Academic Programs
First-Year Seminars
In order to ensure a solid start at IUPUI, all new students and transfer students with 17 or fewer credit hours are required to enroll in a learning community. This requirement may be waived if the student enrolls in fewer than seven credit hours.
All IUPUI learning communities include a first-year experience class. Some learning communities link two or more classes, and some are specifically designed to introduce students to their majors. All learning communities offer students increased opportunities to make new friends and to meet members of the faculty and staff who are especially interested in first-year students. Students enrolled in learning communities are encouraged to get to know each other, form study groups, and learn how to take full advantage of their college experience.
Each learning community has an instructional team led by a faculty member and includes a student mentor, an academic advisor, and a librarian. The instructional team shapes the learning environment to provide participants with as much academic support as possible. The student mentor works with students inside and outside of class to increase academic success. The librarian and the academic advisor work with students throughout the semester to ensure that students are comfortable using the library and that they have important information about course requirements, career and major selections, university regulations, and academic policies. Learning community students also learn to navigate IUPUI technology resources.
The IUPUI learning community program offers a wide selection of classes. Each learning community has its own special characteristics. The University College academic advisors assist students in selecting the one that best suits their needs. Students then register for their learning community when they register for their other classes. Learning community programs are a joint project between University College and the undergraduate schools.
What are the advantages of participating in learning communities? Students who have been enrolled in learning communities report that they get to know a small group of classmates quickly. They learn to study together, collaborate on projects, and depend on each other for additional support in the classroom.