College of Arts and Sciences


Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Program for Secondary School Provisional Certificate in Mathematics

(See School of Education requirements.)


  • MATH-M 118 (3 cr.)
  • MATH-M 126 (2 cr.)
  • MATH-M 215 (5 cr.)
  • MATH-M 216 (5 cr.)
  • MATH-M 301 (3 cr.)
  • MATH-M 311 (4 cr.)
  • MATH-M 391 (3 cr.)
  • MATH-M 360 (3 cr.)
  • MATH-M 366 (3 cr.)
  • MATH-T 336 (3 cr.)
  • MATH-M 447 (3 cr.)
  • Two approved mathematics electives (6 cr.)  The following courses are recommended:
    • MATH-M 320 (3 cr.)
    • MATH-M 343 (3 cr.)
    • MATH-M 403 (3 cr.)
    • MATH-M 405 (3 cr.)
    • MATH-M 413 (3 cr.)

Total (43 cr.)

In order to finish this program in four years, the courses must be taken in the sequence and at the times recommended by the Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science department. Most 300 and 400 level mathematics courses are offered every other year.

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