Graduate & Professional Program Overview


IU Graduate Programs

The Indiana University Graduate School is represented on the IUPUI campus by the IUPUI Graduate Office. There are two categories of admission to the University Graduate School:

  1. Admission to pursue a degree
  2. Admission to take courses in a specific school, department, or program as a special student
Undergraduate Requirements (All Admission Categories)

The Indiana University Graduate School will consider applications from students holding bachelor’s degrees from accredited four-year collegiate institutions. Students from unaccredited institutions may be admitted as special students for one semester; if their records are satisfactory and their department, program, or school recommends them, they will then be given full standing. Ordinarily, a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in an undergraduate major is required for admission to the Indiana University Graduate School. Students may be admitted with deficiencies as graduate nondegree students (GND) or as special students (see below).

Indiana University Bachelor’s Degree Candidates

Candidates for bachelor’s degrees at Indiana University may apply for conditional admission to the Indiana University Graduate School and may enroll for graduate credit for that portion of their program not required for completion of the bachelor’s degree, provided:

  1. they are within one semester of meeting bachelor’s degree requirements. If the bachelor’s degree is not completed within that semester, graduate credit earned may not be counted toward an advanced degree.
  2. the total course load does not exceed that ordinarily taken by a full-time graduate student.
  3. the courses taken for graduate credit are authorized to carry such credit. (In certain instances, graduate credit is allowed for undergraduate courses.)
Special Students

Students who have applied but have not been admitted to a degree program but who intend to study primarily in one department may be admitted by that department with the approval of the dean of the Indiana University Graduate School as special students. They must apply to a department just as degree students do and should indicate their desired status. After 12 credit hours in a single department, special students must either be accepted into a degree program or change to nondegree status.

Visiting/Transient Students

Visiting students in good standing in any accredited graduate school who wish to enroll for one semester or summer session and who plan to return thereafter to their former institution may be admitted as visiting/transient students if their enrollment can be accommodated. Visiting/transient students should register as graduate nondegree students. Information and IU University Graduate School bulletins may be obtained from the IUPUI Graduate Office, Union Building 518; (317) 274-1577. Material restricted to the programs offered on the IUPUI campus can be found in this bulletin. Nondegree applications are available from the Enrollment Center or the Graduate Office. Nondegree students are advised by the graduate nondegree counselor in the IUPUI Graduate Office.

Application to Indiana University Graduate Degree Programs

Prospective graduate students, including graduates of Indiana University, must make formal application to a department, which will forward its recommendation to the dean. Online applications are normally sent to the departments for consideration within two working days, but the review and approval process may take several weeks; paper applications take much longer to process and are discouraged. Students should navigate to the online application through the informational materials provided on each department’s Web site to obtain the most program-specific information. It is recommended that applications be made well before the following dates:

Semester of Matriculation Deadline for Application
Fall February 15
Spring September 1
January 1

All applications must be accompanied by two complete transcripts of previous college and university course work and should be submitted directly to the department in which the student wishes to work. Indiana University graduates should ask the registrar to send unofficial copies of their transcripts to that department.

Admission (except for visiting and continuing graduate nondegree students) is made to a particular department for a specific degree, and no student shall be permitted to work toward a degree without first having been admitted. Students who want to change departments should contact their department to initiate the change in departments. Requests for change of degree status must be approved by the department and approved by the dean of the Indiana University Graduate School.

Following the notice of admission to the Indiana University Graduate School, an applicant normally has two calendar years in which to enroll. Supplementary transcripts of any additional academic course work undertaken during that period are required, and a department may request additional letters of recommendation. Should the updated material prove unsatisfactory, the admission may be cancelled. If the applicant fails to enroll within two years, a completely new application is required.

Graduate Record Examinations

Applicants may be required to take the Graduate Record Examination General Test, Subject Test, or both (see the department or school sections of this bulletin). Information concerning these examinations may be obtained from the Graduate Record Examinations Educational Testing Service (

For additional information about the IU Graduate School programs, financial support, academic regulations, and specific courses, consult the specific departments and the IU Graduate School section in this bulletin and its separate bulletin.