School of Education
Music Education Minor
The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education leads to an Elementary Generalist license (K-6). Students will be admitted into the program in a cohort and will continue to move through the program with others who have begun the program at the same time. The Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education is comprised of the following:
In order to graduate, the student must have a total of 120 credit hours completed with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.65 with a minimum grade of C in each EDUC course. All non-EDUC courses must have a grade of at least C. Progress towards the degree will be monitored by the faculty to
General Education Requirements (42-44 credit hours)
Content courses focus on the following: Communication Skills, Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy, Critical Thinking, Cultural Diversity, Ethics and Civic Engagement, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities and Arts, and Physical and Life Sciences. All courses must have a grade of at least C. Students should plan their programs in consultation with an academic advisor and monitor their programs to ensure content requirements are met. Failure to do so will delay program completion.
Go to General Education in this bulletin for a full list of IU Kokomo's General Education requirements. The School of Education may recommend certain courses from the General Education curriculum that will fit your degree. See an academic advisor for more details.
Additional General Education requirements will be met by specific EDUC courses as follows: Quantitative Literacy Statistics (EDUC-K 490), Critical Thinking (EDUC-P 255), Cultural Diversity (EDUC-M 300), and Ethics and Civic Engagement (EDUC-H 340).
Additional State standards are met by completing courses to cover the following areas: American History (EDUC-E 325), English/Language Arts (EDUC-E 339, EDUC-E 340, and EDUC-E 341), and Science/Health (EDUC-Q 200, EDUC-E 328, and EDUC-P 290).
Music Education Minor
Successful completion of the Music Education minor will result in dual licensure in Elementary Generalist (K-6) and Fine Arts: Instrumental and General Music and/or Fine Arts: Vocal and General Music.
Upon completing the minor, students will be able to:
- Apply musicianship skills such as essential listening, sight-singing, and keyboarding skills.
- Demonstrate an understanding of music theory including the materials and procedures of common practice era and post-tonal music.
- Compose, arrange, and improvise instrumental and vocal music.
- Articulate an understanding of music history and culture.
- Apply conducting techniques, rehearsal techniques, and repertoires for band, orchestra, and other school instrumental and vocal ensembles.
- Apply instrumental and vocal performance techniques and solo repertoire.
- Plan for and utilize appropriate music pedagogies in the instruction of K-12 students.
Curriculum (26 credit hours)
- EDUC-M 236 Introduction to Music Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-M 339 General Music Methods K-12 (3 cr.)
- MUS-B 320 Trumpet (2 cr.)
- MUS-G 361 Elementary Conducting Techniques (3 cr.)
- MUS-M 403 History and Literature of Music I (3 cr.)
- MUS-P 300 Piano (3 cr.)
- MUS-S 315 Violin (2 cr.)
- MUS-V 300 Voice (2 cr.)
- MUS-W 310 Flute and Piccolo (2 cr.)
- MUS-X 040 Instrumental Ensemble: Band or
- MUS-X 070 University Choral Ensemble (1 cr.)
- MUS-Z 111 Introduction to Music Theory or
- MUS-T 113 Music Theory 1 (3 cr.)