College of Arts and Sciences


  • PSY-B 309 Cooperative Work Experience— Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor and 15 credit hours of psychology. Experience in psychology- oriented work settings. Grade is determined on the basis of a written report and a supervisor's evaluation. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. (Spring)
  • PSY-B 322 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. A survey of various aspects of the practice of clinical psychology from a scientist-practitioner perspective.  Aspects of the historical framework of clinical psychology will be discussed.  In addition, various aspects of the present state of clinical psychology will be covered in addition to directions for the future. (Fall)
  • PSY-K 300 Statistical Analysis in Psychology (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 117, MATH-M 100 or higher. Use of statistics in psychological work, including ordering and manipulation of data, problems of statistical significance, elementary correlational methods, and analysis of variance and nonparametric methods. (Spring)
  • PSY-P 101 Introductory Psychology I (3 cr.) Introduction to psychology; its methods, data, and theoretical interpretations in areas of learning, sensory psychology, and psychophysiology. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
  • PSY-P 102 Introductory Psychology II (3 cr.) Continuation of PSY P101. Developmental, social, personality, and abnormal psychology (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • PSY-P 199 Career Planning for Psychology Majors (1 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 and PSY-P102. Where do you want to be 10 years from now?  How can you get there?  Information for undergraduate majors to help them intelligently organize their undergraduate studies.  Information about what psychologists do, professional and practical issues in career choice, course selection, intern/research experience, and planning a course of study. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 211 Methods of Experimental Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 and PSY-P 102. Design and execution of simple experiments, treatment of results, search of the literature, and preparation of experimental reports. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)
  • PSY-P 303 Health Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. Focuses on the role of psychological factors in health and illness. Through readings, lecture, and discussion, students will become better consumers of research on behavior-health interactions and develop a broad base of knowledge concerning how behaviors and other psychological factors can impact health both positively and negatively. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 314 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. Development of behavior in adolescence and emerging adulthood; factors which influence behavior. Credit not given for both PSY-P 216 and PSY-P 314. (Even years Fall)
  • PSY-P 316 Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. Development of behavior in infancy, childhood, and youth; factors that influence behavior. (Fall) Credit not given for both PSY-P 216 and PSY-P 316. (Odd years Fall)
  • PSY-P 319 Psychology of Personality (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. Methods and results of scientific study of personality. Basic concepts of personality traits and their measurement, developmental influences, problems of integration. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 320 Social Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. Principles of scientific psychology applied to the individual in social situations. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 324 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. A first course in abnormal psychology, with emphasis on forms of abnormal behavior, etiology, development, interpretation, and final manifestations. (Fall, Spring)
  • PSY-P 325 Psychology of Learning (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. Facts and principles of human and animal learning, especially as treated in theories attempting to provide framework for understanding what learning is and how it takes place. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 326 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or BIOL-L 100 or BIOL-L 101. An examination of the cellular basis of behavior, emphasizing contemporary views and approaches to the study of the nervous system. Neural structure, function, and organization are considered in relation to sensory and motor function, motivation, learning, and other basic behaviors. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 327 Psychology of Motivation (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. How needs, desires, and incentives influence behavior; research on motivational processes in human and animal behavior, including ways in which motives change and develop. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 329 Sensation and Perception (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. Basic data, theories, psychophysics, illusions, and other topics fundamental to understanding sensory and perceptual processes. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 335 Cognitive Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. Introduction to human cognitive processes including attention and perception, memory, psycholinguistics, problem solving, and thinking. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 339 Cultural Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 102. This course investigates how culture influences human thought and behavior, the interactions between culture and self, the effects of multicultural experiences, intercultural relations, and methodological issues in cultural psychology research (Spring)
  • PSY-P 388 Special Topics in General Experimental Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. Study and analysis of selected psychological issues and problems in experimental psychology. Topics vary from semester to semester. (Occasionally) May be repeated (total of 6 credit hours) with change in topics.
  • PSY-P 389 Special Topics in Human Processes Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: PSY-P 102. Study and analysis of selected psychological issues and problems in human processes. Topics vary from semester to semester. (Occasionally) May be repeated (total of 6 credit hours) with change in topics.
  • PSY-P 390 Special Topics in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: PSY-P101 or PSY-P102.. Study and analysis of selected psychological issues and problems. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated (total of 6 credit hours) with change in topics. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 407 Drugs and the Nervous System (3 cr.) P: PSY P101 OR BIOL L100 OR L101; R: P326 AND 56 CREDIT HOURS. Introduction to the major psychoactive drugs and how they act upon the brain to influence behavior. Discussion of the role of drugs as therapeutic agents for various clinical disorders and as probes to provide insight into brain function. (Fall, Spring)
  • PSY-P 417 Animal Behavior (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. Methods, findings, and interpretations of recent investigation of animal behavior. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 425 Behavior Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 102. A survey of major behavior disorders with emphasis on empirical research and clinical description relative to etiology, assessment, prognosis, and treatment. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 429 Laboratory in Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-P211 and PSY-K300 and (PSY-P314 or PSY-P316) and Senior Status. Research methods in developmental psychology. (Spring)
  • PSY-P 430 Behavior Modification (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 102. Principles, techniques, and applications of behavior modification including reinforcement, aversive conditioning, observational learning, desensitization, self-control, and modification of cognitions. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 432 Women and Madness (3 cr.) This course focuses on the historical and cultural factors and behaviors that have been associated with madness in women as well as on women's efforts to recover sanity and make sense of female experiences. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 435 Laboratory in Human Learning and Cognition (3 cr.) P: PSY-P211 and K300 and (P335 or P438) and Senior Status. Experimental study of human learning and cognitive processes. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 438 Language and Cognition (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101. Methods, research, and theory in psycholinguistics. Examination of speech perception, speech production, psychological studies of syntax and semantics, language development, cognitive basis of linguistic theory, neurology of language, and language comprehension and thought. (Spring)
  • PSY-P 460 Women: A Psychological Perspective (3 cr.) P: PSY-P101 or PSY-P102.. Basic data and theories about the development and maintenance of sex differences in behavior and personality. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 469 Stress Effects on Brain and Behavior (3 cr.) P: PSY P101 or BIOL L100 or higher. This seminar examines the neurobiology of stress effects on cognition, psychopathology, and health, from the cellular to the systems level.  Through readings from primary literature, discussions, and lectures, students will develop a base of knowledge and think critically about the neural and behavioral effects of stress. 
  • PSY-P 493 Supervised Research I (2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Active participation in research. An independent experiment of modest magnitude, participation in ongoing research in a single laboratory. Students who enroll in PSY-P 493 will be expected to enroll in PSY-P 494. (Occasionally)
  • PSY-P 495 Reading and Research in Psychology (arr. cr.) P: Consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II) May be repeated twice for credit.
  • PSY-I 501 Multicultural Counseling (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. This course explores the role of increasing diversity in the U.S. population and how it will impact the delivery of mental health services. The focus of the course is on different ethnic and minority groups, their customs and values, and the impact that these cultural factors have on the utilization of psychological services. (Fall)
  • PSY-P 486 The Neuroscience of Suicidal Behavior (3 cr.) P: PSY-P 101 or BIOL-L 101. Recommended: PSY-P326. This course focuses on the neurobiological correlates of suicide behavior and risk (including aspects of molecular, developmental, cognitive, and systems neuroscience) and how these correlates could be used to better predict and prevent suicide. Facets of stigma associated with mental health, self-harm, and suicide will also be examined. 
  • PSY-B 454 Capstone Seminar in Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-K 300 or PSY-K310; PSY-P 211 Topics in psychology and interdisciplinary applications which have been approved to fulfill the capstone course requirement.
  • PSY-P 481 Laboratory in Clinical Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-K 300, PSY-P 211, and PSY-P 324. Principal research methods in clinical psychology and applied research for understanding development and treatment process for mental illness.

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