Degree Programs:

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Communication and Performing Arts

Communication and Performing Arts Courses Undergraduate
  • COMM-C 429 Public Relations Campaigns (3 cr.) Public Relations cases and campaigns are examined from a theoretical perspective as well as the process of implementation.  Research and evaluation concepts are central to the course.
  • HUMA-U 102 Introduction to Modern Humanities: The Live Performances (3 cr.) This course examines the approach to attending live performances including opera, symphony, theatre, and dance. Topics include protocol and traditions of the audience, criteria for critical listening, and discrimination of basic elements of performance. Students will attend live performances, engage in discussions of performances by genre, and develop critical listening skills.
  • HUMA-U 103 Introduction to Creative Arts (3 cr.) An interdisciplinary course that brings together music, art, dance, theatre, cinema, and storytelling into a cohesive, comprehensive, and thematic study of the interrelationships of the fine arts.
  • HUMA-U 201 Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Humanities (3 cr.) The study of how societies express their values through art, literature, music, and philosophy, and the investigation of the underlying assumptions and structures that govern these modes of expression.
  • HUMA-U 401 Senior Seminar in Humanities (3 cr.) Capstone seminar for the summarizing and synthesizing of course work in various humanities disciplines, culminating in a significant research project or creative work.
  • JOUR-C 200 Introduction to Mass Communications (3 cr.) Survey of functions, responsibilities, and influence of various mass communications media. Directed toward the consumer and critic of mass media in modern society.
  • JOUR-J 200 Reporting, Writing, & Editing I (3 cr.) Working seminar stressing the creation of journalistic stories for diverse audiences. Students will learn to develop story ideas, gather information, combine visual and verbal messages, and to write and edit news.
  • JOUR-J 201 Reporting, Writing, & Editing II (3 cr.) P: JOUR-J 200. Working seminar focused on the strengthening of basic journalism skills, including in-depth reporting, editing, and multimedia presentations. Creativity, cooperation and critical thinking are used to shape effective messages for diverse audiences.
  • JOUR-J 343 Broadcast News (3 cr.) Techniques of gathering, analyzing, and writing news and features for broadcast. Practice in interviewing, observation, and use of documentary references that include computer information retrieval and analysis skills.
  • JOUR-J 344 Photojournalism Reporting (3 cr.) This is an intermediate photojournalism course focusing on the basics of light, camera operation, and the use of the digital darkroom. It includes instruction in spot news and feature photography as well as instruction in ethics, privacy, and law.
  • SPCH-C 205 Introduction to Oral Interpretation (3 cr.) Basic principles and practice in analysis and reading of selections from prose, poetry, and drama. Public presentation of programs. Lecture and recitation.
  • SPCH-C 255 Social Media Strategies (3 cr.) This course provides students with an introduction to the history, theory, technology, and uses of social media. Students will explore the possibilities and limitations of social media and will have hands-on experience with several forms of social media technology.
  • SPCH-C 315 Internship in Communication (3 cr.) Internship in communication, arranged between the student, the student's faculty mentor, and an internship supervisor.  May be repeated once for credit.
  • SPCH-C 321 Persuasion (3 cr.) P: SPCH-S 121 or equivalent. Motivational appeals in influencing behavior, psychological factors in speaker-audience relationship, principles and practice of persuasive speaking. Lecture and recitation.
  • SPCH-C 325 Interviewing Principles and Practices (3 cr.) P: SPCH-S 121 or equivalent. Study and practice of methods used in business and industrial interviews, emphasis on the logical and psychological bases for the exchange of information-attitudes. Lecture and recitation.
  • SPCH-C 354 Cyberculture and Community (3 cr.) Advances in communication technology have altered our social landscape. This course explores how emerging technologies form new types of social networks while also changing the rules of communication in existing social units.
  • SPCH-C 380 Organizational Communication (3 cr.) The application of communication theory and research to the study of communication within the formal organization. Communication behavior is examined in a variety of organizational settings: interpersonal, small group, and inter-organizational units.
  • SPCH-C 382 Social Media Campaigns (3 cr.) P: SPCH-C 255. Working seminar stressing the development and application of social media strategies. Students work with community organizations to design and implement a social media campaign.
  • SPCH-C 391 Topics Course (1-8 cr.) Current topics in use include: Seminar (1–3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Topic announced in prior semester; oriented to current topics in communication and theatre; readings, projects, and papers as indicated by the topic and instructor. May be repeated up to a total of 8 credit hours.Topics currently in use are: Public Relations Campaigns (1–3 cr.) This course teaches students public relations theories, methods, and practice. Working in teams, students design and place three media messages for community-based public relations clients; Organizational Training and Development (3 cr.) Provides experience in the design, development, presentation, and evaluation of instructional communication training programs.
  • SPCH-C 393 Communication Research Methods (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131 This course explores major research methods used by communication scholars, including experimental research, survey research, textual analysis, and ethnography. Students learn how to interpret, evaluate and propose research.
  • SPCH-C 394 Research Seminar (3 cr.) Practice conducting research in the discipline of communication. Examination of the theoretical foundations of various forms of communication research.
  • SPCH-C 437 Creative Dramatics (3 cr.) Laboratory course in informal dramatics that emphasizes the child rather than the production; includes methods of stimulating the child to imaginative creation of drama with the materials of poetry, stories, choral readings, and music.
  • SPCH-C 444 Political Communication (3 cr.) Examination of communication in political campaigns and social movements. Campaign topics include speech-making, advertising, news coverage, and debates. Case studies in social movements, including anti-war, civil rights, feminism, and others.
  • SPCH-C 480 Communication Theory (3 cr.) A critical evaluation of theories in the field of human communication. Consideration is given to theories which explain communication behavior between pairs of people, within groups, in organizations, and in societies.
  • SPCH-S 121 Public Speaking (3 cr.) Theory and practice of public speaking; training in thought processes necessary to organize speech content, personality, components of effective delivery, and language.
  • SPCH-S 122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.) Practical consideration of spontaneous human interaction in face-to-face situations. Special attention to perception, language, and attitudes, in dyads and small groups.
  • SPCH-S 201 Communicating in Public (3 cr.) R: SPCH-S 121. Theory and advanced practice of public speaking. Designed primarily for, but not limited to, majors in communication-related fields.
  • SPCH-S 205 Introduction to Speech Communication (3 cr.) Overview of the theories and principles of effective communication in interpersonal, group, organizational, and public settings.
  • SPCH-S 223 Business and Professional Speaking (3 cr.) P: SPCH-S 121. Preparation and presentation of types of speeches and oral reports appropriate to business and professional occupations; group discussion and parliamentary procedures.
  • SPCH-S 228 Argumentation and Debate (3 cr.) Reasoning, evidence and argument in public discourse. Study of forms of argument. Practice in argumentative speaking.
  • COMM-C 394 Communication and Conflict (3 cr.) Analyzes conflict as a form of interaction. Examines approaches/perspectives to the study of conflict, the nature of power, face saving and contentious behaviors. Specific contexts include relational, marital,  group and organizational. Special attention to bargaining and mediation.
  • SPCH-S 229 Discussion and Group Methods (3 cr.) Leadership and participation in group, committee, conference, and public discussion; logical and psychological aspects of group process.
  • SPCH-S 233 Introduction to Public Relations (3 cr.) A survey of the historical antecedents and contemporary practice of public relations in the U.S. Emphasis is on the nature of day-to-day tasks and the communication responsibility of public relations practitioners in a variety of professional settings.
  • SPCH-S 302 Rhetoric and Society (3 cr.) Examination of sources and functions of symbolic influence in contemporary society. Emphasis will be placed on the development of skills necessary for understanding and analyzing instances of rhetoric occurring in a variety of social contexts.
  • SPCH-S 322 Advanced Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.) P: SPCH-S 122. Advanced consideration of communication in human relationships. Emphasis given to self-concept; perception; language; nonverbal interaction; listening; interpersonal conflict; and communication skills in family, social, and work situations.
  • SPCH-S 333 Public Relations (3 cr.) Principles of contemporary public relations, including ethics of public relations; impact on society; and uses by government, business, and social institutions for international and external communication. Public relations as a problem solving process utilizing theoretical and application strategies.
  • SPCH-S 336 Current Topics in Communication (3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected problems in contemporary speech communication. Topics vary each semester and are listed in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated once for credit.
  • SPCH-S  353 Advanced Public Speaking (3 cr.) Development of a marked degree of skill preparation and delivery of various types of speeches, with emphasis on depth of research, clarity of organization, application of proof, adaptation to audience, and felicitous style.
  • SPCH-S 398 Independent Study in Speech Communication (1-6 cr.) P: junior standing and approval of instructor. Independent study or practicum experience. Projects must be approved by faculty member before enrolling. May be repeated up to a total of 6 credit hours.
  • SPCH-S 400 Senior Seminar in Speech (3 cr.) Study of problems and issues in rhetoric and communication. Topic varies.  
  • SPCH-S 427 Cross-Cultural Communication (3 cr.) A survey study of national, cultural, and cross-cultural persuasion in theory and practice.
  • SPCH-S 450 Gender and Communication (3 cr.) Examines the extent to which biological sex and gender role orientation stereotypes influence the process of communication. Focuses on gender differences in decoding and encoding verbal and nonverbal behavior, development of sex roles, cultural assumption and stereotypes regarding gender differences in communication, and analyzes how the media present, influence, and reinforce gender stereotypes.
  • MUS-B 320 Trumpet (2 cr.) Individual trumpet lessons.
  • MUS-B 340 Euphonium (1-4 cr.) Music students with lower brass instruments as their major instruments must take a 300 level or higher level in music concentration.
  • MUS-D 300 Percussion (2 cr.) Individual percussion lessons for music majors.
  • MUS-E 394 Vocal Pedagogy (3 cr.) Principles of voice production, quality, diction, range, breathing, vocalization, dynamics, agility, and vocal hygiene as bases for an approach to vocal teaching.
  • MUS-G 361 Elementary Conducting Techniques (3 cr.) Beginning with simple pieces and moving into complex compositions, students will learn the basics of choral and instrumental coaching.
  • MUS-G 371 Choral Conducting I (2 cr.) Further development of basic conducting technique with a concentration on choral concepts. Emphasis on period style elements, analytical listening, aspects of choral tone, text analysis, score preparation, rehearsal planning, vocal techniques, and other advanced problems in choral conducting. Conduct representative works from varying style periods.
  • MUS-J 305 Ballet (3 cr.) Daily technique classes, including pointe, for students on the Bachelor of Science in Ballet degree, teaching emphasis.
  • MUS-L 100 Beginning Guitar (2 cr.) Individual guitar lessons.
  • MUS-L 101 Beginning Guitar Class (1-3 cr.) Classical guitar instruction in a class situation for non-music majors.
  • MUS-L 300 Guitar (2 cr.) Applied Music: classical guitar (studio) at the concentration level. Admission by audition.
  • MUS-M 174 Music for the Listener (3 cr.) How to listen to music, art of music and its materials, instrument and musical forms.
  • MUS-M 201 Literature of Music I (3 cr.) Survey of music from classical antiquity to 1750. Designed to develop a perspective on the evolution of music in its socio-cultural milieu, a repertoire of representative compositions, and techniques for listening analytically.
  • MUS-M 393 History of Jazz (3 cr.) This course is an exploration of the history of jazz with an examination of its roots, important genres and styles, historic recordings, key figures, and related materials.
  • MUS-M  401 History and Literature of Music I (4 cr.) History of music from beginnings of Western civilization to 1800. Style analysis, visual and aural, of representative compositions, and relationship of music to sociocultural background of each epoch.
  • MUS-M 403 History of Music I (3 cr.) Study of music from the beginning of western civilization to 1700. Analysis of representative compositions; relationship of music to the socio-cultural background of each epoch.
  • MUS-P 100 Piano (2 cr.) Individual piano lessons.
  • MUS-P 300 Piano (3 cr.) Individual piano lessons for music majors. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-R 472 Vocal Performance Workshop II (3 cr.) Open to undergraduate voice majors in the Jacobs School of Music; other students by permission of the instructor. Opera arias and ensembles, musical theater repertoire and spoken texts from theatrical works. Audition techniques, stage movement, and a staged "scenes" production performance
  • MUS-S 315 Violin (2 cr.) Individual violin lessons.
  • MUS-S 335 Cello (2 cr.) Individual cello lessons.
  • MUS-S 345 Bass (2 cr.) Individual bass lessons.
  • MUS-T 110 Rudiments of Music (3 cr.) Entry level class for students interested in how music works. The class deals with the fundamentals of notation, ear training, and music reading. Melody and harmony are explored.
  • MUS-T 113 Music Theory I (3 cr.) Required for all music majors. Study of the elements of basic musicianship: intervals, scales, triads, rhythm and meter, music nomenclature, rudiments of two-part writing and diatonic harmony.
  • MUS-U 110 Special Topics in Music (2 cr.) Various topics from semester to semester.
  • MUS-U 320 Seminar (1-3 cr.) Special topics of study in Music and related subjects
  • MUS-V 100 Beginning Voice (2 cr.) Private voice lessons.
  • MUS-V 300 Voice (2 cr.) Individual voice lessons at the concentration level. Additional applied fee. Time scheduled with instructor.
  • MUS-W 110 Flute (2 cr.) Individual Flute/Piccolo lessons.
  • MUS-W 310 Flute and Piccolo (1-4 cr.) Private Flute and Piccolo lessons for music majors.
  • MUS-W 350 Saxophone (1-4 cr.)
  • MUS-X 040 Instrumental Ensemble: Band (0-2 cr.) This course may be taken for up to 8 credit hours with different topics.
  • MUS-X 070 University Choral Ensemble (0-3 cr.)
  • MUS-X 096 Performance Class (1 cr.) Student performance in plays, musicals, and/or operas.
  • MUS-Z 111 Introduction to Music Theory (3 cr.) A study of fundamentals of the language and notation of music: listening, music reading and writing, and the elements of music as used in a variety of genres and historical periods.
  • MUS-Z 201 History of Rock 'n' Roll Music (3 cr.) A history and appreciation of rock’s classic era. The course begins with the 1964 British Invasion, which signaled the arrival of rock’s second generation. Examines the major musical figures and social issues (civil rights struggle, the war in Vietnam) of the 1960s.
  • MUS-Z 265 American Country Music (3 cr.) A listening-based survey of American country music from the 1920s to the present.  Various musical styles and contributions of country music artists.  Also considered are topics such as country music and race, religion, and working-class culture.
  • MUS-Z 281 East-West Encounters in Music (3 cr.) Examination of interaction and communication between two cultural realms conditionally defined as East and West. In this course, East is understood as the region including countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, and West is defined as Europe and the United States. The class looks in both Eastern and Western directions and explores hybridity of styles and genres in both domains and the impact of each area on the other.
  • MUS-Z 373 The American Musical: Context and Development (3 cr.) The origins of the American Musical: its societal impact and its development from vaudeville and European operetta to the rock musicals of today.
  • THTR-C 130 Introduction to Theatre (3 cr.) An introduction to the study of theatre; the wide range of critical, historical, aesthetic, and practical interests necessary to a well-rounded view; emphasis on theatre as an art form; elements of dramatic construction.
  • THTR-T 100 Introduction to Theatre (3 cr.) Exploration of theatre as collaborative art. Investigation of the dynamics and creativity of theatre production through plays, theatrical space, and cultural context, with particular attention to the roles and interaction of the audience, playwrights, directors, actors, designers, producers, and critics.
  • THTR-T 115 Oral Interpretation (3 cr.) Introduction to theories, methodology, and skills: oral and visual presentation of literature for audiences.
  • THTR-T 120 Acting I (3 cr.) Introduction to theories, methodology and skills; body movement, voice and diction, observations, concentration, imagination. Emphasis on improvisation exercises.
  • THTR-T 149 Introductory Speech and Theatre Practicum (1-2 cr.) Introductory directed projects in speech and theatre.
  • THTR-T 220 Acting II (3 cr.) P: THTR-T 120 or consent of instructor. Textual analysis and techniques of communicating with body and voice. Study and performance of characters in scenes from Shakespeare and modern realistic and nonrealistic dramas.
  • THTR-T 222 Voice for the Actor (3 cr.) Designed to develop physiological and psychological understanding of the voice as it applies specifically to the study of acting. Provides a series of exercises/techniques to free, develop, and strengthen vocal pitch, range, resonance, breath control, and articulation. Includes an introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet and stage dialects.
  • THTR-T 226 Readers Theatre I (3 cr.) Exploration of theory and techniques, Practical experience materials; fiction and nonfiction, poetry, prose, dramatic dialogue.
  • THTR-T 236 Readers Theatre I (3 cr.) Exploration of theory and techniques. Practical experience with a variety of materials: fiction and nonfiction, poetry, prose, dramatic dialogue.
  • THTR-T 245 Living Theatre (1-2 cr.) Attendance at eight selected productions in the community during the semester, lecture and discussion of each production, short written analyses, and term paper. No withdrawal permitted after second week of class. For 1 credit hour: attend lectures and productions. For 2 credit hours: complete course as described. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
  • THTR-T 340 Directing I: Fundamentals of Directing (3 cr.) Introduction to theories, process and skills (text analysis, working with actors, staging, and telling a story), culminating in a final project.
  • THTR-T 345 Theatre for Children (3 cr.) Purposes, principles, and problems of staging plays for children.
  • THTR-T 349 Practicum (3 cr.) Directed projects for performance, technical production, and arts management work on co-curricular productions, and other related activities.
  • THTR-T 405 Stage Management (3 cr.) P: THTR-T 225. Discussion, research and projects into the responsibilities, duties and roles of a theatrical stage manager. Work to include studies in script analysis for stage management, communication rehearsal and performance procedures, performance skills, and style and concept approach to theatre.
  • THTR-T 483 Theatre Capstone (3 cr.) Studies in special topics not ordinarily covered in other departmental courses.

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