School of Education
B.S. in Education
Visual Arts
Required Courses for Modern Languages (French and Spanish)
Candidates can choose to earn teaching licensure at the secondary level in either French or Spanish through the undergraduate or graduate Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP). The UTEP track is designed for the candidate who possesses a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in subjects other than education with at least a 2.5 grade point average and appropriate coursework in either French or Spanish. Further information on entering and the timing of taking the Praxis CORE exams for the UTEP program can be provided by the Graduate Student Advisor.
All students will take the French or Spanish Methods Course in the Fall semester of their matriculation.
Pre-professional requirements include: EDUC F200 Examining Self as Teacher (3 cr.), EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.), EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.) and EDUC P250 Educational Psychology (3 cr.)
Spanish Language Education Initial Licensure Program
Students are required to have 21 credits of Language, 9 credits of Literature, 6 credits of Culture and Civilization and 6 elective credits, have a 2.5 cumulative GPA and pass the Praxis Core examination for entrance into the UTEP Initial Licensure Program.
Language (21 cr.)
SPAN S200 2nd year Spanish I
SPAN S250 2nd year Spanish II
SPAN S311 Spanish Grammar
SPAN S312 Written Composition in Spanish
SPAN S317 Spanish Conversation & Diction
SPAN S323 Introduction to Translating
Literature (9 cr.)
SPAN S360 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Two of the following:
- SPAN S408 Survey of Spanish Literature II
- SPAN S420 Modern Spanish-American Prose Fiction
- SPAN S435 Literatura chicano y puertoriqueno
Culture and Civilization (6 cr.)
SPAN S363 Introduction to Hispanic Culture
One of the following:
- SPAN S410 Contemporary Hispanic Culture and Conversation
- SPAN S411 Spanish Culture and Civilization
- SPAN S412 Spanish America: Cultural Context
- SPAN S470 Women and Hispanic Culture
- SPAN S479 Mexican Literature
Block 1 (6 credits)
EDUC S510 Development of Secondary School Programs
EDUC S508 Problems in Secondary Education
Block 2 (9 credits)
EDUC P507 Assessment in Schools
EDUC T550 Culture & Community Forces in the Schools
EDUC K505 Introduction to Special Education for Graduate Students
Block 3 (6 credits)
EDUC M501 Laboratory/Field Experience
EDUC S508 Problems in Secondary Education
Block 4 (6 credits)
EDUC M550 Student Teaching
EDUC L517 Content Reading and Literature