- TCEM G 100 Introduction to the Tourism Industry (3 cr.)
Introduces the various components of the tourism, events, and hospitality industry. Emphasis is placed on exploring such areas as service, food and beverage operations, lodging, hospitality, events and attractions. Students are exposed to different career opportunities available within the diverse scope of the industry.
- TCEM H 191 Sanitation and Health in Food Service, Lodging and Tourism (3 cr.) The application of sanitary and public health engineering principles to food service and lodging operations.
- TCEM E 210 Special Event Management (3 cr.)
Explores in depth the planning for a myriad of social events such as themed parties, weddings, balls, fundraiser recognition and entertainment events. Experiential learning via event volunteer work is a component of this course.
- TCEM H 218 Wines of the World (3 cr.)
Discover, appreciate, and use fine wines at the personal or professional level. Wines will be explored alone and in food pairings.
- TCEM T 234 Cultural Heritage Tourism (3 cr.)
Analyzes the integration of visitor interests/needs and the protection of cultural and heritage resources. Elements examined include the various cultural and heritage assets operable as tourism attractions in addition to the link between quality cultural heritage tourism and community development. Emphasis is placed on Indiana cultural and heritage tourism.
- TCEM G 299 Special Topics in Tourism (3 cr.)
Investigates tourism trends and themes. Students will be immersed in topics via experiential learning, case study analysis, independent study, and/or service learning.
- TCEM C 301 Career and Leadership Principles (3 cr.)
Focuses on the necessary skills and tools for success in an internship setting as well as principles of career preparation including resumes and interviewing. Examines and practices principles of leadership, teamwork, problem solving, conflict resolution and ethical behavior in the context of the workplace, career development and citizenship.
- TCEM G 302 Independent Study in Tourism (3 cr.)
Industry of research project to be arranged between a student and faculty member geared to individual needs, interests, aptitudes and desired outcomes. Plans and project outcomes must be approved by an appropriate faculty.
- TCEM T 307 Tourism Marketing and Sales (3 cr.)
Expands on the process of developing marketing and sales strategies for the tourism industry. Focus includes integrated marketing and the sales process.
- TCEM H 308 Western European Wines (3 cr.)
Reach greater heights of wine comprehension by exploring the tastes and history of Western European wines.
- TCEM G 315 Economics of Tourism and Events (3 cr.)
Analyzes macro and micro economic concepts as they apply to the production, distribution, and comsumption of tourism-related goods and services. Topics include tourism demand, competition among tourism suppliers, and benefits and costs of tourism development.
- TCEM T 319 Sports Tourism Development (3 cr.)
Examines the relationship between sport and tourism phenomena with regard to community and business growth. Paradigms of experience, historical development, globalization, mobility, sustainability, culture, identity, current practices in sport tourism marketing and operations are core components of this course.
- TCEM H 318 Beer, Wine and Spirits Management (3 cr.)
Learn the business of wine, beer and spirits management and apply this knowledge to practical use in the food and beverage service and retail industries.
- TCEM H 328 Beers of the World (3 cr.)
Explore the world's great beer styles, including imports and craft beers, as well as beer flavors and off-flavors, the brewing process, ingredients, history, beer and food pairing, competitions, judging and more. Sampling and field trips will be required. Students will also be prepared to take the Certified CiceroneR exam.
- TCEM T 329 Tourism Sports Marketing (3 cr.)
Analyzes the use of marketing principles in the context of sport tourism and events.
- TCEM H 371 Convention Sales and Service (3 cr.)
Explores convention and facility sales and service. Considers meetings and events pre-planning through post event evaluation from the supplies perspective. Topics include marketing and advertising a facility property, organizing a sales staff, selling to different markets and contract/legal issues.
- TCEM E 377 Exhibit Marketing (3 cr.)
Leads students through every phase of exhibit marketing, from the initial planning stage to implementation and post-show follow-up.
- TCEM T 382 Travel Trends and Destinations (3 cr.) Develops an understanding of the patterns, principles and management of international travel to popular tourist destinations.
- TCEM H 385 Spirits of the World (3 cr.)
Examine a historical, social and business perspective of spirits, and practical experience including product and industry knowledge. Gain an appreciation of each category of spirits both on their own and when paired with food.
- TCEM E 404 Event Production (3 cr.)
Focuses on the creation, management and execution of events. Students will design an event concept and produce the event.
- TCEM C 401 TCEM Internship (3 cr.)
Provides an immersive, hands-on learning experience in the tourism industry. This independent study course offers opportunities to prepare students for a career in the industry.
- TCEM H 408 Food and Wine Pairing (3 cr.) Appreciate the subtleties, the nuaces, and sheer enjoyment of proper food and wine combinations.
- TCEM G 410 Tourism Research (3 cr.)
Examines the process of research planning and development with emphasis on goal achievement for tourism and communities. Includes the identification of tourism research problems and application of literature review, data collection, analysis techniques and interpretation.
- TCEM E 471 International Meeting Planning (3 cr.)
Explores the organization and production of international corporate business meetings, seminars, incentive trips and customer events using innovative and cost-effective programs that address changing business needs.
- TCEM G 472 Global Tourism Seminar (3 cr.)
Provides an international perspective on the key issues facing tourism in the global environment. Includes critical examination of the meaning and scope of tourism; niche tourism markets; environmental, socio-cultural and economic impacts of tourism; political role in tourism; tourism growth management; and tourism trends.
- TCEM G 499 Event Tourism Analysis (3 cr.)
Develops skills in analyzing organizational challenges, formulating and selecting alternatives, and identifying issues inherent in strategy implementation within the event tourism industry.
- TCEM E 219 Management of Sports Events (3 cr.)
Surveys sport event planning on the amateur and professional levels. Discussions and studies entail site selection, logistics, personnel, marketing, economics, and legalities of hosting an event.
- TCEM G 309 Cruise Line Management (3 cr.)
Introduces the cruise line industry and investigates the skills needed to begin a productive career in the specialized travel segment.
- TCEM G 412 Tourism Management Principles (3 cr.)
Builds upon the foundation of management through analysis and application in the tourism industry. Topics include strategic planning, risk management, international business and entrepreneurship. Students will examine principles of non-profit management, social responsibility and effective management of the workforce.
- TCEM E 477 Non Profit Meeting Management (3 cr.)
Focuses on basic aspects and skills involved in planning and managing non-profit meetings and conventions. Examines sequences of events from the conceptual state of the first meeting plan through completion of the event.
- TCEM T 483 Ecotourism (3 cr.)
Introduces students to the history, principles, marketing, planning and management of ecotourism activities and development which promotes environmental awareness and adds economic benefits.
- TCEM C 387 TCEM Internship (3 cr.)
Provides an immersive, hands-on learning experience in the tourism industry. This independent study course offers opportunities to prepare students for a career in the industry.
- TCEM E 104 Principles of Event Management (3 cr.)
Provides an introductory approach to planning and organizing events. Focus is on the operational principles of for-profit and non-profit event types, including sporting, cultural, social, and business.
- TCEM H 105 Lodging Management and Operations (3 cr.)
Explores the operations and management of lodging facilities. Topics include type of property, revenue management, and guest services focused on meeting guests' needs and maximizing occupancy. Discussion includes special forms of lodging, such as bed and breakfast facilities, vacation ownerships and resorts.
- TCEM T 107 Tourism Planning and Development (3 cr.)
Introduces students to tourism attractions and destination management organizations (DMOs). Focus will include management, marketing, and product development of DMOs including convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs) and state tourism offices.
- TCEM G 110 TCEM Learning Community (3 cr.)
Provides students with a comprehensive introduction to IUPUI. Topics will focus on skills essential for success, including resources of the university, school and department, academic planning, discipline-based learning, skill-based learning, service learning and critical reflection.
- TCEM H 205 Facilities Operations (3 cr.)
Introduces methods of managing event facilities with a focus on client services, risk management, and event planning across multiple types of venues.
- TCEM T 207 Tourism Policy and Sustainability (3 cr.)
Examines the relationships among tourism, sustainability and development. Focuses on the development of tourism policy at local, state, national and international levels. Discusses theories of development as economic, environmental and socio-cultural concepts.
- TCEM T 208 Global Tourism Geography (3 cr.)
Explores principal geographic features, population centers and attractions including travel destinations across the world.
- TCEM E 304 Mechanics of Event Planning (3 cr.)
Analyzes elements and details relating to organization and execution of events. Students practice and apply principles to a number of topics including budgeting, site selection, marketing, staffing, risk management, design and evaluation.
- TCEM H 305 Food and Beverage Operations (3 cr.)
Explores management of off-premise and on-premise food and beverage operations. Topics include menu selection, service styles, delivery outlets, safety and guest/client relations. Experiential learning activity required.
- HPER-D 421 Choreographic Performance Project (2 cr.) P: Senior dance performance majors only. Under faculty guidance, each student is responsible for initiating and developing a completed work for concert performance.
- HPER-D 212 Advanced Technique II (2 cr.) P: HPER-D 211. An extension of principles examined in HPER-D 211 through the use of longer and more complex movement sequences, with an emphasis on style and performance.
- HPER-D 351 Teaching of Modern Dance (1 cr.) P: HPER-D 221. Study of various approaches, methods and materials for teaching dance at the secondary level, including procedures for evaluation.
- HPER-D 101 Beginning Ballet (1 cr.) This course is designed for the adult learner in ballet technique. It includes barre work and center combinations that promote strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Ballet serves as a foundation for other forms of dance and enhances body posture and carriage.
- HPER-D 110 Beginning Modern Jazz Dance (1 cr.) This course is designed for the adult beginner in modern jazz dance and will be concerned with rigorously training the body in the styles of leading jazz educators. Warm-up exercises and jazz combinations will be performed, and historical, social, and ethnic dance contributions will be examined.
- HPER-D 201 Modern Dance Workshop (1 cr.) Collaboration of dance faculty in providing a wide variety of movement experiences in the areas of technique, composition, and improvisation. This course may be repeated.
- HPER-D 202 Intermediate Ballet (1 cr.) This course is a continuation of HPER-D 101 or is for the adult beginner with previous experience in ballet technique. It will cover a technical vocabulary of barre and center work to stimulate both the mind and the body.
- HPER-D 211 Advanced Technique I (2 cr.) P: HPER-E 355 or consent of instructor. Designed to allow the student to develop a higher level of technical proficiency, with an emphasis on the application and analysis of various movement principles as they relate to dance and performance.
- HPER-D 218 Modern Jazz Dance Technique (1 cr.) Instruction in jazz dance technique derived from the styles of Luigi and Gus Giordano; special emphasis on centering, precision and clarity of movement, and coordination and performance skills such as style and visual focus.
- HPER-D 221 Dance Composition I (2 cr.) P: HPER-E 255 or HPER-E 355. Through problem-solving assignments and appropriate dance composition, tools for discovering movement will be developed.
- HPER-D 332 Dance and the Allied Arts II (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Historical development of dance and related art forms, Renaissance through contemporary.
- HPER-D 441 Dance Production (2 cr.) Basic orientation to technical theatre, specifically for dance. Production methods for publicity, audio-visual materials, and make-up design. Includes presentation of an original lecture-demonstration.
- HPER-E 100 Experiences in Physical Activity (1 cr.) Any of a series of courses in new and developing fitness and activity areas.
- HPER-E 102 Group Exercise (1 cr.) A total fitness class that emphasizes cardiorespiratory conditioning, flexibility, muscular endurance, and coordination through rhythmical body movement. S/F grades.
- HPER-E 105 Badminton (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in basic skills and techniques of badminton for singles, doubles, and mixed doubles play. Emphasis on basic skill development, rules, and strategy.
- HPER-E 109 Ballroom and Social Dance (1 cr.) Instruction in the techniques of ballroom dance including fox trot, waltz, cha-cha, tango, rhumba, samba, and fad dances.
- HPER-E 111 Basketball (1 cr.) Instruction in fundamental skills of shooting, passing, ball handling, footwork, basic strategies of offensive and defensive play, and interpretation of rules.
- HPER-E 133 Fitness and Jogging (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in the basic principles of fitness as they apply to a jogging program. Emphasis on cardiorespiratory endurance and flexibility. Basic concepts underlying Dr. Kenneth Cooper's aerobic program included. Course designed for students without prior experience in jogging programs or in aerobics levels I through III.
- HPER-E 119 Personal Fitness (1 cr.) Instruction in basic principles of conditioning and fitness. Emphasis on muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance. Designed for students without prior knowledge of conditioning methods.
- HPER-E 121 Conditioning and Weight Training (1 cr.) Instruction in basic principles of conditioning and weight training. Emphasis on muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance.
- HPER-E 135 Golf (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in techniques for putting, chipping, pitching, iron swing, and wood stroke. Course includes rules and etiquette of golf. Students play on par-3 courses. Fee charged.
- HPER-E 127 Fencing (1 cr.) Instruction in guard position, footwork, and basic defensive and offensive skills. Emphasis on fencing with foil and an overview of the sabre.
- HPER-E 130 Army Physical Fitness (2 cr.) The path to total fitness requires a combination of physical conditioning, mental conditioning, and common sense dietary considerations. This course is for those willing to accept a disciplined regimen proven to lead to total fitness.
- HPER-E 131 Folk and Square Dance (1 cr.) Introduction to folk dance in the United States and other countries. Instruction in fundamentals of movement, basic folk dance techniques, and square-dance patterns in traditional and modern folk dances.
- HPER-E 148 T'ai Chi Ch'uan (1 cr.) Instruction in basic skills and techniques for beginning level participants in this non-contact martial art. Topics include breathing, centering, postures, and movement sequences.
- HPER-E 151 Self-Defense (1 cr.) Instruction techniques for practical self-defense skills and situations. No uniform required.
- HPER-E 155 Modern Dance (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in modern dance technique, stressing knowledge and application of movement principles essential to dance training.
- HPER-E 168 Swimming-Nonswimmers (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in self-rescue, remedial swimming skills, and several basic strokes. For the student with no swimming skills.
- HPER-E 181 Tennis (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in the fundamental skills of forehand and backhand strokes and serves. Competitive play in women's, men's, and mixed doubles.
- HPER-E 185 Volleyball (1 cr.) Instruction in fundamental skills of power volleyball. Emphasis on overhand serve, bump, set, dig, and spike. Team offensive and defensive strategies included.
- HPER-E 200 Military Science-Leadership Lab (1-6 cr.) P: Minimum 2.0 GPA, 54 total credits. Conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky, for six weeks, this course will cover basic military skills and leadership. Students earn 1-6 credits, based on military science basic courses previously taken. Students should not have completed military basic training or Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) basic course.
- HPER-E 219 Weight Control and Exercise (2 cr.) Designed for overweight students, this class will stress the importance of diet and exercise in permanent weight control. Uses dietary behavior modification techniques and an exercise program to achieve a gradual reduction to and maintenance of ideal weight. S/F grades.
- HPER-E 230 Advanced Army Physical Fitness (2 cr.) P: HPER-E 130 or consent of instructor. Continuing along the path to total fitness begun in HPER-E 130, this course emphasizes the leadership aspect of army physical fitness. Students will lead physical training sessions, participate in and lead formation runs, and continue the discipline regimen begun in HPER-E 130.
- HPER-E 248 Intermediate T'ai Chi Ch'uan (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 148 or consent of instructor. This intermediate course examines the everyday practice of t'ai chi ch'uan. Course presents refinement of William C. C. Chen's 60 movement form, da lu, and push-hands. Provides examples of neutralizing, throwing, striking, and strategic/philosophic concepts.
- HPER-E 260 Karate-Intermediate (1 cr.) P: Yellow belt technical level or consent of instructor. Instruction in advanced applications of basic techniques and free fighting. Students should achieve technical level of green belt. Karate uniform required.
- HPER-E 255 Modern Dance-Intermediate (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 155 or consent of instructor. Intermediate modern dance technique stressing knowledge and application of movement principles essential to dance training.
- HPER-E 268 Swimming-Intermediate (1 cr.) Instruction designed to help the less-skilled swimmer master the five basic strokes and be proficient in self-rescue and basic rescue skills.
- HPER-E 270 Introduction to Scientific Scuba (2 cr.) Introduction to scuba diving. Emphasis on safety and avoidance of potential dangers. A non-certification course.
- HPER-E 281 Tennis-Intermediate (1 cr.) Instruction in spin service, volley, lob, and advanced drive placement. Emphasis on singles and doubles playing strategies.
- HPER-E 355 Modern Dance I-Advanced (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 255 or consent of instructor. Advanced techniques in modern dance with emphasis on performance of movement patterns and individual creative work.
- HPER-E 356 Modern Dance II-Advanced (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 355. Course may be repeated. Continuation of advanced techniques in modern dance with emphasis on performance of movement patterns and on individual creative work.
- HPER-E 371 Advanced Scuba (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 370 or National Scuba Certification. Course provides students with practical knowledge in advanced scuba. Topics include natural and compass navigation, search and recovery, night or limited visibility, and specialty/deep-diving knowledge.
- HPER-E 477 Water Safety Instructor (2 cr.) Instruction prepares students to teach American Red Cross swimming and water safety courses to infants/parents, preschoolers/parents, youths and adults. Includes safety course for swim coaches. Students meeting written and skill criteria earn American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor certificate.
- HPER-E 137 Gymnastics (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in basic skills and incorporation of basic routines in trampoline, tumbling and vaulting. Emphasis on events performed by both men and women. All events will be included.
- HPER-E 205 Badminton-Intermediate (1 cr.) Intermediate instruction in skills and techniques of badminton for singles, doubles and mixed doubles play. Emphasis on development of skills and strategy.
- HPER-E 227 Intermediate Fencing (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 127 or permission of instructor. Builds upon basic knowledge of fencing. Instruction of advanced skills and new techniques with an emphasis on the tactical aspect of fencing at a competitive level.
- HPER-E 290 Yoga II (1 cr.) P: HPER-E 190 or equivalent. Intermediate yoga builds upon material presented in HPER-E 190 Beginning Yoga. The class will continue an emphasis on breath and release work through yoga, including variations on familiar asanas, continued explorations of the body systems, and deeper understanding of the health benefits of this practice. The energizing and strengthening value of standing poses will also be featured. Grading is based on attendance, effort and the completion of out-of-class written assignments.
- FN 30300 Essentials of Nutrition (3 cr.) Basic nutrition and its application in meeting nutritional needs of all ages. Consideration is given to food selection, legislation, and community nutrition education programs.
- FN 31500 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 101 or BIOL-N 217 or consent of instructor. Basic principles of nutrition and their application in meeting nutritional needs during the life cycle.
- FN 33000 Diet Selection and Planning (3 cr.)
Diet selection for health maintenance in culturally diverse populations based on current dietary guides with utilization of the computer for diet evaluation.
- FN 31300 Principles of Healthy Menu Planning and Food Programs (3 cr.) Basic nutrition as applied to food intake patterns and modifications/preparation of recipes to provide a more healthful diet.
- HPER-A 642 Internship in Athletics (1-4 cr.) Credit for practical learning experiences as well as quality career-related work experiences.
- HPER-H 510 Organization and Administration of School Health Programs (3 cr.) Recommends criteria for the organization, implementation, and evaluation of health education programs in schools. Covers the areas of administration, health instruction, health services, and a healthful school environment. Discusses special roles and responsibilities of teachers, nurses, administrators, and other school and community personnel in promoting child health.
- HPER-H 517 Workshop in Health Education (1-3 cr.) Interesting topics of relevance to individuals in school, public health and related disciplines. Conducted in workshop fashion under the direction of faculty members. Emphasizes practical application, group involvement, and the use of resource personnel. Specific topics vary; course may be repeated for credit.
- HPER-K 525 Psychological Foundations of Exercise and Sport (3 cr.) Addresses theoretical and empirical aspects of topics including exercise and mental health, anxiety and sport performance, "personology" and sport, overtraining, exercise adherence, and perceived exertion.
- HPER-K 530 Mechanical Analysis of Human Performance (3 cr.) P: ANAT-A 215 or equivalent; PHYS-P 201 recommended. Newtonian mechanics applied to human movement. Analysis of sports techniques.
- HPER-K 535 Physiological Basis of Human Performance (3 cr.) P: PHYS-P 215 or equivalent. A study of physiological changes that occur with exercise. Emphasis on cardiorespiratory, muscular, and biochemical adaptations to training, and how these adaptations affect human performance. Physiological principles are applied to athletic training, adult fitness, weight regulation, and physical therapy.
- HPER-K 541 Nature and Basis of Motor Skills (3 cr.) An overview of neural mechanisms underlying motor control. Application of neurophysiological principles to human motor performance.
- HPER-K 552 Problems in Adapted Physical Education (3 cr.) A study of problems as they relate to philosophy, procedures, and practices in adapted physical education.
- HPER-K 571 Administration of Physical Education (3 cr.) Prepares individuals to assume administrative roles in physical education. Concepts and practices related to the administration of physical education. Procedures for developing and evaluating learning experiences. Aspects of administration pertaining to programming, personnel, facilities, equipment, supplies, safety, and in-service programs.
- HPER-K 572 The Physical Education Curriculum (3 cr.) Influences on curricula. Designs for developing, revising, and evaluating physical education curricula. Alternative modes of curriculum organization. The interdependence of general education, specialized education, exploratory education, and enrichment education. The roles of teachers and administrators in the production of curricula. Suggested formats.
- HPER-K 601 Readings in Kinesiology (1-3 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. Guided readings for broadening information about and understanding of the profession.
- HPER-K 602 Independent Study and Research (1-5 cr.) P: Graduate GPA of at least 3.0. Independent research conducted under the guidance of a graduate faculty member.
- HPER-K 553 Physical Activity and Health (3 cr.) Provides an overview of the role of physical activity in the prevention of disease and disability. Explores the health-related consequences of inactivity and discusses interventions designed to increase physical activity within populations. The course will focus on obesity and it's health-related consequences.
- HPER-T 590 Introduction to Research in Health, Kinesiology and Recreation (3 cr.) The course objectives are: 1) to introduce graduate students to the use of research as the basis for generating knowledge in areas related to health, kinesiology and recreation; 2) to introduce students to the importance of research and to give students practice with tools and tasks of research; 3) to introduce students to quantitative and qualitative research methodologies; 4) to assist students in the development of skills in reading, conducting and understanding research; and 5) to assist students in the development of an understanding of the conceptual foundations of research from which they will be able to: a) critically review and evaluate research, and b) pursue greater understanding of more technical aspects of research through advanced course work in research methodology and statistics.
- HPER-K 506 Computer Applications in Physical Education (3 cr.) Hands-on applications in the use of microcomputers as problem-solving tools in physical education. Programming applications and problems in physical education, sport sciences, administration, athletics and research.
- HPER-K 511 Legal Issues in the Sport Environment (3 cr.) An introduction to legal principles involved in amateur sport. Constitutional law issues such as athletic eligibility, NCAA due process, gender discrimination and drug testing. In-depth explanation of tort liability. Contracts in amateur sport settings.
- HPER-K 532 Clinical Biomechanics-Gait (3 cr.) Injury and pathology of the human locomotive system affects our well-being and independence. Lectures, discussions and laboratory work on the mechanics of human locomotion will focus on the understanding of the complex processes involved in able-bodied and pathological gaits. Case studies are used to link observable/measurable behavior to pathology and injury.
- HPER-K 533 Advanced Theories of High-Level Performance (3 cr.) An integrative analysis of the physiological, psychological and biomechanical principles, mechanisms and phenomena underlying the acquisition of the capacities and abilities required for high-level physical performance.
- HPER-K 542 Neuromuscular Control of Movement (3 cr.) An overview of neural mechanisms underlying motor control. Includes applications of neurophysiological principles to human motor performance.
- HPER-K 562 Exercise Prescription in Health and Disease I (3 cr.) Health fitness laboratory evaluation for exercise prescription for apparently healthy adults. Modification of prescription for metabolic and immune diseases. Topics include disease etiology, pathophysiology, exercise intervention, clinical management and exercise prescription for hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, stage renal disease, cancer, AIDS and organ transplantation.
- HPER-K 563 Cardiac Assessment in Exercise Testing (3 cr.) Physiology, assessment techniques and interpretation of basic cardiac rhythm, 12 lead EKG and adjunctive imaging techniques in clinical exercise testing. Introduction to basic cardiac pharmacology.
- HPER-K 576 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education (3 cr.) Theory of measurement in physical education, selection and administration of appropriate tests, and interpretation of results by statistical procedures. Project required to apply theory taught.
- HPER-T 591 Interpretation of Data in Health, Kinesiology and Recreation (3 cr.) Elementary and essential statistical and graphical techniques for analysis and interpretation of data; practice with actual data.
- HPER-K 510 Administrative Theory of Competitive Sport Programs (3 cr.)
Organization of high school athletics with reference to national, state, and local control. Staff, program, budget, health and safety, facilities, and other phases of administration.
- HPER-P 527 Childhood Motor Development (3 cr.)
Study of the developmental aspects of human performance, including the processes of growth and motor development from conception to adolescence. Emphasizes research on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development and their impact on the motor behavior of children.
- HPER-P 560 Corporate Fitness and Wellness (3 cr.)
An overview of preventive and rehabilitative exercise programs, including: 1) types of programs; 2) scope and philosophies of programs; 3) program offerings. An introduction to: 1) health/fitness evaluation, 2) exercise prescription, and 3) exercise leadership.
- TCEM 500 Foundations of Event Tourism (3 cr.) This course will serve as a forum for the discussion of today's tourism, including tourism trends, tourism impact, tourism policy issues, examination of the role of the tourist, the tourism manager and the host community, etc. Delivery will be through a series of structured lectures, seminars, directed activities and a research project. This will include analyses of case studies, discussions, slide shows, DVD/videos, guided readings and individual/group research projects.
- TCEM 519 Sports Tourism Management (3 cr.) This course analyzes the interconnectedness of sport and tourism from behavioral, historical, economic, management, marketing, environmental and policy perspectives. Issues and trends in the sport and tourism industry are also investigated.
- TCEM 534 Cultural Tourism Management (3 cr.) The course investigates the relationship between culture and tourism, by examining the socio-cultural complexities of cultural heritage tourism. Issues and trends in the management of tangible and intangible assets, such as interpretation, globalization, cross-cultural values, impacts of development, sustainable tourism, etc., are also investigated.
- TCEM 531 Event Tourism Marketing (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to help you gain advanced marketing concepts and learn the process of formulating and managing marketing strategy for event tourism. After taking this class, you should be able to: 1) identify aspects of event tourism marketing, 2) review and critically assess different marketing theories and practices in event tourism, and 3) conduct methodological sound marketing research of your own.
- TCEM 562 Economics of Event Tourism (3 cr.) P: Undergraduate Micro-Economics. The course examines the fundamental economic principles as they apply to the leisure and tourism industry. The economic complexities of the tourism product, including travel behavior, tourism spending, demand and supply of tourism services, costs and benefits of tourism events, tourism development by governments, etc., will be investigated. Trends in travel and tourism, and related socio-economic impacts are examined.
- TCEM 571 Strategic Meeting Management (3 cr.)
This graduate seminar is designed to address contemporary issues facing business professionals in the meeting and event industry. The course will evaluate high-level strategies that address a coordinated approach to planning and evaluating meetings.
- MIL-G 120 Leadership Lab I (1 cr.) Must be enrolled in an Army ROTC class. Different roles assigned based on level in the program. Learn and practice basic soldiering skills. Build self-confidence, team building and leadership skills that can be applied throughout life. Course meets on most Fridays throughout the semester. Students desiring credit for this course must formally enroll and pay for the course.
- MIL-G 121 Leadership Lab II (1 cr.) Must be enrolled in an Army ROTC class. Different roles assigned based on level in the program. Learn and practice basic soldiering skills. Build self-confidence, team building and leadership skills that can be applied throughout life. Course meets on most Fridays throughout the semester. Students desiring credit for this course must formally enroll and pay for the course.
- MIL-G 301 Adaptive Team Leadership (3 cr.) This course challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with the demands of the ROTC Leader Development Assessment Course. Challenging scenarios related to small-unit tactical operations are used to develop self-awareness and critical thinking skills. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership abilities. Periodic weekend and Friday leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are mandatory course requirements.
- MIL-G 302 Leadership Under Fire (3 cr.) This course uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading small units. Skills in decision-making, persuading, and motivating team members when "under fire" are explored, evaluated, and developed. Aspects of military operations are reviewed as means of preparing for the ROTC Leader Development Assessment Course. Periodic weekend and Friday leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are mandatory course requirements.
- MIL-G 401 Developing Adaptive Leaders (3 cr.) This course develops cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing leadership performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets are given situational opportunities to assess risk, make ethical decisions, and provide coaching to fellow ROTC cadets. Periodic weekend and Friday leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are mandatory course requirements.
- MIL-G 402 Leadership in a Complex World (3 cr.) This course explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations. Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. Aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support are examined and evaluated. Periodic weekend and Friday leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are mandatory course requirements.
- HPER-E 130 Army Physical Fitness (2 cr.) Open to all students at IUPUI who are physically able to participate in a fitness class, regardless of whether they are in another military science class. The course emphasizes the development of an individual fitness program and the role of exercise and fitness in one's life. Basic Course and Advanced Course cadets attend sessions for no credit without formally enrolling, in accordance with the Professor of Military Science's Physical Fitness Memorandum. If cadets desire credit for this course, they must formally enroll and pay for the course.
- HPER-E 230 Advanced Army Physical Fitness (2 cr.) Open to all students at IUPUI who are physically able to participate in a fitness class, regardless of whether they are in another military science class. The course emphasizes the development of an individual fitness program and the role of exercise and fitness in one's life. Basic Course and Advanced Course cadets attend sessions for no credit without formally enrolling, in accordance with the Professor of Military Science's Physical Fitness Memorandum. If cadets desire credit for this course, they must formally enroll and pay for the course.
- MIL-G 102 Foundations in Leadership (1 cr.) This course provides an overview of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback and using effective writing skills. Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills and actions in the context of practical, hands-on and interactive exercises. Leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are optional, but available to those looking for more out of their college experience.
- MIL-G 201 Innovative Tactical Leadership (2 cr.) This course explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by studying historical case studies and engaging in interactive student exercise. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing and assessing team exercises. Leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are optional, but available to those looking for more out of their college experience.
- MIL-G 202 Leadership in Changing Environments (2 cr.) This course examines the challenges of leading in complex contemporary operational environments. Dimensions of the cross-cultural challenges of leadership in a constantly changing world are highlighted and applied to practical Army leadership tasks and situations. Leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are optional, but available to those looking for more out of their college experience.
- MIL-G 101 Leadership and Personal Development (1 cr.) Introduces cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, goal-setting, time management, physical fitness and stress management relate to leadership, officership and the Army profession. The focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army leader attributes and core leader competencies while gaining a big picture understanding of ROTC, its purpose in the Army and its advantages for the student.
- MIL-G 303 Adaptive Team Leadership (3 cr.) This course challenges cadets to study, practice and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities.
- MIL-G 403 Developing Adaptive Leaders (3 cr.) This course transitions the focus of student learning from being trained, mentored and evaluated as an MSL III Cadet, to learning how to train, mentor and evaluate underclass cadets. MSL IV Cadets will learn the duties and responsibilities of an Army staff officer and apply the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP), the Army Writing Style and the Army's Training Management and METL Development processes during weekly Training Meetings to plan, execute and assess battalion training events. Cadets will learn how to safely conduct this training by understanding and employing the Composite Risk Management Process. MSL IV Cadets will learn how to use the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF) program to reduce and manage stress.
- MIL-G 404 Leadership in a Complex World (3 cr.) This course explores the dynamics of leading soldiers in Full Spectrum Operations in the Operating Environment (OE). Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, principles of war and rules of engagement in the face of terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield and host nation support and explore counterinsurgency operations. Cadets will learn what support services are available to assist soldiers and their families in times of need, such as: Red Cross, CFC, AER, etc. MSL IV's will develop and present a battle analysis and participate in a staff ride at an historic military site.
- HPER-A 361 Coaching of Football (2 cr.) Fundamentals of offensive and defensive line and backfield play; technique of forward passing; outstanding rules; offensive plays; most frequently used defenses.
- HPER-A 362 Coaching of Basketball (2 cr.) Fundamentals of basket shooting, passing, ball handling and footwork; patterns against man-to-man defense, zone defense, and zone pressure defense-full court and half court. Strategy of playing regular season and tournament play. Psychology of coaching.
- HPER-A 363 Coaching of Baseball (2 cr.) Fundamentals of pitching, catching, batting, base running, infield and outfield plan; offensive and defensive strategy; organization and management.
- HPER-A 484 Interscholastic Athletic Programs (2 cr.) An overview of the operation of athletic programs for men and women on national and state levels. Policies and procedures as they pertain to budget, facilities, eligibility, contest regulations, safety, and current trends.
- HPER-F 255 Human Sexuality (3 cr.) Survey of the dynamics of human sexuality; identification and examination of basic issues in human sexuality as they relate to the larger society.
- HPER-F 258 Marriage and Family Interaction (3 cr.) Basic personal and social factors that influence the achievement of satisfying marriage and family experiences.
- HPER-H 160 First Aid and Emergency Care (3 cr.) Lecture and demonstration of first-aid measures for wounds, hemorrhage, burns, exposure, sprains, dislocations, fractures, unconscious conditions, suffocation, drowning, and poisons, with skill training in all procedures.
- HPER-H 180 Stress Prevention and Management (3 cr.) Comprehensive course on stress management. Intended for college students from all fields of study. Applies several stress management techniques including time management, deep breathing, progressive muscular relaxation, yoga, and study skills. To benefit most from class, students must practice stress reduction techniques outside of class.
- HPER-H 195 Principles and Applications of Lifestyle Wellness (3 cr.) This course will increase an awareness of and provide instruction pertaining to wellness, and will assist the student in making healthy lifestyle choices. The course supports an emphasis on measurable parameters within the physical dimension of wellness and incorporates the remaining dimensions of emotional, intellectual, occupational, social, and spiritual wellness.
- HPER-H 305 Women's Health (3 cr.) Examines the relationship of women to health and health care. Five dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual provide a framework for comparison and contrast of health concerns unique to women and common to both sexes at all ages.
- HPER-H 318 Drug Use in American Society (3 cr.) An interdisciplinary approach to the study of drug use in American society. The course will examine the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs on the physical, mental, and social health of the individual.
- HPER-H 363 Personal Health (3 cr.) Acquaints prospective teachers with basic personal health information and provides motivation for intelligent self-direction of health behavior with emphasis on responsibilities as citizens and as teachers. Study of physiological and psychological bases for health, drugs and other critical issues, and family health.
- HPER-H 464 Coordinated School Health Programs (3 cr.) P: Junior (56-85 cr.) or Senior (86+ cr.) status. Organization of total health program involving health service, healthful school living and health instruction. Content and materials suitable for a high school health course stressed. Introduction to public health, functions of voluntary and official agencies, and textbook evaluation.
- HPER-H 465 Community Health Education (3 cr.) Addresses the place of the teacher in community health education programs. Considers the need to program, various media and methods that may be employed, and the place of existing agencies in the program.
- HPER-N 220 Nutrition for Health (3 cr.) Basic principles of nutrition, with emphasis on identification, functions, and food sources of nutrients required by individuals for optimum health and development.
- HPER-P 195 History and Principles of Physical Education (3 cr.) Understanding and interpretation of principles of modern physical education programs. Contributions of historical programs related to development of present-day programs.
- HPER-P 540 Recreational Sports Programming Administration (3 cr.) The study of recreational sports (informal/intramural/extramural/club sports) relevant to historical developments, philosophical foundations, programming implications, administrative considerations, and creative activity.
- HPER-P 499 Research in Physical Education and Athletics (1-3 cr.) This course is open to junior majors or minors in physical education.
- HPER-P 495 Laboratory Teaching in Physical Education Program (1 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Pre-practice teaching experience. Students assist and help teach activities in the Physical Education program. Student must have had a course in the teaching of chosen activity before they are allowed to enroll.
- HPER-P 497 Organizational and Curricular Structures of Physical Education K-12 (2 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Techniques in organization and development of all-grade curriculum in physical education. Development and implementation of extracurricular activities.
- HPER-R 275 Dynamics of Camp Leadership (2 cr.) Role of counselors in relation to objectives, organization, guidance, leadership skills, and program resources in organized camps.
- HPER-P 493 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Theory of measurement in physical education, along with selection and administration of appropriate tests, and interpretation of their results by fundamental statistical procedures.
- HPER-P 258 Performance and Teaching of Activities for Persons with Special Needs (1 cr.) Theory, activity modifications and practice teaching of activities for persons with disabilities (K-12).
- HPER-P 498 Practicum in Physical Education and Athletics (1-3 cr.) A practical learning experience in teaching and/or coaching under the guidance of faculty and supervisor. S/F grades.
- HPER-P 200 Microcomputer Applications in Kinesiology (3 cr.) A hands-on introduction to the use of microcomputers as problem-solving tools in physical education. Application programs in word processing, spreadsheets, data management, and graphics applied to specific problems in physical education, athletics, and sports.
- HPER-P 204 Motor Development (3 cr.) Motor learning and development principles throughout the life span. Emphasis on observing and analyzing characteristic movement behavior, motor learning, and motor performance, with application to developmentally appropriate movement experiences.
- HPER-P 205 Structural Kinesiology (3 cr.) Overview of basic human body structures and functions appropriate for beginning students in physical education. Fundamental concepts concerning the interaction of biological and mechanical aspects of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular structures. Emphasis on the practical application to study and the teaching of skilled human movement.
- HPER-P 212 Introduction to Exercise Science (3 cr.) An introduction to the science of exercise and human movement. Special topics in exercise physiology, sport biomechanics, sports medicine, and motor integration.
- HPER-P 271 Individual Sport (1 cr.) Teaching of and participation in sports activities, some of which are not included in other skills courses in the curriculum. Includes badminton, bowling, archery, and golf.
- HPER-P 215 Principles and Practice of Exercise Science (3 cr.) A study of the scientific principles related to physical fitness and the practical application of principles to directing fitness programming in school, recreational, and corporate settings. Students will be involved in setting up, participating in, and evaluating personal fitness activities.
- HPER-P 224 Teaching of Dance Activities (2 cr.) Methods and materials of folk, square, social, and modern dance. Terminology, fundamental skills, selection, and presentation of dances. Emphasis on planning dance units and teaching of dances. Fundamentals of locomotor and non-locomotor skills, as well as experiences in creative movement activities. Instruction in rhythmic movement progressions and development of materials for unit plans.
- HPER-P 280 Basic Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (2 cr.) An introduction to the principles of injury prevention. Lecture and demonstration of emergency measures (e.g., fractures, sprains, dislocations and spinal injuries). Skill training in bandaging, strapping and splinting techniques emphasized.
- HPER-P 290 Movement Experiences for Preschool and Elementary Children (3 cr.) Provides the student with knowledge of potential outcomes of preschool and elementary school motor development programs, of how to implement such programs, and of appropriate movement experiences for young children. Also provides the student with opportunities for observing and teaching young children in a structured gymnasium setting.
- HPER-P 324 Recreational Sports Programming (3 cr.) Course provides an overview of the programmatic elements and techniques that currently exist in recreational sports. Specific topics include informal, intramural, club, and extramural programming; value of recreational sports; programming techniques; publicity and promotion; facility utilization; equipment concerns; safety; liability; and program observation.
- HPER-P 331 Planning and Operation of Sport Facilities (3 cr.) Introduction to the various methods of planning and operating sport facilities.
- HPER-P 333 Sport in America-Historical Perspectives (3 cr.) Study of the evolution of sport in the United States within the larger context of historical developments in society; women's sport experiences in relation to the development of sport; and examination of sport as a reflection of American culture from the founding of the colonies to the present.
- HPER-P 373 Resistance Exercise and Sports Conditioning (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. This course focuses on progressive resistance exercise and its application in physical conditioning for the competitive athlete, the fitness enthusiast and various special populations. Topics covered include: basic muscle physiology, kinesiology, musculoskeletal adaptation to resistance exercise, modes of training, muscle-specific exercises and exercise technique.
- HPER-P 374 Basic Electrocardiography for the Exercise Sciences (2 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Introduction to the basic concepts, theory, interpretation of electrocardiograms (ECG/EKG), their uses in fitness programs that deal with healthy people and with cardiac rehabilitation patients.
- HPER-P 390 Growth and Motor Performance of School-Age Youth K-12 (2 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. A study of growth and developmental characteristics of school-age youth. Emphasis is placed on motor development, performance, and the relationship to cognitive and affective behavior. Supervised teaching experiences are an integral part of the course.
- HPER-P 391 Biomechanics (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. An introduction to the mechanics of human motion. Includes linear and angular kinematics and kinetics in the context of human motion; mechanics of fluids; mechanics of muscles; and analysis of selected sports activities.
- HPER-P 392 Sport in American Society (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. An introduction to sport sociology, in which students critically examine American sport from a social context and analyze the interrelationship between sport and American culture. Lectures, discussions, videos, guest speakers, and investigative analysis.
- HPER-P 393 Professional Practice Programs in Health, Physical Education and Recreation (3-10 cr.) P: At least sophomore standing, and approval of the instructor and the Office of Professional Practice Programs. This course is designed to provide the student with quality career-related work experience. Evaluation by employer and faculty sponsor.
- HPER-P 398 Adapted Physical Education (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Study of conditions that require physical education programs to be adapted to special needs of individuals, including analysis of normal and faulty postures. Principles and practices in application of exercises and activities for specific handicap conditions.
- HPER-P 399 Practicum in Adapted Physical Education (1-2 cr.) P: HPER-P 398. A practical learning experience in adapted physical education with children with disabilities. Course may be repeated.
- HPER-P 402 Ethics in Sport (3 cr.) A study of the nature of ethics in sport with an emphasis on current application of moral principles and values. The relationship of ethics to social issues in sport will be explored, including philosophical and historical perspectives.
- HPER-P 403 Theory and Practice of Cardiovascular Fitness (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. This course focuses on principles and processes of designing, organizing, and teaching a variety of rhythmic aerobic training forms. Topics covered include a review of basic exercise and rhythmic movement principles, how they are used to create modes of rhythmic aerobic training used in group and individual exercise programs.
- HPER-P 405 Introduction to Sport Psychology (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. An overview of the field, including psychological aspects of sport performance, coaching and the relationship of exercise with mental health. Various theoretical orientations will be addressed with an emphasis on empirical research.
- HPER-P 409 Basic Physiology of Exercise (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. A survey of human physiology parameters as related to physical exercise, work and the development of physiological fitness factors. Physiological foundations will be considered.
- HPER-P 410 Physical Activity Programming for Individuals with Disabilities and Other Special Populations (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Course focuses on the provision of physical activity programs in community settings for individuals with special needs. Topics include: laws relating to service delivery, conditions which may lead to impairment of ability to participate in physical activity, facility and equipment accessibility, activity modifications, contraindications to activity, and organized disabled sport.
- HPER-P 411 Legal Issues in Sport Settings (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. An introduction to legal principles involved in sport. Tort liability, including intentional tort, negligence, and product liability. Covers constitutional law issues, particularly as they relate to athletic eligibility, athletes' rights, sex discrimination, and drug testing. Discussion of sport contracts.
- HPER-P 419 Fitness Testing and Interpretation (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Provides a knowledge base and practical experiences in fitness testing, assessment, and exercise programming.
- HPER-P 421 Special Topics in Physical Education (1-3 cr.) An in-depth study of a selected topic from the many areas that have contributed to the development of physical education in today's world. Topics will vary. Directed to upper-level students with a special interest in the topic presented.
- HPER-P 443 Internship in Physical Education (3 cr.) The penultimate capstone activity for the refinement of knowledge, skills, and program development for exercise science students.
- HPER-P 452 Motor Learning (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. An examination of factors that affect the acquisition and performance of motor skills. Topics include perception, psychomotor learning, practice methods, and theories of neuromuscular integration.
- HPER-R 423 Visitor Behavior (3 cr.) Examines the theory and findings of visitor and tourism research as it is conducted in such recreation and leisure settings as parks, museums, towns, historic sites, sporting facilities, and resorts. Topics include visitor motivations, expectations, social interactions, and assessment. Students will learn nine techniques for gathering information from and about visitors.
- HPER-R 470 Professional Field Experience in Recreation (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Practical/applied field work in a Physical Education setting.
- HPER-R 474 Camping Leadership II (2 cr.) Advanced camping with an emphasis on practical experience in a camp setting.
- HPER-C 366 Community Health (3 cr.) Introduction to community health within the public health context. Students will develop an understanding of historical and theoretical foundations of community health and major societal health concerns, explore community health models and programs used to address these concerns, and examine racial/ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic and related determinants of community health.
- HPER-H 352 Secondary School Health Curriculum and Strategies (3 cr.) P: Admission to the School of Education Teacher Education Program and HPER-H 205 with grade of S; Junior (56-85 cr.) or Senior (86+ cr.) status. Professional competencies for planning and implementing secondary school curricula based on assessed needs. Effective curriculum characteristics, content standards, instructional strategies, curriculum analysis, lesson and unit structures. Preparation of lesson and unit plans.
- HPER-L 135 Learning Community: Physical Education-Exercise Science (1 cr.) Focuses on your personal development specifically as it relates to self-discovery, health and fitness, and school/life balance. Our enthusiastic instructional team will help you polish your strategies for academic and personal success and introduce you to the campus resources that will support you throughout your college career while you get to know your new colleagues in all four courses. Classes will be activity-centered and include numerous opportunities for fun and interesting campus and community engagement. Fit 'n' Healthy will culminate in a Personal Development Plan (PDP) that will help with goal-setting and steer you on the path to your college degree.
- HPER-P 157 Teaching Individual and Team Activities (3 cr.) This course is designed to provide physical education teacher education (PETE) majors with performance and teaching competencies in a variety of individual and team activities across grades P-12. There will be an emphasis on instruction and practice in using professional literature (online and in-print) as the basis for teaching decisions. Students will participate in the teaching of peers at IUPUI and settings both in and outside of class teaching middle and high school students.
- HPER-P 211 Introduction to Sports Management (3 cr.) An examination of the broad spectrum of career opportunities available in the sport management profession. Special emphasis on career planning, sport management terminology and an overview of specific skills and courses required for professional preparation in sport management.
- HPER-P 246 Performance and Teaching of Cardio and Resistance Training (3 cr.) This course will focus on teaching cardiovascular fitness and resistance training activities in health and fitness settings. These concepts will be covered: basic muscle anatomy, safety and etiquette, proper techniques, equipment options, aerobic fitness, exercise prescription, basic training principles and lifetime fitness activities (youth through older adults). Emphasis on design, planning and teaching of these activities.
- HPER-P 397 Kinesiology (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Application of facts and principles of anatomy, physiology and mechanics to problems of teaching physical education skills and activities of daily living.
- HPER-P 415 Sport Promotions and Public Relations (3 cr.) An introduction to the theories and techniques of sport promotions, public relations and fundraising.
- HPER-P 416 Fitness Management (3 cr.) This course brings business management principles and operational guidelines to the fitness practitioner. Topics include facility management, organizational program operation, member service, health and safety facility standards, finance maintenance, evaluation and planning processes, strategic planning and facility design.
- HPER-P 418 Sports Marketing (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Examination of the elements of the marketing mix as they pertain to the sport enterprise. Also includes the coverage of decision making and planning from the sport manager's perspective and the impact of corporate sponsorship on the delivery of sport.
- HPER-P 426 Sales Management in Sports (3 cr.) The application of sales strategies to the sport industry.
- HPER-R 324 Recreational Sports Programming (3 cr.) P: Junior (56-85 cr.) or Senior (86+ cr.) status. Overview of programmatic elements and techniques in recreational sports. Topics include informal, intramural, club, extramural and instructional sports programming; values of recreational sports; terminology and career opportunities in various recreational sport settings.
- HPER-C 416 Introduction to Health Counseling (3 cr.) P: PSY-B 110 or equivalent. Reviews recent developments in mental health; implications for public health and school health programs; and roles of health educators in supportive listening, crisis intervention, and appropriate counseling and referral strategies for contemporary health issues.
- HPER-P 417 Physical Activity and Disease: Prevention and Treatment (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Provides an overview of the role of physical activity in the prevention of disease and disability. The cause of common diseases, physiological impact and treatment side effects of common diseases will be discussed to enable effective exercise prescription within special populations.
- HPER-P 420 Exercise Leadership and Program Design (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. The course is designed to be a culminating experience for the fitness specialist student to demonstrate practical application of the theory, techniques and skills of safe, effective, efficient exercise leadership and program design in a variety of supervised settings with both apparently healthy and special populations. This course serves as a foundation for becoming a qualified candidate for the AGSM Health, Fitness Instructor national certification.
- HPER-P 423 Financial Principles in Sport (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. An introduction to the basic financial and managerial accounting concepts necessary to be financially literate in the sport business industry. Examination of the various means for financing sport organizations.
- HPER-P 432 Sports Marketing Consulting Project (3 cr.) P: Visit for most updated information. Challenges senior-level students to apply what they have learned to address a problem or situation presented by a sport organization. Students will follow a multiple step process to identify project objectives, collect and analyze data relevant to the problem or situation, and offer strategic recommendations that address the problem or are relevant to the situation.
- HPER-P 216 Current Concepts and Applications in Physical Fitness (3 cr.)
Introduction to physical fitness and the role of exercise in health and wellness. Understanding the concepts, principles, and guidelines for fitness exercise and related activities. Use of physical fitness assessment data to plan and carry out a personal fitness program.
- HPER-P 435 Philosophical Foundations of Coaching (3 cr.) A philosophical approach to coaching for various sports. Topics include, but are not limited to different coaching styles and strategies, growth and development characteristics, legal issues and liability, pedagogical considerations, coaching relationships, and other issues and problems related to sport.