College of Arts and Sciences


Modern Languages, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Linguistics Courses
  • LING-L 103 Introduction to the Study of Language (3 cr.) P: Sophomore standing. Linguistics as a body of information; nature and function of language; relevance of linguistics to other disciplines, with reference to modern American English and principal European languages. (Occasionally)
  • LING-L 210 Topics in Language and Society (3 cr.) The study of topics related to the role of language as a social phenomenon. (Occasionally) May be repeated once for credit with a different topic.
  • LING-L 485 Topics in Linguistics (3 cr.) P: 300-level classes in Linguistics Students will study advanced topics and theories related to all fields in Linguistics.
  • LING-L 200 Language and Culture (1-3 cr.) Relation of language to social and cultural practices and processes; issues of meaning, identity and power within and across cultures.

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