B.S in Computer Engineering
This program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (B.S.Cmp.E.) degree curriculum provides an in-depth education in the analytical skills, hardware, and software aspects of modern computer systems. The program builds on a strong foundation in engineering design, including traditional analog and digital circuit design. The three main areas of emphasis within the computer-engineering program are embedded systems, telecommunications and networking, and software engineering and distributed computing. Extensive laboratory experiences support the theoretical aspects of the course work. Students gain valuable digital hardware design and software design experiences throughout the curriculum. The junior and senior years strengthens the student's expertise with courses in data structures, embedded systems, computer architecture, parallel and high performance computing systems, advanced digital systems, and computer communications networks and network security.
The Program Educational Objectives of the Computer Engineering degree program are to prepare graduates who will be successful in their chosen career paths by:
- becoming productive and valuable engineers in the private or public sector
- pursuing and completing graduate studies, and/or
- taking on leadership roles in their professions, as well as in their communities and the global society.
- Mathematics and Physical Sciences
- MATH 16500, 16600, 17100, and 26100, 26600 - 18 credit hours
- Chemistry: CHEM C10500 - 3 credit hours
- Physics: PHYS 15200 and 25100 - 9 credit hours
- Communications and Ethics
- Speech: COMM R110 - 3 credit hours
- Writing: ENG W131 - 3 credit hours
- Communication in Engineering Practice: TCM 36000 - 2 credit hours
- Engineering Ethics and Professionalism: ECE 21000 and ECE 40100 - 2 credit hours
- General Education
- ECON-E 201 or ECE 32700 - 3 credit hours
- General Education Electives - 12 credit hours
- Freshman Engineering Courses
- Introduction to the Engineering Profession: ENGR 19500 - 1 credit hour
- Introduction to Engineering: ENGR 19600 - 3 credit hours
- Comp Tools for Engineers: ENGR 29700 - 1 credit hour
- Engineering Science
- Circuits: ECE 20100, 20200, and 20700 - 7 credit hours
- Systems and Fields: ECE 30100, 30200 - 6 credit hours
- Engineering Design
- Digital Systems: ECE27000, 36200, and 36500 - 11 credit hours
- Capstone Design: ECE48700, 48800 - 3 credit hours
- Computer Science
- Computing: ECE 26100, 26300, and CSCI 24000 - 8 credit hours
- UNIX Programming: ECE 28200 - 1 credit hour
- Discrete Math: CSCI 34000 - 3 credit hours
- Data Structures: CSCI 36200 - 3 credit hours
- Operating Systems: ECE 40800 - 3 credit hours
- CmpE Electives4 - 9 credit hours
- Advanced CmpE Electives5 - 6 credit hours
- Math/Science/Technical Electives2or3 - 3 credit hours
- Restricted Electives6 - 2 credit hours
1 From approved general education elective list.
2 From approved math/science elective list.
3 From approved technical elective list.
4 From approved computer engineering elective list.
5 From lists 1-4.
Semester by semester, the 125 total credit hours may be distributed as follows:
Freshman Year
First Semester (17 credit hours)
- ENGR 19500 Introduction to the Engineering Profession - 1 credit hour
- ENGR 196 Introduction to Engineering - 3 credit hours
- MATH 16500 Analytic Geometry and Integrated Calculus I - 4 credit hours
- CHEM C10500 Chemical Science I - 3 credit hours
- COMM R110 Fundamentals of Speech Communication - 3 credit hours
- General Education Elective (Arts & Humanities) - 3 credit hours
Second Semester (17 credit hours)
- PHYS 15200 Mechanics - 4 credit hours
- MATH 16600 Analytic Geometry and Integrated Calculus II - 4 credit hours
- MATH 17100 Multidimensional Math - 3 credit hours
- ENG W131 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry - 3 credit hours
- General Education Elective (Cultural Understanding) - 3 credit hours
Sophomore Year
Third Semester (17 credit hours)
- MATH 26100 Multivariate Calculus - 4 credit hours
- PHYS 25100 Electricity and Optics - 5 credit hours
- ECE 20100 Linear Circuit Analysis I - 3 credit hours
- ECE 20700 Electronic Measurement Techniques - 1 credit hour
- ECE 26100 C programming Lab - 1 credit hour
- ECE 26300 C Programming - 3 credit hours
Fourth Semester (16 credit hours)
- MATH 26600 Ordinary Differential Equations - 3 credit hours
- CSCI 24000 Advanced Programming - 4 credit hours
- ECE 20200 Circuit Analysis II - 3 credit hours
- ECE 27000 Digital Logic Design and Lab - 4 credit hours
- ENGR 29700 Computer Tools for Engineers - 1 credit hour
- ECE 21000 Sophomore Seminar - 1 credit hour
Junior Year
Fifth Semester (16 credit hours)
- ECE 30100 Signals and Systems - 3 credit hours
- ECE 36200 Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing - 4 credit hours
- CSCI 340 Discrete Math - 3 credit hours
- Math/Science/Tech Elective2 or 3 - 3 credit hours
- General Education Elective (Humanities or Social Sciences)1 - 3 credit hours
Sixth Semester (15 credit hours)
- ECE 302 Probabilistic Methods in Electrical Engineering - 3 credit hours
- ECE 282 UNIX Programming for Engineers - 1 credit hour
- CSCI 362 Data Structures - 3 credit hours
- CmpE Elective4 - 3 credit hours
- TCM 36000 Comm. In Engineering Practice - 2 credit hours
- ECE 32700 Engineering Economics (General Education Social Sciences) - 3 credit hours
Senior Year
Seventh Semester (14 credit hours)
- ECE 365 Introduction to the Design of Digital Computers - 3 credit hours
- ECE 48700 Senior Design I - 1 credit hour
- ECE 40100 Engineering Ethics - 1 credit hour
- Advanced Computer Engineering Elect.5 - 3 credit hours
- CmpE Elective4 - 3 credit hours
- General Education Elective - 3 credit hours
Eighth Semester (13 credit hours)
- ECE 40800 Operating Systems - 3 credit hours
- ECE 48800 Senior Design - 2 credit hours
- Advanced CmpE Elective4 - 3 credit hours
- CmpE Elective - 3 credit hours
- Restricted Elective5 - 2 credit hours
1 From approved general education elective list.
2 From approved math/science elective list.
3 From approved technical elective list.
4 From approved computer engineering elective list.
5From approved advanced computer engineering elective list
6 From lists 1-4.
Advanced Computer Engineering Elective Courses
- ECE 42100 Advanced Digital Systems Design
- ECE 46100 Software Engineering
- ECE 46300 Intro to Computer Communication Networks
- ECE 46800 Introduction to Compilers and Translation Engineering
- ECE 47100 Embedded Systems
Students may also use the 50000-level version of any of these classes.
CmpE Elective Courses
Computer Engineering Elective: Choose 9 credit hours from the following list. At least 3 credit hours must be at or above 400-level.
- Any non-required ECE 30000 or above courses, except ECE 32600 or ECE 32700
- ECE 25500: Intro. to Electronic Analysis & Design
- CSCI 35500: Intro. to Programming Languages
- MATH 41400: Numerical Analysis
- CSCI 43700: Intro. to Computer Graphics
- CSCI 43500: Multimedia Information Systems
- CSCI 43800: Computer Graphics II
- CSCI 48100: Data mining
- CSCI 44300: Database Systems
* Course ECE 49500 Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering is generally used to offer new courses.
Math/Science/Technical Elective Courses
Math/Science Elective
- MATH 33300: Chaotic Dynamical Systems
- MATH 35100: Elementary Linear Algebra
- MATH 51000: Vector Calculus
- MATH 52000: Boundary Value Prob. of Diff. Eqn.
- MATH 51100: Linear Algebra with Applications
- MATH 52300: Introduction to Partial Diff. Eqn.
- MATH 52500: Introduction to Complex Analysis
- MATH 52600: Principles of Math. Modeling
- MATH 52700: Advanced Math. Eng. & Physics I
- MATH 52800: Advanced Math. Eng. & Physics II
- MATH 53000: Functions of a Complex Variable I
- MATH 53100: Functions of a Complex Variable II
- MATH 54400: Real Analysis and Measure Theory
- BIOL K10100: Concepts of Biology I
- BIOL K10300: Concepts of Biology II
- BIOL K32400: Cell Biology
- CHEM C10600: Principles of Chemistry II
- CHEM C31000: Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM C34100: Organic Chemistry
- CHEM C36000: Elementary Physical Chemistry
- CHEM C36100: Phys. Chemistry of Bulk Matter
- CHEM C36200: Phys. Chemistry of Molecules
- PHYS 31000: Intermediate Mechanics
- PHYS 34200: Modern Physics
- PHYS 40000: Physical Optics
- PHYS 40000: Quantum Mechanics
- PHYS 52000: Mathematical Physics
- PHYS 53000: Electricity & Magnetism
- PHYS 54500: Solid State Physics
- PHYS 55000: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Any 300-level or above math/science course with prior written approval of student's advisory committee
Technical Elective:
- Any non-required course from lists of Electrical Engineering Electives or Computer Engineering Electives or Advanced Computer Engineering Electives
- ECE 32600: Engineering Project Management
- CSCI 30000: Systems Programming
- CSCI 44100: Client-Server Database Systems
- CSCI 48700: Artificial Intelligence
- ME 29500: Engineering Mechanics & Heat
or student can complete three or more 1-credit sessions of either
- ENGR 20000, ENGR 25000, ENGR 30000, ENGR 35000, ENGR 40000, or
- ENGR 20010, ENGR 25010, OR ENGR 30010,
Restricted elective course: Choose 1 credit hour from any of the aforementioned elective lists.