Undergraduate Programs


Chinese Studies

The Minor in Chinese Studies consists of fifteen (15) credit hours in Chinese Studies or related courses approved by the Program Director (a minimum of 6 credit hours must be taken on the IUPUI campus). Courses at the 100-level do not count toward the minor. Minor requirements include a minimum of three (3) credits in Chinese language at the 200-level or above; a minimum of three (3) credits in Chinese culture at the 300-level or above (either EALC C334 or E335); and the remaining credits in Chinese language, culture, history, and/or society, chosen from the following:

  • C201-202: Second-Year Chinese I-II (3-3 cr.)
  • C301-302: Third-Year Chinese I-II (3-3 cr.)
  • C320: Business Chinese (3 cr.)
  • C401-402: Fourth-Year Chinese (3-3 cr.)
  • OVST-C 490: Study Abroad in China (3 cr.)
  • E331: Traditional Chinese Literature (3 cr.)
  • E333: Studies in Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
  • E334: Contemporary Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
  • E335: Studies in Chinese Martial Arts Culture (3 cr.)
  • E351: Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr.)*
  • G485: Modern China (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 421: Topics in African, Asian, or Latin American History (3 cr.)*
  • SOC-R 495: Sociology Study of China (3 cr.)

*Please note: E351 (Studies in East Asian Culture must focus on Chinese culture and H421 (Topics in African, Asian, or Latin American History) must focus on Chinese history in order for these two courses to be counted toward the fifteen required credits.