Department of Library and Information Science
- LIBR-S 401 Computer-Based Information Tools (3 cr.) Graded S /F. This skills-based course introduces basic applications that will be used throughout the student's course work and beyond. Students' experiences in this course should be seen as a basis for further skill development and learning throughout their careers. The course covers computing platforms, access tools, and management tools. Demonstration of skills will be a mastery test or an assignment in each unit of the course. L401 does not count toward graduate degree requirements.
- LIBR-S 501 Information Sources and Services (3 cr.) P: LIBR S401 This course introduces students to the basic information sources and services among different types of libraries and information centers, including academic, public, special, and school media.
- LIBR-S 502 Collection Development and Management (3 cr.) Theoretical and pragmatic aspects of the selection, evaluation, and management of collections in all types of libraries. Acquisitions, publishers and publishing, policy making, and intellectual freedom and censorship are also covered.
- LIBR-S 504 Bibliographic Access and Control (3 cr.) P: LIBR S401 Historical development and principles essential to the understanding of the conceptual foundations of providing bibliographic access and control of materials and information. Discussion and examples in the application of AACR2r will be presented to illustrate and reflect current practice. Emphasis is on monographic publications.
- LIBR-S 551 Management of Libraries and Information Centers (3 cr.) P: LIBR S401 Management and administration of all types of libraries. Covers basics of organizational structure, planning, budget management, human resources issues and skills, and an understanding of the manager in the context of the organization.
- LIBR-S 554 Library Automation (3 cr.) P: LIBR S401 Principles for the design, selection, implementation, and management of automated systems of all types in libraries, including systems for technical services processing, reference and user services, and management. Focus is on present and future applications of technology in libraries, their technical features, and their implications for library services and management. When possible, some practical experience with a particular application will be provided.
- LIBR-S 571 Library Materials for Children and Young Adults (3 cr.) P: LIBR S401 Evaluation and use of books, magazines, recordings, films, radio and television broadcasts, and other sources of information and recreation.
- LIBR-S 574 The School Media Specialist (3 cr.) P: LIBR S524 LIBR S533 The School Media Specialist (3 cr.) P or concurrent: L524 and L533, or consent of instructor. Establishes the professional teaching and administrative role of the certified school library media specialist in K-12 settings. Situations are examined that pertain specifically to policy development, budgeting, collection development, instructional design, support staff training, facility design, district supervision, and information networking within the modern school corporation. Students make site visits to leading school information centers, conferences, and media fairs.
- LIBR-S 671 The School Media Specialist (3 cr.) P: LIBR S524, LIBR S524, or consent of instructor. Establishes the professional teaching and administrative role of the certified school library media specialist in K-12 settings. Situations are examined that pertain specifically to policy development, budgeting, collection development, instructional design, support staff training, facility design, district supervision, and information networking within the modern school corporation. Students make site visits to leading school information centers, conferences, and media fairs.