Centers & Programs

Centers and Programs

From technology to teaching, innovation infuses all aspects of the law school. Its centers and programs are among the most respected in the country, enhancing a diverse and demanding curriculum with hands-on opportunities for research and experience.

Health Law—The school’s William S. and Christine S. Hall Center for Law and Health is at the forefront of providing students with an outstanding education in health law. The center is repeatedly ranked as one of the top health law programs in the country, offering interdisciplinary opportunities for students and serving as an information resource on health care issues for the legal and medical communities.

International Law—The Center for International and Comparative Law includes a variety of activities, including the Master of Laws track in International and Comparative Law and the track in American Law for Foreign Lawyers. Each year the center sponsors programs on a wide range of topics and hosts guests from around the world. The center also sponsors students in international moot court competitions. The center provides guidance to both the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LAW REFORM and the INDIANA INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW.

The Joint Center for Asian Law Studies—This center is a collaboration between our school and the Renmin University of China School of Law in Beijing. Through scholarly inquiry and open dialogue about laws’ content, development and role in society, the center promotes mutual understanding and goodwill between the countries of East Asia and the United States. Activities include the Chinese Law Summer Program in Beijing, the annual International Law Student Forum in Beijing and the annual Sino-U.S. Law Conference in Beijing.

The Program in International Human Rights Law is designed to promote legal study and scholarship in international human rights and to facilitate the placement of students as legal interns at international human rights organizations in this country and overseas. Since 1997, the program has coordinated 168 student placements in 57 countries.

Intellectual Property Law—The Center for Intellectual Property Law and Innovation is active in all areas of intellectual property law, including patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, and right of publicity law. The center’s primary mission is to promote student education and scholarship in intellectual property and to increase the number of our graduates with a strong foundation in intellectual property law.

Environmental Law—The Program in Environmental and Natural Resources Law addresses complex issues of resource development and conservation, pollution control, energy and transportation policy, environmental justice and equity, and many other related subjects.

Law and State Government—The Program on Law and State Government gives students unique access to the practice of public law at the state level and includes an internship course with internships in more than forty state offices, a public mediation course and fellowships.

Global Crisis Leadership—A joint initiative of the Robert H. McKinney School of Law and the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the Global Crisis Leadership Program brings together experts and practitioners in the field of global crisis management. It includes a counter-terrorism simulation and keynote lecture as well as a summer leadership institute.

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