School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of English and Language Studies
English and Language Studies Courses Undergraduate
Classical Studies
- CLAS-C 209 Medical Terms from Greek and Latin (2 cr.) This course introduces students to the process by which technical medical terms are formed.
Comparative Literature
- CMLT-C 190 Introduction to Film (3 cr.) History of film and growth of cinematic techniques from Melies and the Lumiere brothers to the present. Topics such as adaptation, the visual image, genres, and the film as social document, and how they relate to the history and development of film art. Students will become familiar with the basic terminology and technical aspects of film study.
- CMLT-C 390 Film and Society (3 cr.) P: CMLT-C 190 or consent of instructor. Film and politics; censorship; social influences of the cinema; and rise of the film industry.
- CMLT-C 392 Genre Study in Film (3 cr.) P: CMLT-C 190 or consent of instructor. Problems of definition; the evolution of film genres such as criminal or social drama, comedy, the western, science fiction, horror, or documentary film; themes, subject matter, conventions, and iconography peculiar to given genres; relationship of film genres to literary genres. Focus is on one specific genre each time the course is offered. May be repeated once with different topic. Versions of this course offered: "Summer Blockbusters," and "Film Noir."
East Asian Languages and Cultures
- EALC-E 100 East Asia: An Introduction (3 cr.) Basic introduction to China, Japan, and Korea. Intended to help students understand the unique character of each of these three cultures within the general framework of East Asian civilization, comprehend the historical importance of the three countries, and appreciate the crucial role they play in the world today.
- ENG-E 205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr.) Acquaints the student with contemporary studies of the nature of language in general and of the English language in particular.
- ENG-E 301 Literatures in English to 1600 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. The historical study of literature in English for the period 450 to 1600.
- ENG-E 302 Literatures in English 1600-1800 (3 cr.) Representative study of British and American literature of the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries in the context of transatlantic cultural developments.
- ENG-E 303 Literatures in English 1800-1900 (3 cr.) Representative study of nineteenth-century British and American literature in the context of transatlantic cultural developments.
- ENG-E 304 Literatures in English 1900-Present (3 cr.) Representative study of twentieth-century literatures in English. In addition to Britain and North America, cultural locations may include the Indian subcontinent, Australasia, Anglophone Africa, the Caribbean, etc. Focus on themes associated with modernity and cross-cultural contacts such as multiculturalism, gender, and identity.
- ENG-G 301 History of the English Language (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Historical and structural analysis of English language in stages of its development. Political and social events affecting development of language: interrelationship of language and literature, evolution of modern English phonology, syntax, orthography, and lexicon.
- ENG-L 101 Ancient and Medieval World Literature (3 cr.) Literary masterpieces from Homer to Chaucer. Aims to teach thoughtful, intensive reading and to introduce students to the aesthetic values of the classical literary heritage of Western literature.
- ENG-L 102 Modern World Literature (3 cr.) Literary masterpieces from Shakespeare to the present. Introduces the student to the literature of the modern world and its aesthetic and philosophical values. May be taken before ENG-L 101.
- ENG-L 140 Introduction to English Studies (1-3 cr.) A comprehensive orientation to the field of English Studies. In addition to providing academic advising, the course offers an overview of our curriculum, which includes our two concentrations in Writing and Literature, career opportunities related to the degree, and the kinds of reading, writing, and oral skills that are needed for success as a major and in a variety of professions.
- ENG-L 202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.) Close analysis of representative texts (poetry, drama, fiction) designed to develop the art of lively, responsible reading through class discussion and writing of papers. Attention to literary design and critical method.
- ENG-L 203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.) Representative significant plays to acquaint students with characteristics of drama as a type of literature. Readings will include plays from several ages and countries.
- ENG-L 204 Introduction to Fiction (3 cr.) Representative works of fiction; structural techniques in the novel. Novels and stories from several ages and countries. A recent offering of this course was: "Monsters and the Monstrous."
- ENG-L 205 Introduction to Poetry (3 cr.) Kinds, conventions, and elements of poetry in a selection of poems from several historical periods.
- ENG-L 207 Women and Literature (3 cr.) Issues and approaches to the critical study of women writers and their treatment in British and American literature.
- ENG-L 209 Topics in American Literature and Culture (3 cr.) Selected works of American literature in relation to a single cultural problem or theme. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Previous versions of this variable topics class includes: "American Southern Literature," "Modern American Drama," "American Horror Story," and "The Great American Novel."
- ENG-L 220 Introduction to Shakespeare (3 cr.) Rapid reading of at least a dozen of Shakespeare's major plays and poems. May not be taken concurrently with ENG-L 313 or ENG-L 314.
- ENG-L 225 Introduction to World Masterpieces (3 cr.) Representative masterpieces in all genres from world literature of any period.
- ENG-L 230 Science Fiction (3 cr.) Study of the kinds, conventions, and theories of science fiction. Course may include both literature (predominantly British and American) and film.
- ENG-L 295 American Film Culture (3 cr.) Film in relation to American culture and society. Topic varies. Works of literature may be used for comparison, but the main emphasis will be on film as a narrative medium and as an important element in American culture. Recent versions of this variable topics course include: "The Art of Adaptation," and "The Great Directors."
- ENG-L 315 Major Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. A close reading of a representative selection of Shakespeare’s major plays.
- ENG-L 331 Studies in 19th Century British Literature (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Intensive study of one writer, a group of writers, or a theme or form significant in the period.
- ENG-L 332 Romantic Literature (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. British literature and culture in the age of Romanticism and the revolutionary era (ca. 1780-1830). Poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction writings from major and minor authors, such as Austen, Blake, Byron, Coleridge, Scott, the Shelleys, Keats, Wollstonecraft, and the Wordsworths.
- ENG-L 335 Victorian Literature (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. A survey of English poetry and prose from approximately 1832 to 1900. Attention to figures like Tennyson, Browning, and Carlyle.
- ENG-L 346 Twentieth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. 20th-century novel and its techniques and experiments, chiefly Lawrence, Joyce, Woolf, and recent novelists.
- ENG-L 347 British Fiction to 1800 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Forms, techniques, and theories of fiction as exemplified by such writers as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne.
- ENG-L 348 Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Forms, techniques, and theories of fiction as exemplified by such writers as Scott, Dickens, Eliot, and Hardy.
- ENG-L 350 Early American Writing and Culture to 1800 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Examination of a range of literary and cultural communications from the period of exploration and colonization of the Americas through the Revolutionary era. Special attention paid to the interactions between rhetoric and history, and to religious, scientific, political, racial, and literary discourses.
- ENG-L 351 American Literature 1800-1865 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W131. Study of a range of texts from the formative period of the republic to the end of the Civil War. Special attention paid to the shifting definitions and constructions of U.S. American national and cultural identity, as affected by issues of race, environment, transatlantic exchanges, scientific discourse, and the emergence of women writers.
- ENG-L 352 Critical and Historical Study of American Literature II (3 cr.) American writers 1865-1914: Twain, Dickinson, James, and two or three additional major writers.
- ENG-L 354 American Literature Since 1914 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Study of modernist and contemporary American writers in various genres, 1914 to the present, including Frost, Stein, Faulkner, O'Connor, Baldwin, Morrison, and others.
- ENG-L 355 American Fiction to 1900 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Survey of a range of literary fiction in nineteenth-century America, examining a variety of forms including the novel, sketch, short story, as well as modes (Gothic, romance, sentimental, adventure). Attention will be paid to the historical, cultural, and political contexts in which canonical and lesser-known authors wrote.
- ENG-L 357 Twentieth-Century American Poetry (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Examination of the general trends and important contributions found in the work of major and minor American poets.
- ENG-L 358 American Literature from 1914 to 1960 (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Survey of literary expressions centered mainly in the first half of the twentieth century. Attention may be given to such literary movements as modernism and the Beats, as well as literature written by women and various ethnic populations.
- ENG-L 366 Modern Drama: English, Irish, American, and Post-Colonial (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Shaw, Synge, O’Neill, and other significant dramatists, such as Harold Pinter, Edward Albee, August Wilson, Athol Fugard, and Wole Soyinka.
- ENG-L 369 Studies in British and American Authors (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Studies in single authors (such as Wordsworth and Melville), groups of authors (such as minority writers), and periods (such as American writers of the 1920s). Topics will vary from semester to semester.
- ENG-L 371 Critical Practices (3 cr.) P: ENG-L 202. Study of and practice in critical methodologies; can be focused on specific topics; may be repeated once for credit by departmental permission.
- ENG-L 378 Studies in Women and Literature (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. British and American authors such as George Eliot, Gertrude Stein; groups of authors such as the Brontë sisters, recent women poets; or genres and modes such as autobiography, film, and criticism. Topics will vary from semester to semester.
- ENG-L 379 American Ethnic and Minority Literature (3 cr.) A survey of representative authors and of works of American ethnic and minority literature, with a primary focus on African-American, Hispanic, and American-Indian literature.
- ENG-L 381 Recent Writing (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Selected writers of contemporary significance. May include groups and movements (such as Black writers, poets of projective verse, new regionalists, Para journalists and other experiments in pop literature, folk writers, and distinctly ethnic writers); several recent novelists, poets and critics; or any combination of groups.
- ENG-L 388 Studies in Irish Literature and Culture (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. This course is an intensive classroom and on-site study of Irish culture and the literature it has produced.
- ENG-L 390 Children's Literature (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Survey of a wide range (folk tales, fantasy, realistic fiction, poetry and picture books) of literature for children from the early years to junior high school. Readings from the classics of previous centuries and from the best modern works will be treated from the literary-critical perspective, from which pedagogical conclusions follow. Intended for English majors, for the general students, for teachers past and future, and for parents and librarians.
- ENG-L 391 Literature for Young Adults (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Study of books suitable for junior high and high school youths. Special stress on works of fiction dealing with contemporary problems; but also including modern classics, biography, science fiction, and other areas of interest to teenage readers.
- ENG-L 395 British and American Film Stds (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Intensive study of specific topics related to film narratives; emphasis on American and/or British film as a cultural phenomenon. Topic varies.
- ENG-L 406 Topics in African-American Literature (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Focuses on a particular genre, time, and period. Topics may include 20th-century African- American women's novels, black male identity in African-American literature, or African-American autobiography. May be repeated once for credit with different focus.
- ENG-L 431 Topics in Literary Study (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Study of characteristics and development of literary forms or modes (e.g. studies in narrative, studies in romanticism). Topics vary from year to year.
- ENG-L 433 Conversations with Shakespeare (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. An interdisciplinary and intertextual study of Shakespeare’s work and its influence to the present day. Students will compare Shakespeare texts with latter day novels, plays, poems, and films that allude to or incorporate some aspect of Shakespeare's art.
- ENG-L 450 Seminar: British and American Authors (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Intensive study of a major author or a school, or closely-related authors.
- ENG-L 495 Individual Reading in English (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and department chair. May be repeated once for credit.
- ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, Inquiry 1 (3 cr.) Offers instruction and practice in the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills required in college. Emphasis is on written assignments that require summary, synthesis, analysis, and argument.
- ENG-W 132 Elementary Composition II (3 cr.)
- ENG-W 202 English Grammar Review (1 cr.) Provides basic understanding of grammatical terms and principles sufficient to enable students to edit their own prose with confidence. No prior knowledge of grammar is assumed or required.
- ENG-W 203 Creative Writing (3 cr.) Exploratory course in imaginative writing: fiction, poetry, and drama.
- ENG-W 206 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 cr.) Provides students with the opportunity to develop their creative writing skills, and gives them a working knowledge of the basic principles of fiction, poetry, and drama.
- ENG-W 209 Tutoring Writing: Principles and Practice (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131, ENG-W 132, or instructor consent.
An introduction to the process of peer tutoring and one-on-one instruction in writing composition.
- ENG-W 210 Literacy and Public Life (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131 This multidisciplinary survey course explores the intersections between different conceptions of literacy (i.e., cultural, political, technological) and the significant, formative narratives of American public life both past and present. Past topics include "The American Dream: A Multidisciplinary Journey from Jay Gatsby to Jay-Z."
- ENG-W 215 Introduction to Rhetoric (3 cr.) Since its inception in the fifth century BCE, rhetoric has been a powerful force in public affairs, education, politics, and in the practice of civic life. Its impact on the epistemological foundations of Western societies cannot be overstated and, until around the middle of the nineteenth century, rhetoric dominated formal education in Europe and the United States. To study the history of rhetoric is to catch a glimpse of the evolution of ideas, politics, and-in short-ways of being together in the world as they have developed since the time of the ancient Greeks. This course will introduce you to some of the major figures and concepts in the history of rhetoric and rhetorical thought, beginning with rhetoric's emergence in Classical Greece as a systematic pedagogy and practice of civic participation (being together) and then moving on to some more recent conversations in rhetorical theory. In addition to studying rhetoric's rich history of ideas and figures-what we might call the "content" of rhetorical history-we will also be concerned with studying the connections among and between various theories of language, politics, culture, power, social identities, and civic action. Since rhetoric was originally conceived as above all a productive art, one of the guiding concerns of our discussions this semester will be to ask, "What might rhetoric do for us in our present circumstances?"
- ENG-W 221 Writing in the Disciplines (3 cr.) An intermediate writing course focused on researching and writing longer, more substantive arguments, summaries, analysis papers, and multimodal projects on topics and issues related to the student's major area of academic interest.
- ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. This course helps students in any field develop writing skills appropriate for situations and tasks encountered in workplace and organizational settings. Course assignments and activities emphasize the role of professional writing and the importance of developing professional writing skills, emphasizing documents done in the world of work, such as letters, memos, reports, proposals, etc. Credit will not be given for both ENG-W 231 and ENG-W 321.
- ENG-W 260 Film Criticism (3 cr.) This course surveys the major schools of film criticism and applies these theories to contemporary films. Students may write in the manner of the different critical approaches studied. Schools of film criticism considered may include formalism, auteur theory, genre studies, and feminist film theory.
- ENG-W 270 Argumentative Writing (3 cr.) Online Collaborative Course. Offers instruction and practice in writing argumentative essays about complicated and controversial issues. The course focuses on strategies for identifying issues, assessing claims, locating evidence, deciding on a position, and writing papers with clear assertions and convincing arguments.
- ENG-W 301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 203, ENG-W 206, or permission of instructor. Further exploration in the art of fiction writing.
- ENG-W 302 Screenwriting (3 cr.) A practical course in basic techniques of writing for film and television. Covers the essentials of dramatic structure, story development, characterization and theme, scene construction, dialogue, and, briefly, the practicalities of working as a screenwriter today.
- ENG-W 303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.) P: ENG-W203, ENG-W206, their equivalents, or permission of the instructor. Further exploration in the art of poetry writing.
- ENG-W 311 Creative Nonfiction (3 cr.) P: completion of 100-level writing requirements. Study and practice of the essay utilizing creative writing techniques. Genres such as memoir, personal essay, nature essay, segmented essay, critical essay, and literary journalism will be studied.
- ENG-W 315 Writing for the Web (3 cr.) Introduces students to new forms of writing (beyond word processing and desktop publishing) made possible by computers - hypertext, electronic mail, and computer conferencing - and explores what impact these new forms have on literacy skills for writers and readers of such computer-delivered texts.
- ENG-W 321 Advanced Technical Writing (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Instruction in preparing engineering and other technical proposals and reports, with an introduction to the use of graphics. Credit will not be given for both ENG-W 231 and ENG-W 321.
- ENG-W 350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.) P: Completion of English composition requirement. Close examination of assumptions, choices, and techniques that go into a student’s own writing and into the writing of others.
- ENG-W 365 Theories and Practices of Editing (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Students examine the workplace roles of editors while developing their own editing skills. Topics include editorial practices, style, grammar, ethics, and resources for editing.
- ENG-W 368 Research Materials and Methods (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131. Introduction to information sources and research methods in English studies, textual studies, and digital humanities. Explores databases, concordances, bibliographies, archives, electronic text editing, text encoding and analysis, and other online and library sources. Emphasis on locating, analyzing, and evaluating relevant and credible sources as the basis for effective research.
- ENG-W 395 Individual Study of Writing (3 cr.) This class is a variable topics course focusing on creative writing in a wide variety of forms. A recent version of this course was "Writing Novels."
- ENG-W 398 Internship in Writing (0-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Internship in the Writing Center, designated IU Kokomo offices, or other arranged settings. Focus on writing, the teaching of writing, and writing-related tasks. Apply during semester prior to desired internship.
- ENG-W 400 Issues in Teaching Writing (3 cr.) Focuses on the content of rhetoric and composition and considers fundamental theoretical and practical issues in the teaching of writing. Reviews rhetorical and compositional principles that influence writing instruction, textbook selection, and curriculum development.
- ENG-W 411 Directed Writing (1-3 cr.) Individualized project assigned by instructor consenting to direct it. Individual critical projects worked out with director. Credit varies with scope of project.
- ENG-L 498 Internship in English (0-3 cr.) P. Major standing, minimum GPA of 3.0, 12 credit hours in English at 200 level or above (including ENG-L 202), prior arrangement with faculty member or editor. Supervised experience in various English department positions, in editing, or in approved work setting. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credit hours; only 3 credit hours may count toward the major.
- ENG-Z 104 Language in Our World (3 cr.) This course explores the power and importance of language in our everyday lives and looks at how language unites and separates us culturally, politically, socially, and psychologically.
Graduate English Courses
- ENG-L 503 Teaching of Literature in College (2-4 cr.) Classroom teaching of literature in the light of current approaches.
- ENG-L 506 Introduction to Methods of Criticism and Research (4 cr.) Online Collaborative Course. The conditions and assumptions of studying English, with emphasis on criticism and research on a culturally and historically diverse range of texts.
- ENG-L 553 Studies in Literature (3 cr.) Variable topics at the graduate level related to the study of literature.
- ENG-L 646 Readings in Media/Literature/Culture (4 cr.) Online Collaborative Course. Introductory study of issues in literary editing, textual culture, or digital humanities.
- ENG-W 509 Writing and Literary Studies (4 cr.) Online Collaborative Course. This is the core course in the writing and literacy track of the English master's program. Students will read, analyze, discuss, and write about key issues in writing and literacy, laying a foundation for further study. Special emphasis will be placed on research methods in this field.
- FOLK-F 101 Introduction to Folklore (3 cr.) A view of the main forms and varieties of folklore and folk expression in tales, ballads, myth, legends, beliefs, games, proverbs, riddles, and traditional arts and crafts. The role of folklore in human society.
- FREN-F 111 Elementary French I (4 cr.) Drills for mastery of reading, phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary. Includes elements of French culture.
- FREN-F 112 Elementary French II (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 111 or equivalent. Continuation of FREN-F 111. Drills for mastery of reading, phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary. Includes elements of French culture.
- FREN-F 203 Second Year French I (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 112 or equivalent. Composition, conversation, and grammar coordinated with the study of expository and literary texts.
- FREN-F 204 Second Year French II (3 cr.) P: FREN-F 203 or equivalent. Continuation of FREN-F 203. Composition, conversation, and grammar coordinated with the study of expository and literary texts.
- FREN-F 260 French Lit & Civilization (3 cr.) Readings of representative literature from period chosen, their political, social and philosophical background, and parallel trends in the arts and music. Lectures in English. Readings in English.
- GER-G 111 Elementary German I (4 cr.) Intensive introduction to present-day German with drills for mastery of reading, phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary.
- GER-G 112 Elementary German II (4 cr.) P: GER-G 111 or equivalent. Continuation of GER-G 111. Intensive introduction to present-day German with drills for mastery of reading, phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary.
- GER-G 203 Second Year German I (3 cr.) P:GER-G 112 or equivalent. Intensive review of important structural problems and vocabulary primarily through the reading and discussion of modern German fiction and nonfiction.
- GER-G 204 Second Year German II (3 cr.) P: GER-G 203 or equivalent. Continuation of GER-G 203 Intensive review of important structural problems and vocabulary primarily through the reading and discussion of modern German fiction and nonfiction.
- GER-G 306 Introduction to German Literature (3 cr.) P: GER-G 204 or equivalent. Study of a single literary theme (such as music, generational conflict, love, revolution) as represented in two or more periods. Conducted in German.
- GER-G 363 Introduction to German Cultural History (3 cr.) P: GER-G 204 or equivalent. A survey of the cultural history of German-speaking countries, with reference to its social, economic, and political context.
- SPAN-S 111 Elementary Spanish I (4 cr.) Intensive introduction to present-day Spanish, with drills for mastery or phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary.
- SPAN-S 112 Elementary Spanish II (4 cr.) P: SPAN-S 111 or equivalent. Continuation of SPAN-S 111. Intensive introduction to present-day Spanish, with drills for mastery or phonology, basic structural patterns, and functional vocabulary.
- SPAN-S 160 Spanish for Health Care Personnel (3 cr.) Students learn to explain procedures, medication, and diagnoses when faced with a variety of medical situations involving Spanish-speaking patients and families. Through a series of vocabulary, grammar information, illustrations, dialogues, exercises, and cultural notes, the course prepares health professionals to communicate better with Spanish-speaking patients. May be taken concurrently with other Spanish language courses but cannot serve as a replacement for any of these courses and does not satisfy the School of Humanities and Social Sciences foreign language requirement.
- SPAN-S 203 Second-Year Spanish I (3 cr.) P: SPAN-S 112 or equivalent. Intensive drill reviewing important structural and vocabulary problems, coordinated with literary readings.
- SPAN-S 204 Second-Year Spanish II (3 cr.) P: SPAN-S 203 or equivalent. Continuation of SPAN-S 203. Discussions in Spanish of contemporary Spanish literature. Practice in composition both semesters.
- SPAN-S 275 Hispanic Culture and Conversation (3 cr.) Practice of language skills through reading and discussion of Hispanic culture. Discusses facets of popular culture, diversity of the Spanish speaking world, and themes of social and political importance. Prior knowledge of Spanish not required.
- SPAN-S 311 Spanish Grammar (3 cr.) P: SPAN-S 204 or equivalent. This course is designed to integrate the four basic language skills into a review of the major points of Spanish grammar. Course work will combine grammar exercises with brief controlled compositions based on a reading assignment and class discussion in Spanish. Sentence exercises will be corrected and discussed in class.
- SPAN-S 312 Written Composition in Spanish (3 cr.) P: SPAN-S 204 or equivalent. This course integrates the four basic language skills into a structured approach to composition. Some review of selected points of Spanish grammar will be included. Each student will write a weekly composition, increasing in length as the semester progresses. Emphasis will be on correct usage, vocabulary building, and stylistic control.
- SPAN-S 317 Spanish Conversation and Diction (3 cr.) P: SPAN-S 204 or equivalent. Practice of conversation in Spanish with emphasis on pronunciation, vocabulary development, and fluency.
- SPAN-S 325 Spanish for Teachers (3-4 cr.) Focuses on major problem areas of teaching Spanish. Includes review, exercises, and work in pronunciation accompanied by intensive individual practice.
- SPAN-S 360 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 cr.) Study of literature in Spanish. Using fiction, drama, and poetry from both Spain and Latin America, this course introduces strategies to increase reading comprehension and presents terms and concepts useful in developing the critical skills of literary analysis.