Occupational Therapy
- SHRS-T 720 Professional Doctoral Seminar I (1 cr.) First of a series of three doctoral seminars during which students articulate their educational goals and monitor their progress toward reaching those goals. The first course in this series will help students identify their strengths and challenges related to their educational, professional, and practice goals. In this course students will plan coursework to meet their goals.
- SHRS-T 725 Professional Doctoral Seminar II (1 cr.)
Second in a series of three seminars in which students monitor their educational goals in relationship to the program courses. In this seminar students have the opportunity to adapt the remaining coursework of the program to support their goals. Students update their ePortfolio (or other approved document) to document their progress toward meeting their educational, professional, and clinical goals.
- SHRS-T 750 Advanced Practice Capstone Project Proposal (4 cr.) One of three courses that form the capstone project. The student identifies a capstone project proposal in consultation with the doctoral advisor. The capstone project proposal is composed of the background information and literature that supports the project and detailed description of the project methodology. Capstone topics are chosen based on students’ educational, professional, and/or practice goals and range from development of an online course, to systematic review of literature, to an ethnographic study, to secondary analysis of existing data. Students can also participate in faculty research.
- SHRS-T 760 Advancements in Occupational Science (3 cr.) Course introduces the student to advancements in occupational science. It also provides students an overview of the literature of occupational science in relation to: 1) emerging trends in inter-professional education and practice; 2) ways of addressing psychological and social well-being in practice and 3) health and participation issues in the occupational therapy practice from all ages and diagnoses, and from traditional areas of practice to emerging areas such as primary care.
- SHRS-T 770 Applied Translational Research in Occupational Therapy (3 cr.)
Course provides the student with the underpinnings needed to translate findings from inter-disciplinary, evidence based healthcare research into practical application. Students apply these findings to practices that affect health outcomes in individual patients and populations. The course goal is to prepare the student to improve health through the application of both occupational therapy and inter-disciplinary research.
- SHRS-T 775 Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Therapy (3 cr.)
Prepares the student to evaluate occupational therapy practice, service, and applied research, and assure that practice is increasingly evidence-based by developing critical thinking skills, critically evaluating the research literature, and follows the tenants of best practice.
- SHRS-T 790 Occupational Science Practicum in Practice, Education, or Leadership and Administration (4 cr.)
In consultation with the doctoral advisor, students will engage in a minimum of 60 hours of practicum experience in a setting approved by the student’s advisor and that supports their capstone project. This could include a needs assessment, data gathering, student teaching, interviewing, observation, or practical experience in a setting applicable to the student’s capstone project.
- SHRS-T 820 Professional Doctoral Seminar III (1 cr.) Course is designed to preparThird in a series of three courses in which students monitor their educational goals in relationship to the program courses. In this seminar students continue to evaluate their progress toward meeting their educational, professional, and practice goals. At the completion of this course students will have a final Portfolio (or other approved form) that includes the student’s coursework, accomplishments, reports, papers, and all other artifacts that document having reached the student’s educational, professional, and clinical goals.e the student to participate in research, emphasizing the use of technology.
- SHRS-T 850 Advanced Practice Capstone Project Completion & Presentation (4 cr.)
For the course the student completes and presents the capstone project. Submission of the completed project for publication is encouraged.
- SHRS-T 860 Leadership & Administration in Occupational Therapy (3 cr.)
Course reviews pertinent literature and other sources of information as a basis for discussing best-practice in management and supervision, health policy and administration, leadership, advocacy, and entrepreneurship. Prepares students with leadership and administrative skills to assist in the application of these skills in practice.
- SHRS-T 755 Teaching in Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) The main goals for students in this course are 1) to form useful conceptual frameworks for thinking about such issues in post-professional teaching as student learning, teaching methods, and assessment of teaching and learning and 2) to gain practical skills and knowledge for teaching effectively in a post-professional settings.