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Graduate Courses
Graduate Courses
- EDUC-Y 535 Evaluation Models and Techniques (3 cr.) P: Y520 or equivalent. An overview of evaluation as an inquiry process, including a discussion of the history of evaluation and the state of the art. Frameworks and models for planning evaluation studies are discussed and applications are demonstrated. Criteria for evaluating studies, steps for writing evaluation proposals and reports, and techniques for the collection of information are discussed. This course is similar to J660. Credit may not be earned in both courses.
- EDUC-Y 611 Qualitative Inquiry in Education (3 cr.) P: Y520, H510 or consent of instructor. Examination of qualitative approaches to educational inquiry e.g., case study, naturalistic inquiry, educational anthropology, educational connoisseurship, and criticism. Exploration of methods for collecting and analyzing qualitative data, criteria for field studies, and approaches to writing up field studies.
- EDUC-Y 520 Strategies for Educational Inquiry (3 cr.) Introductory course intended to orient beginning graduate students to the conduct of social science inquiry in general and educational inquiry in particular and to acquaint them with key terms and generally accepted procedures in qualitative and quantitative inquiry.
- EDUC-Y 590 Independent Study or Research in Inquiry Methodology (1-3 cr.) Individual research or study with an Inquiry faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, Y590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-W 590 Individual Research in Computer Education (1-6 cr.) Individual study or research for students exploring issues in educational technology. To be arranged with a technology faculty member in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student product(s). Ordinarily W590 will not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course. (This course is offered within IU system)
- EDUC-W 566 Internship in Integration in Educational Computing (6 cr.)
- EDUC-W 540 Computers in the Curriculum (3 cr.) Focuses on developing instructional techniques. Students will address instructional design issues, instructional strategies, and planning techniques. Also, students will explore modern trends in using educational technology and will examine issues of integrating computer technology into the classroom.
- EDUC-W 531 Computers in Education (3 cr.) A survey of computer technology as applied to instructional processes. Students will be introduced to a variety of computer systems and to the ways computers are used in instruction and classroom management.
- EDUC-W 520 Instructional Technology (3 cr.) An exploration of computer-related technology, computer peripherals, and their applications across the curriculum. Technical issues and applications will be studied through research and projects using a variety of software and hardware.
- EDUC-W 505 Professional Development Workshop (1-3 cr.)
- EDUC-U 599 MA Thesis in College Student Personnel Administration (3 cr.)
- EDUC-U 590 Internship in Student Personnel (1-4 cr.) P: Appointment to off-campus internship. Relates theory to practice through supervised experience in student personnel.
- EDUC-U 550 Topical Seminar in College Personnel (1-3 cr.) P: Appointment to off-campus internship. An investigation of issues, functions, and concerns that relate to higher education and student affairs administration, current issues in college personnel, and international student concerns.
- EDUC-U 549 Environmental Theory and Assessment in Higher Education (3 cr.) Selected environmental theories are examined (e.g., human aggregate, physical/architectural, campus ecology, cultural, perceptual). Various environmental assessment approaches for use in postsecondary settings are reviewed. Strategies for humanizing campus environments are examined, with a particular emphasis on members of historically underrepresented groups.
- EDUC-U 548 Student Development Theory and Research (3 cr.) Overview of the social, psychological, and student affairs literature related to college student development. Relationships between student characteristics and college outcomes. Applications of psychosocial, cognitive developmental, and person-environment interaction theories to student affairs work are considered in depth.
- EDUC-T 590 Independent Study or Research in Urban Multicultural Education (1-3 cr.) Individual research or study with an Urban Multicultural Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student product(s). Ordinarily, T590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-T 550 Cultural/Community Forces and the Schools (3 cr.) Promotes modification of instructional strategies within diverse educational settings by providing opportunities to analyze community forces and cultures through cultural orientation workshops and seminars, culturally focused readings, direct residential participation in community-related activities, and site-based culture/strategies reports.
- EDUC-T 531 Organizational Change in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schools (3 cr.) Organizational development in linguistically and culturally diverse school sites: legal basis; administrative strategies; staff development models; use of community resources; and formative evaluation techniques for organizational development in school contexts.
- EDUC-S 599 Master's Thesis in Secondary Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-S 590 Independent Study or Research in Secondary Education (1-3 cr.) P: ndividual research or study with a secondary education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, S590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-S 555 Diversity and the Communities of All Learners (1-3 cr.) This class explores issues related to teaching all learners in increasingly complex secondary schools. It draws on anthropology to understand diversity across culture, sociology to examine the social complexities of pluralistic societies, special education to address the individualize student needs. The course emphasizes educational practice and communities of learners. (Offered on both Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses.)
- EDUC-S 509 Middle School STEM Methods (3 cr.)
- EDUC-S 505 The Junior High and Middle School (3 cr.) Role of the junior high school and middle school in American education. Total program: philosophy, functions, curriculum, guidance, activities, personnel, and administration.
- EDUC-Q 690 Advanced Research in Science Education (1-6 cr.) Individual research participation in an attempt to determine what science process and content can be learned by whom and how science learning can be facilitated through teacher training or improved instructional design. Open only to advanced graduate students. Credit may be extended over several semesters.
- EDUC-Q 590 Independent Study or Research in Science Education (1-3 cr.) P: Individual research or study with a Science Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, Q590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-P 799 Doctoral Thesis in Educational Psychology (1-12 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-P 590 Independent Study or Research in Educational Pscyhology (1-3 cr.) Individual research or study with an Educational Psychology faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, P590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-P 516 Adolescent Development (3 cr.) Individual research or study with an Educational Psychology faculty member, arranged in advance of Factors of growth and development in adolescents, including physical, psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional, with particular reference to relevance for the practitioner and potential for future research. Examines contemporary issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse, sexuality, vandalism, ethnic and cultural issues, and problems of handicapped youths.
- EDUC-P 514 Life Span Development: Birth to Death (3 cr.) A survey course of human development from infancy through old age, emphasizing the life span perspective of development. Classical stage theorists, current popular conceptions, major research findings, and educational implications for all life stages from birth to death.
- EDUC-P 510 Psychology in Teaching (2-3 cr.) Basic study of psychological concepts and phenomena in teaching. An analysis of representative problems and of the teacher’s assumptions about human behavior and its development. Intended for current and prospective classroom teachers who are working toward a master’s degree.
- EDUC-P 507 Assessment in Schools (3 cr.) Introductory assessment course for teachers and school administrators. Topics include principles of assessment, formal and informal classroom assessment instruments and methods, formative and summative assessment, interpretation and use of standardized test results, social and political issues in assessment, use of student data bases in schools.
- EDUC-N 590 Independent Study or Research in Mathematics Education (1-3 cr.) Individual research or study with a Mathematics Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, N590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-M 550 Practicum (1-16 cr.) Teaching or experience in an accredited school, normally in Indiana. Credit will be commensurate with time spent in the instructional setting. S/F grading.
- EDUC-M 525 Practicum in Junior High School and Middle School Education (1-6 cr.)
- EDUC-M 500 Integrated Professional Seminar (0-6 cr.) This seminar is linked to courses and field experiences included in the Transition to Teaching (T2T) program. It will allow for collaboration among school-based mentors, university-based instructors, and T2T candidates in offering academic content appropriate to the program. The seminar will provide a technology-rich and performance-based professional experience. This course has a fee attached.
- EDUC-L 799 Doctoral Thesis in Literature, Culture and Language Education (1-15 cr.) P: Authorization required. Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-L 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (1-3 cr.) P: Authorization required. This course is for the development of a dissertation proposal in language education. Students must have the consent of a dissertation director or prospective director to enroll. Students should be finished or nearly finished with program course work.
- EDUC-L 650 Internship in Literature, Culture and Language Education (1-3 cr.) Provides directed and supervised experience for advanced graduate students in the field of language education.
- EDUC-L 599 Master's Thesis in Literature, Culture and Language Education (3 cr.) To be used as the master’s thesis in language education or the early inquiry experience as part of the doctoral program. The thesis or inquiry experience may be an organized study or a systematic and comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-L 590 Independent Study or Research in Literature, Culture and Language Education (1-3 cr.) P: Individual research or study with a Language Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, L590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-L 559 Trade Books in Elementary Classrooms (3 cr.) Emphasizes the use of trade books in language and reading in elementary classrooms.
- EDUC-L 525 Practicum in Literature, Culture and Language Education (1-4 cr.) Supervised application of language and literacy teaching methods. Special emphasis on setting up effective learning environments, selecting materials, designing instruction, monitoring student growth, adjusting instruction based upon student performance, and communicating with other professionals.
- EDUC-L 524 Language Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education (3 cr.) A survey of language education issues related to the linguistic abilities and educational needs of students requiring bilingual or bidialectal instruction. Topics discussed include language acquisition, language pedagogy, program models, cultural influences, teacher training, and research directions.
- EDUC-L 505 Secondary Language Literacy Instruction (3 cr.)
- EDUC-L 502 Socio-Psycholinguistic Applications to Reading Instruction (3 cr.) Explores the linguistic and cognitive dimensions of language as they relate to the teaching of reading. Discusses relationships among the systems of language and among the various expressions of language. Always includes topics on pragmatics, semantics, grammar, and dialect.
- EDUC-L 500 Instructional Issues in Language Learning (3 cr.) This course reviews the principles and the current instructional issues related to learning a first or a second language. Besides the general issues of effects of the environment, developmental stages, and basic instructional methodologies, relationships among reading education, English education, and second language education will be explored.
- EDUC-K 799 Doctoral Thesis in Special Education (1-15 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-K 599 Master's Thesis in Special Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-K 595 Practicum in Special Education (1-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Provides for closely supervised field experience in various areas of special education.
- EDUC-K 590 Independent Study or Research in Special Education (1-3 cr.) P: Individual research or study with a Special Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, K590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-K 553 Classroom Management and Behavior Support (3 cr.) The course provides basic knowledge and skills for (1) developing and maintaining a productive and proactive classroom environment, (2) teaching students discipline, self-control, conflict resolution and other self-management skills, (3) managing and preventing crisis behavior, and (4) developing and implementing behavior intervention and management plans in classroom programs and in cooperation with parents, teachers, and other personnel.
- EDUC-K 548 Families, School and Society (3 cr.) The course focuses on the family as a system and discusses the impact of disabilities on the daily lives of family members. Historical, legal and ethical perspectives on family involvement and empowerment are explored. Approaches for providing services to families with members who are developmentally disabled, chronically ill, at risk or who have other types of impairments also are presented.
- EDUC-K 541 Transition Across the Life Span (3 cr.) In this course, issues and strategies related to the array of transitions students with disabilities need to make as they progress from pre-school to public school and on to adult life are discussed. The course covers laws, policies and guidelines governing service provision across age groups and levels of instruction, and it addresses strategies for program planning, interagency cooperation and collaboration, and resource utilization.
- EDUC-K 525 Survey of Mild Handicaps (3 cr.) An advanced survey of the literature relating to mild handicaps, including historical foundations, definitions, and current issues facing workers in the field.
- EDUC-K 505 Introduction to Special Education for Graduate Students (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Basic special education principles for graduate students with no previous course work in special education. Students cannot receive credit for both K205 and K505.
- EDUC-J 799 Doctoral Thesis in Curriculum and Instruction (1-12 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-J 538 M.S. Practicum/Internship (1-6 cr.) Supervised practice in a school or other approved agency. Includes performance in such roles as curriculum development, program evaluation, action research, staff training and development, consultation, or program development. A comprehensive report involving a systematic analysis of the practicum activity must be completed.
- EDUC-J 500 Instruction in the Context of Curriculum (3 cr.) First course for the master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Extends concepts introduced in undergraduate teacher preparation. Topics include conceptions and definitions of curriculum and instruction and their impact on social contexts, learning theories, and schooling practices. Elementary and secondary contexts are studied.
- EDUC-H 799 Doctoral Thesis in the History or Philosophy of Education (1-15 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-H 637 Topical Seminar (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Critical examination of a problem area in history of education or comparative education that has been extensively studied by the instructor.
- EDUC-H 590 Independent Study or Research in History, Philosophy and Comparative Education (1-3 cr.) P: Individual research or study with a History, Philosophy, and Comparative Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, H590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-G 901 Advanced Research (3 cr.) Open only to doctoral candidates who have been admitted to candidacy, i.e., have passed qualifying examinations and completed all program course work except the dissertation. Enrollment is restricted to six semesters. This course is not offered in summer sessions.
- EDUC-G 799 Doctoral Thesis in Counseling Pscyhology (1-15 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis is to be an organized scientific contribution to the field of counseling psychology.
- EDUC-G 598 Seminar on Professional Issues (3 cr.) An examination of professional issues and trends in the field of counseling and their implications for practice.
- EDUC-G 590 Research in Counseling and Guidance (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Individual study or research with a counseling faculty member.
- EDUC-G 580 Topical Seminar in Counseling and Guidance (1-3 cr.) An intensive study of theory and research of selected topics in counseling.
- EDUC-G 562 School Counseling (3 cr.) Foundations and contextual dimensions of school counseling. Knowledge and skills for the practice of school counseling, developmental counseling. Program development, implementation, and evaluation. Consultation, principles, practices, and applications of needs assessment. Provides an overall understanding of the organization of schools and the function of the counselor and counseling program.
- EDUC-G 552 Career Counseling - Theory and Practice (3 cr.) An introduction to career development theory, psychological assessment for career planning, and sources and uses of career information in counseling.
- EDUC-G 550 Internship in Counseling (1-6 cr.) Counseling experience in actual school or agency situations. Under direction and supervision of the counselor/supervisor, students get practice in counseling, interviewing, in-service training, orientation procedures, and data collection.
- EDUC-G 532 Introduction to Group Counseling (3 cr.) P: G502 (for M.S. students). Psychological and theoretical foundations of group counseling. Analysis of the dynamics of groups.
- EDUC-G 524 Practicum in Counseling (1-3 cr.) P: G502, G522 and G523. Closely supervised counseling practice with clients in the department’s counseling laboratories or in approved field sites in schools or agencies. Intensive supervision. Special application required.
- EDUC-G 523 Laboratory in Counseling and Guidance (3 cr.) C: G522. Laboratory experiences in counseling, analysis of counseling interviews, role playing, and closely supervised counseling in the laboratory setting.
- EDUC-G 522 Counseling Techniques (3 cr.) P: G502 or equivalent. C: G523. Introduction to counseling theories and psychological processes involved in individual counseling.
- EDUC-G 502 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3 cr.) The psychological and educational foundations for counseling and guidance. Overview of counseling theories, practices, and organization.
- EDUC-E 599 Master's Thesis in Elementary Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-E 590 Independent Study or Research in Elementary Education (1-3 cr.)
- EDUC-E 555 Human Diversity in Education (3 cr.) Explores issues related to teaching in a complex and diverse culture. Through this class students will become familiar with a range of diversity issues that teachers confront in our society, including cognitive abilities, learning styles, and cultural, racial, and economic backgrounds of children.
- EDUC-E 506 Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (3 cr.) Planning the curriculum and selecting and evaluating learning experiences for children ages three through eight years with reference to relevant research. Organizing the classroom to provide maximum integration among experiences in different academic areas. A one-semester course; should be followed by E525 in the same year.
- EDUC-C 799 Doctoral Thesis in Higher Education (1-15 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
- EDUC-C 790 Research in Higher Education (1-12 cr.)
- EDUC-C 788 Seminar in Research in Higher Education (3 cr.) Study of research design, techniques, and procedures applicable to research problems in administration.
- EDUC-C 750 Topical Seminar (1-6 cr.) P: Master’s degree and consent of instructor. Current issues, developments, and concerns bearing on higher education. Specific topics vary each semester.
- EDUC-C 690 Independent Study in Higher Education (1-3 cr.) P: Individual research or study with a higher education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term, specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, C690 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-C 675 Supervised College Teaching (3 cr.) P: Master's degree. Opportunities for advanced graduate students to teach college classes under close supervision and to participate in a seminar on college teaching.
- EDUC-C 620 Pro Seminar in Higher Education (3 cr.) This course id designed to introduce you to and provide you with the opportunity to reflect upon higher education as: the location of your educational experiences; the environment in which you participate in professional practice; an organizational entity; the subject of scholarly research; and an economic, social, cultural, and political institution within American society.
- EDUC-C 565 Introduction to College and University Administration (3 cr.) Types of institutions and their organization and roles on the nationwide scene; their principle administrative functions, including faculty personnel, business management, public relations; relationship of student personnel to other administrative positions.
- EDUC-A 799 Doctoral Thesis in Educational Leadership (1-15 cr.) Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area. S/F grading.
- EDUC-A 695 Practicum in Educational Leadership (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. This course provides for closely supervised field experience in various areas of educational leadership.
- EDUC-A 640 Planning Educational Facilities (3 cr.) This course focuses on the basic concepts in planning educational facilities as they relate to educational needs. It covers educational specifications for learning environments, and renovation and modernization of school buildings.
- EDUC-A 635 Public School Budgeting and Accounting (3 cr.) This course explores the normative and positive aspects of financing K-12 public education. After a rigorous introduction to the foundation of school finance theory, the course will investigate the concepts and practices of effective budget management.
- EDUC-A 608 Legal Perspectives on Education (3 cr.) This course entails an overview of the legal framework affecting the organization and administration of public schools, including church-state issues, pupil rights, staff-student relationships, conditions of employment, teacher organizations, tort liability, school finance, and desegregation.
- EDUC-A 590 Independent Study in Educational Leadership (1-3 cr.) Individual research or study with an educational leadership faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one- or two-page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student products. Ordinarily, A590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
- EDUC-A 560 Political Perspectives of Education (3 cr.) This course focuses on theoretical and conceptual approaches useful in describing, explaining, and predicting political behavior related to schools. Forces for continuity and change at local, state, and federal levels are explored.
- EDUC-A 500 Introduction to Educational Leadership (3 cr.) This course entails an introduction to the history, philosophy, and social aspects of educational leadership. It reviews relevant theories of administration; the historical role of administration in schools; and the political, social, economic, and philosophical frameworks that have informed administrations.