the following requirements. Requirements for graduation include receiving credit in all required courses: at least 130 credit hours in the biomedical engineering program, 125 credit hours in the computer engineering program, 124 credit hours in the electrical engineering program, 128 credit hours in energy engineering, 120 credit hours in the engineering management program, 120 credit hours in the interdisciplinary engineering program, or 128 credit hours in the mechanical engineering program.

Each student must have an approved plan of study that lists all courses for the specific degree program. Students should prepare their plans of study for approval during the junior year. If a student wants to deviate from the published curricula, written permission of the administrator of the program is required.

Additional requirements include the following:
1. Students must complete the program of study for the degree by resident course work, by examination, or by credit accepted from another institution. The dean may refuse to accept as credit toward graduation any course that was completed 10 or more years previously, and former students will be notified of all such decisions upon reentering. Substitution of courses required for graduation may be made by the dean of the school.

2. Students must complete at least two semesters of resident study at IUPUI, and they must complete at least 32 credit hours of appropriate course work, of which 12 credit hours must be completed in the major at the junior level or higher. Students are also expected to complete the senior year in residence: however, with the approval of the dean, students who have had at least four semesters of resident study may complete a maximum of 20 credit hours of the senior year in another approved college or university. For the purpose of this rule, two summer sessions are considered equivalent to one semester.

Since the Mechanical Engineering (ME) program at IUPUC is part of our IUPUI Mechanical Engineering (ME) program and all courses can be taken on the Columbus campus, the IUPUI residency requirement is fulfilled for Mechanical Engineering students who complete at least two semesters of resident study at IUPUC.  They must complete at least 32 credit hours of appropriate course work in residence, of which 12 credit hours must be completed in the major at the junior level or higher.

3. Students must be in active student status in the School of Engineering and Technology in order to have the degree awarded. 

4. Students must have an index of 2.0 in required engineering courses in addition to an overall graduation index of 2.0 for all courses on the approved plan of study. Students who have completed all other requirements for a bachelor’s degree but have failed to meet the minimum graduation index may register for additional courses, with the approval of an authorized representative of the dean, after a review of their record. The additional courses may not exceed 20 credit hours. Students may take a maximum of 9 of the 20 credit hours in another approved college or university, provided the courses are approved in advance and in writing by an authorized representative of the dean of the School of Engineering and Technology. A copy of the approval must be filed in the office of the engineering and technology recorder. Credit in these additional courses must be established within five years of the date on which all other degree requirements were met. Students will have fulfilled the requirements for graduation if graduation indexes, including extra courses, equal or exceed the minimum specified at the time when all other graduation requirements were satisfied.

5. Applicants for a second bachelor’s degree, after they are admitted to the second bachelor’s degree program, must complete at least 32 credit hours of appropriate course work, of which 12 credit hours must be completed in the major at the junior level or higher.

6. Courses taken under the Pass/Fail option and courses taken by correspondence may not be used to fulfill graduation requirements for engineering students.

Undergraduate Technology Requirements

Associate Degree
To earn an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree, students must satisfy the following requirements:
1. Students must complete the plan of study for the degree by resident course work, by examination, or by credit accepted from another institution. The dean of the school may refuse to accept as credit toward graduation any course that was completed 10 or more years previously, and former students will be notified of all such decisions upon reentering. Substitutions of courses required for graduation may be made by the dean of the School of Engineering and Technology.

2. Students must complete at least two semesters of resident study at IUPUI, and they must complete at least 15 credit hours of appropriate course work, of which 6 credit hours must be in the major.  Students seeking an associate degree in healthcare engineering technology management must complete at least 20 hours of course work in the associate degree program in order to earn the degree.  Students are generally expected to complete the entire second year in residence; however, with the approval of the dean of the school, students who have at least three semesters of resident study may complete a maximum of 16 credit hours of the second year in another approved college or university. For the purpose of this rule, two summer sessions are considered equivalent to one semester.

3. Students must be in active student status in the School of Engineering and Technology in order to have the degree awarded.

4. Students must have a minimum graduation index of 2.0. Students who have completed all other requirements for an A.S. degree but have failed to meet the minimum graduation index (the average of grades earned in courses required for a degree) may register for additional courses, with the approval of an authorized representative of the dean of the school, after a review of their record. These additional courses may not exceed 10 credit hours, and credit in these courses must be established within three years of the date on which all other degree requirements were met. Students will have fulfilled the requirements for graduation if their graduation indexes, including the extra courses, equal or exceed the minimum specified at the time when all other graduation requirements were satisfied.

5. Applicants for a second A.S. degree must complete at least 15 credit hours at IUPUI of appropriate course work after admission to the second associate degree program. At least 6 of the 15 credit hours must be completed in the major. A second associate degree may not be earned in the same program.

Bachelor’s Degree
To earn a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree, students must satisfy the following requirements.

1. Students must complete the program of study for the degree by resident course work, by examination, or by credit accepted from another institution. The dean may refuse to accept as credit toward graduation any course that was completed 10 or more years previously, and former students will be notified of all such decisions upon reentering. Substitution of courses required for graduation may be made by the dean of the school.

2. Students must complete at least two semesters of resident study at IUPUI, and they must complete at least 32 credit hours of appropriate course work, of which 12 credit hours are required to be in the major at the junior level or higher. Students are generally expected to complete the senior year in residence; however, with the approval of the dean, students who have had at least four semesters of resident study may complete a maximum of 20 credit hours of the senior year in another approved college or university. For the purpose of this rule, two summer sessions are considered equivalent to one semester.

3. Students must be in active student status in the School of Engineering and Technology in order to have the degree awarded. 

4. Students must have a minimum graduation index of 2.0. Students who have completed all other requirements for a bachelor’s degree but have failed to meet the minimum graduation index may register for additional courses, with the approval of an authorized representative of the dean, after a review of their record. The additional courses may not exceed 20 credit hours. Students may take a maximum of 9 of the 20 credit hours in another approved college or university, provided the courses are approved in advance and in writing by an authorized representative of the dean of the School of Engineering and Technology. A copy of the approval must be filed in the Office of the Recorder. Credit in these additional courses must be established within five years of the date on which all other degree requirements were met. Students will have fulfilled the requirements for graduation if graduation indexes, including extra courses, equal or exceed the minimum specified at the time when all other graduation requirements were satisfied.

5. Applicants for a second bachelor’s degree must complete at IUPUI at least 32 credit hours of appropriate course work after they are admitted to the second bachelor’s degree program. At least 12 of the 32 credit hours must be completed in the major at the junior level or higher.

Second Bachelor's Degrees
Applicants for a second bachelor's degree, whose first degree was from an institution other than IUPUI, IU or Purdue, must complete at IUPUI at least 32 credit hours of appropriate course work after they are admitted to the second bachelor's degree program.  At least 12 of the 32 credit hours must be completed in the major at the junior level or higher.

Policy for Awarding Engineering and Technology Minors

Minimum number of credits required for a minor will be consistent with campus definitions.  At least one-half of the required courses for the minor will be completed in residency at IUPUI.  For returning students, at least half of the minor coursework must be completed within the past 10 years and the student must be actively enrolled at IUPUI in order to apply for the minor.  Applications for the minor must be completed while the student is actively pursuing a bachelor's degree.  Minors are awarded at the same time as the bachelor's degree.  This policy will apply retroactively for students currently taking courses toward a minor in the School. 

Policy for Awarding Undergraduate Certificate Programs

Minimum number of credits required for a certificate will be consistent with campus definitions.  At least one-half of the required courses for the certificate will be completed in residency at IUPUI.  For returning students, at least half of the certificate coursework must be completed within the past 10 years and the student must be actively enrolled at IUPUI in order to apply for graduation for the certificate.  Applications for Graduation for a certificate must be completed while the student is in active status.  Students who have met the criteria above may complete the Application for Graduation within the same term as or one term following completion for the coursework.  In all cases, the student will be placed into graduation review for the earliest possible completion date if all certificate coursework is completed.  This policy will apply retroactively for students currently taking courses toward a certificate in the School. 

Internship and Cooperative Education Programs

Good career opportunities almost always require previous work experience. While earning a degree at the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Internship and Cooperative Education Programs provide essential opportunities to launch a career.

The lessons that students learn in classes and laboratories receive their ultimate test through the school’s cooperative education, internship, professional work experience, and international student exchange programs. The school interacts with a broad variety of area companies to provide the technical experience required to succeed in today’s globally competitive economic markets.

The Cooperative Education Program (Co-op) is a five-year professional development experience, designed to combine practical on-the-job experiences with the classroom training of a four-year college curriculum; the Internship Program allows students to work full time or part time for an employing organization while simultaneously taking courses during one semester. This internship program allows flexibility for students who wish to obtain work experience, but are not able to take a semester away from school as is required in the co-op program.

The greater metropolitan Indianapolis community offers a number of employment enrichment opportunities through extensive professional, governmental, and manufacturing resources. Our community resources provide rich, practical, well-paid professional opportunities generally unavailable at residential campuses.

After students have satisfactorily completed the first year of the academic program, they have a choice of employment programs to meet their needs.

To be eligible for one of the Internship/Cooperative Education Programs, a student must:
1.    be admitted to the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI;
2.    be enrolled in one of the academic programs offered by the school;
3.    continue in one of the school’s Bachelor of Science degree programs;
4.    have satisfactorily completed the first year of an academic program;
5.    meet and maintain minimum GPA requirements;
6.    register for the appropriate Employment Enrichment Programs course before each work period;
7.    satisfactorily complete the work period requirements;
8.    attend a co-op/internship orientation session.

During periods of professional employment, students will earn a competitive salary and might also earn academic credit toward the bachelor’s degree. The amount and distribution of credit is determined by the student’s academic department. For further information, contact the Office of Career Services, Engineering and Technology Building (ET) 101, 799 W. Michigan Street, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5160; (317) 274-2533.