Departments & Centers

Department of Biology

723 W. Michigan Street, SL 306
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5132
Phone: (317) 274-0577; fax: (317) 274-2846
  • Professors Bard, Blazer-Yost, Lees (Chair), Stocum (Dean Emeritus)
  • Professors Emeriti Keck, Ockerse, Stillwell
  • Associate Professors Chernoff, Clack (IUPU Columbus), Malkova, J. Marrs, K. Marrs, Randall, Wang, Watson, Wilson
  • Associate Professors Emeriti Juillerat, Pflanzer
  • Assistant Professors Anderson, Belecky-Adams, Chang, Dai, J. Li, Roper
  • Senior Lecturer Yost
  • Lecturers Clark, Vaughan, Yard, Zevin
  • Academic Specialist Slayback-Barry
  • Adjunct Professors Chintalacharuvu, Chism, Krishnan, McIntyre, Petolino, Schild, Schoepp, Siddiqui, Sloop, C. Smith, R. Smith, Srour, Vlahos, Witzmann
  • Departmental Academic Advisors
    • Preprofessional: Yost
    • Prepharmacy, Preoptometry, Preveterinary: Alexander
    • Biology programs: Alexander
    • Graduate programs: Lees

The Department of Biology offers undergraduate instructional programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees. These programs are designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in the biological sciences and allow sufficient flexibility to accommodate the needs and interests of students. Postgraduate activities frequently selected by biology majors include graduate schools, medical and dental schools, other health care professions, agricultural schools, industrial positions in research and technology, and secondary teaching. The selection of a particular degree program in biology should be made in consultation with a departmental advisor.

The Department of Biology offers graduate study leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) degree. The M.S. degree program may be completed with a thesis option or with a nonthesis option. Among the nonthesis options is the M.S. degree in the teaching of biology, which is designed primarily for secondary school teachers, and a one-year preprofessional option for those seeking admission to medical or dental schools. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree can be pursued in a variety of areas through the Purdue University Graduate School and through several programs and departments in the Indiana University School of Medicine.

The Department of Biology regards research as an important component of its programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students may work in such specific areas as microbial genetics, immunology, plant cell and molecular biology, recombinant DNA, cell biology, developmental biology, regenerative biology, microbiology, oncology, plant and animal tissue culture, and forensic biology.

Pre-Dental, Pre-Veterinary, and Pre-Optometry Programs
Admission to professional schools is highly competitive. The pre-professional student is therefore urged to elect a degree program rather than fulfilling the minimum requirements of these schools. Students who choose pre-dental, pre-veterinary medicine, and pre-optometry are usually placed in the Department of Biology, where pre-professional advising is available. However, as long as prerequisites are met, students can choose to major in any program. Pre-dental students are also encouraged to meet with the health professions advisor in the School of Science to plan for the testing and admission process required by dental schools. Refer to the “Department of Biology” section of this bulletin for the required courses for the Indiana University School of Optometry and Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine.

Graduate students holding non-science degrees who are electing courses in the School of Science to prepare for medical or dental school are also invited to use the health professions advising service for help with the admission process.