IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Departments & Centers » Mechanical Engineering (ME) » Graduate Programs in Mechanical Engineering


Graduate Programs in Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has an outstanding and dedicated faculty with expertise and research interests in the areas of advanced manufacturing, bioengineering and biological systems, combustion and new engine design, design optimization, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, hybrid & electic vehicles, materials processing, mechanics and vibration, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and control systems.  The faculty actively engaged in the frontiers of research and technologies in real-world engineering challenges in the above areas.

The department offers graduate programs of study that lead to various graduate certificates and the degrees of Master Science (M.S.), Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.), Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (M.S.M.E.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).  The program leading to the Ph.D. in mechanical engineering is jointly administered with the  School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette.

The department also offers combined bachelor's and master's degree programs, in which students can receive both B.S. and M.S. degrees in five years at IUPUI. These degree programs are open to qualified undergraduates at IUPUI, leading to either: 1) B.S. and M.S.M.E. degrees (B.S./M.S.M.E.) for mechanical engineering undergraduates, or 2) a B.S. degree in physics and an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering (B.P.M.M.E.) for physics undergraduates. The combined degrees prepare students for advanced engineering careers with two degrees (bachelor's and master's) in five years.

For more information about graduate programs visit http://engr.iupui.edu/me/bulletin/GraduatePrograms.shtml?menu=academics.