Union Education Program
The Union Education Program (UEP) offers credit- free university-level programs for workers as members of and leaders in employee organizations throughout the state. IU Northwest's Division of Labor Studies develops programs with the assistance of the advisory committees.
Using resources at IU Northwest, as well as other public and private institutions in Lake and Porter Counties, the UEP is available on both an open and contracted basis.
The UEP offers a four-course sequence of classes that may be completed in one year for a special Union Achievement Certificate. These classes are recommended to union members who wish to pursue leadership roles in their unions.
Each person who successfully completes 150 classroom hours in the credit-free UEP will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition by Indiana University. Upon completion of 300 classroom hours in the UEP, the participant will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition and a plaque. Successfully completed courses can be repeated, but will count only once toward the Certificate of Recognition. There are no entrance requirements, exams, or grades.
Information concerning these programs can be obtained by contacting the Labor Studies Program on the campus of IU Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Gary, IN 46408, telephone: (219) 980-6825.
Among the noncredit programs offered are the following:
- Collective Bargaining Grievance Handling
- Effective Leadership Labor Law
- Preparation for Grievance Arbitration
- Labor and Politics Workplace Health and Safety
- Workplace Discrimination
Specialized courses and conferences on topics such as labor and the economy, civil rights issues, workers' compensation, labor's legislative programs, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act are also available.