School of Informatics and Computing


Library and Information Science
Degree ProgramsDual Degree ProgramsM.L.S. - M.A. in Philanthropic Studies

Designed for the student seeking a management career with libraries and other nonprofit institutions. Content includes gaining expertise in management of special library programs, fund-raising and endowment management, capital project management, and leadership in academic, corporate or large public libraries.

This is a 51 credit hour program.

From SLIS 30  Graduate credit hours

  • S401 Computer Based Information Tools (3 credits- Pass /Fail)

Course Requirements:

Foundations (15 credit hours)
  • S501 Reference (P or C: S401)
  • S502 Collection Development and Management
  • S503 Organization and Representation of Knowledge and Information
  • S504 Cataloging (P or concurrent: S401)
  • S551 Library Management
  • S506 Introduction to Research (P: S401, S501 & S502)
General Electives ( 6 credit hours)
From Philanthropy, 21 graduate credits including:
  • A509 Cross-Cultural Dimensions,
  • H511 History of Philanthrophy (United States),
  • P512 Human and Financial Resources in Philanthropy,
  • P521 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector,
  • P523 Civil Society and Public Policy,
  • P542 Ethics and Values in Philanthrophy,
  • P590 Internship in Philanthropic Studies. 
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