School of Education

B.S. in Education

Secondary Education
Required Courses for Mathematics Major

Math Content Area Requirements (38 credits)

  • Calculus:  Math M125 Pre-Calculus, Math M215 Calculus 1, Math M216 Calculus II, Math 311 Calculus III
  • Probability & Statistics:  Math M360 Probability, Math M366 Statistical Inference
  • Geometry:   Math T336 Euclidean Geometry
  • Linear & Proofs:   Math M301 Linear Algebra   Math M391  Number Systems
  • Electives:  Choose two of:
    • Math M343 Differential Equations
    • Math M403 Modern Algebra
    • Math M405 Number Theory
    • Math M413 Analysis
    • Math M277 equivalent to M447 Math of Operations Research (Pre-Requisites:  M301, M311 & M360)

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