Anthropology & Health
Students who are candidates for the Ph.D. degree in other program or departments may obtain a minor in Anthropology at IUPUI. The intent of the mnor is to develop interdisciplinary skills, exposing students to theories and methods outside of their major department. The Ph.D. minor in Anthropology has an unstructured curriculum that can provide students with a foundation in basic areas in Anthropology and the opportunity to study advanced anthropological theory and research methods.
Requirements for the Ph.D. minor in Anthropology consists of completing 12 credit hours including:
- ANTH E501 Fundementals of Applied Anthropology
- An additional three courses at the 500 level or above
- An average grade of B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or above in all courses.
- All of these courses must be taken in the Anthropology Deprtment on the IUPUI campus.
Students wanting a minor in Anthropology should initially meet with an advisor in their home department and shoudl then contact the Director of Gradate Studies in Anthropology. For more information, please visit our departmental web page.