Career Services, Student Organizations, & Awards
Extracurricular Activities
A wide variety of activities are available to School of Science students, both activities sponsored by the School of Science and those open to all students. Students seeking involvement in campus-wide activities, such as the IUPUI Undergraduate Student Government, should contact the Office of Student Involvement, Campus Center third floor, call (317) 274-3931, email, or visit
Clubs and Organizations in the School of Science
The following activities are of particular interest to students in the School of Science:
Science Undergraduate Student Council and Science Graduate Student Council
These councils, composed of student representatives from each department and program in the School of Science, advise the dean and the school on matters of concern to students. Each Council decides how to allocate the student activity fee to support school projects, departmental and program clubs, and other initiatives.
Departmental and Program Student Organizations
Most departments and programs within the School of Science sponsor clubs and other activities for majors and interested students. Contact the specific department or program for additional information.