School of Education
Education Courses Undergraduate
- EDUC-E 325 Social Studies in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.) P: EDUC-E 339 and EDUC-M 299. Emphasizes the development of objectives, teaching strategies, and evaluation procedures that facilitate the social learning of young children. Special attention given to concept learning, inquiry, decision making and value analysis.
- EDUC-E 328 Science in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.) P: EDUC-E 339, EDUC-E 340, and EDUC-M 299. Objectives, philosophy, selection, and organization of science materials and methods. Concept development and use of the multidimensional materials in science experiments. Analysis of assessment techniques and bibliographical materials. Field experience arranged in public schools.
- EDUC-E 339 Methods of Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary Schools I (3 cr.) P: Admission to the TEP. Describes the methods, materials, and techniques employed in the elementary language arts program.
- EDUC-E 340 Methods of Teaching Reading I (3 cr.) This course describes and appraises the methods, materials and techniques employed in diagnosing learning problems in elementary language arts and reading program.
- EDUC-E 341 Methods of Teaching Reading in the Elementary Schools II (3 cr.) P: EDUC-E 339. Focuses on classroom procedures and materials used to provide diagnostic and corrective instruction for learning needs in reading.
- EDUC-E 343 Mathematics in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.) P EDUC-M 299, MATH-T 109, and MATH-T 110. Emphasizes the developmental nature of the arithmetic process and its place as an effective tool in the experiences of the elementary school child. Field experience arranged in public schools.
- EDUC-F 205 Study of Education and the Practice of Teaching (3 cr.) A review of the literature on various approaches to education as a discipline and a field of inquiry, and an exploration of several approaches to teacher education. Integrates scholarship and inquiry with the development of educational possibilities. Students will begin the process of constructing a set of personal and social commitments that will guide their future teaching activities.
- EDUC-F 401 Topical Exploration in Education (0-3 cr.) This course will explore various topics of relevance to education, both in the United States and abroad.
- EDUC-H 340 Education and the American Culture (3 cr.) P: EDUC-F 205, EDUC-P 251 or EDUC-P 255 and admission to TEP. The present educational system - its social impact and future implications - viewed in historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. Special attention is given to ethnic, minority, and cultural aspects.
- EDUC-K 205 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.) P: EDUC-F 205. An overview of the characteristics and the identification of exceptional children. The course presents the issues in serving exceptional children and the educational, recreational, and social aspects of their lives.
- EDUC-K 305 Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Elementary Classroom (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 205. Knowledge, attitudes, and skills basic to the education of exceptional learners (students who are handicapped as well as gifted and talented in the regular elementary classroom. Topics include historical and international perspectives, the law and public policy, profiling the exceptional learner, a responsive curriculum, teaching and management strategies, teachers as persons and professionals.
- EDUC-K 306 Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Secondary Classroom (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 205. This course includes an overview of the skills and knowledge necessary for effective instruction of students with disabilities in inclusive secondary programs.
- EDUC-K 343 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders I (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 205. A basic survey of the field of emotional disturbance and social maladjustment. Definitions, classifications, characteristics, and diagnostic and treatment procedures are discussed from a psycho-educational point of view.
- EDUC-K 344 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders II (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 343. A survey of educational curricula, procedures, and materials for socially and emotionally disturbed children. Development of teaching skills is emphasized.
- EDUC-K 352 Learning Disability Methods (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 343; EDUC-K 370, EDUC-K 495A. Educational programs for optimum growth and development of educable mentally retarded and learning disabled children. Study and observation of curriculum content, organization of special schools and classes, and teaching methods and materials.
- EDUC-K 361 Assistive Technology (2 cr.) P: EDUC-K 343; EDUC-K 370, EDUC-K 495A, EDUC-K 362. Prepares future teachers with the knowledge required to integrate assistive technology into curricula for students with mild to moderate disabilities.
- EDUC-K 362 Team Approaches to Educating Students with Disabilites (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 343; EDUC-K 370, EDUC-K 495A. Students will learn techniques related to effective collaboration and interactive teaming in educational settings. Focus will be the development of skills necessary to serve as consultant or co-teacher in school environments.
- EDUC-K 370 Language and Learning Disorder (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 205. Survey of historical development and current status of definitions, classifications, assessment, and treatment procedures for learning-disabled students.
- EDUC-K 371 Assessment and Individualized Instruction in Reading and Math (3 cr.) P: EDUC-K 362. Emphasizes assessment and remediation procedures that address reading and math problems of mildly handicapped students.
- EDUC-K 490 Topical Seminar: Assessment 1 (3 cr.) Assessment and Instruction This seminar assists students in gaining knowledge of formal and informal assessment techniques; how to link assessment to curriculum and instruction; and how to effectively choose, construct, deliver, and evaluate curriculum and instruction to students with diverse learning needs
- EDUC-K 495 Special Education Field Experience (1 cr.) Part A - P: EDUC-K 343, EDUC-K 370. Provides the student with a field-based, supervised experience with individuals with severe handicaps. It allows the opportunity to interact within school/ work/community settings on a daily basis (three hours/day, five days/week). Specific assignments, which are mutually agreed upon between student, cooperating teacher, and practicum supervisor, are also required.
- EDUC-K 495 Special Education Field Experience (2 cr.) Part B - P: EDUC-K 495A. Provides the student with a field-based, supervised experience with individuals with severe handicaps. It allows the opportunity to interact within school/ work/community settings on a daily basis (three hours/day, five days/week). Specific assignments, which are mutually agreed upon between student, cooperating teacher, and practicum supervisor, are also required.
- EDUC-L 442 Teaching English Language Learners: Bilingual and English as a New Language Instruction (3 cr.) This course introduces undergraduate students to the theory-based instructional methods and activities that are used in bilingual and English as a new language education program. In addition, they are introduced to second language development, theoretical applications, and the sociocultural issues involved in teaching language minority students.
- EDUC-M 199 Passing scores on PRAXIS I (0 cr.) Beginning January 1, 2013, for admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) students will take the Pearson Core Academic Skills Assessment.
- EDUC-M 299 Admission to Teacher Education Program (0 cr.)
- EDUC-M 300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.) P: EDUC-F 205, EDUC-P 251 or EDUC-P 255 and admission to TEP. These courses are designed to introduce the students to teaching as a profession. Students focus upon the self as teacher, learning styles, cultural pluralism, and classroom teaching strategies that respond positively to the personal and ethnic diversity of the learner.
- EDUC-M 311 General Methods for Kindergarten/Elementary Teachers (1 cr.) Explores individualized and interdisciplinary learning methods, measurement and evaluation, teaching process and curriculum development, and organization of the elementary schools.
- EDUC-M 313 General Methods for Secondary Education (1 cr.) Explores individualized and interdisciplinary learning methods, measurement and evaluation, teaching process and curriculum development, and organization of the secondary schools.
- EDUC-M 323 The Teaching of Music in the Elementary Schools (2 cr.) P: EDUC-M 299. Fundamental procedures of teaching elementary school music, stressing music material suitable for the first six grades.
- EDUC-M 324 Teaching About the Arts (1-3 cr.) Introduction to the importance of the arts in elementary school curriculum. Students are given a foundation of methods and materials in art and music that will enable them to integrate the arts into the general curriculum, supplement art lessons given by school art specialists, and encourage student discussion and understanding of art and music in the world today.
- EDUC-M 333 Art Experience for the Elementary Teacher (2 cr.) P: FINA-A 101 or FINA-A 102 and admission to TEP. The selection, organization, guidance, and evaluation of art activities, both individual and group. Laboratory experiences with materials and methods of presenting projects.
- EDUC-M 425 Student Teaching in the Elementary Schools (9-15 cr.) P: FINA-A 101 or FINA-A 102 and admission to TEP. Classroom teaching and other activities associated with the work of the full-time elementary classroom teacher. Minimum of 14 weeks.
- EDUC-M 430 Foundations of Art Education and Methods II (3 cr.) Advanced study of curriculum developments in art education. Special attention is given to art teaching in secondary schools.
- EDUC-M 440 Teaching Problems and Issues (3 cr.) Seminar taught as a co-requisite with early childhood (EDUC-M 423), kindergarten/primary (EDUC-M 424), elementary (EDUC-M 425), and/or middle/junior high school (EDUC-M 470) student teaching experiences. This seminar will address several issues related to the process of becoming a teacher.
- EDUC-M 441 Methods of Teaching Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Social Studies (3 cr.) Develops concepts and theories from social science, humanities, and education into practices of successful social studies instruction. Integrates social issues and reflective thinking skills into the social studies curriculum. Emphasis on curriculum development skills and building a repertoire of teaching strategies appropriate for middle/secondary school learners.
- EDUC-M 446 Methods of Teaching Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Science (3 cr.) P: 35 credit hours of science. Designed for students who plan to teach biology, chemistry, earth science, general science, or physics in junior high/middle school or secondary school.
- EDUC-M 452 Methods of Teaching Senior High/Junior High/Middle School English (3 cr.) Methods, techniques, content, and materials applicable to the teaching of English in the secondary school. Field experiences with secondary students and teachers provided to assess ongoing programs in public schools and to study materials appropriate for these programs.
- EDUC-M 457 Methods of Teaching Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Mathematics (3 cr.) Study of methodology, heuristics of problem solving, curriculum design, instructional computing, professional affiliations, and teaching of daily lessons in the domain of secondary and/or junior high/middle school mathematics.
- EDUC-M 464 Methods of Teaching Reading (3 cr.) Focuses on middle, junior high, and senior high school. Curriculum, methods, and materials for teaching students to read more effectively.
- EDUC-M 480 Student Teaching: Secondary (1-14 cr.) Grade: S or F. Full-time supervised student teaching in the student’s major certification area and in the grades included within a high school, or at another level if the major area permits; within the state of Indiana unless the integral program includes student teaching in an approved and accredited out-of state site. Each student assumes, under the direction of the selected supervising teacher and with university-provided supervision, responsibility for teaching in the cooperating school.
- EDUC-N 102 Teaching and Learning Elementary Math (3 cr.) This course will help pre-service teachers develop an understanding of mathematics content and pedagogy relevant to be a successful elementary school teacher. Focus is on content and methods that are consistent with recent recommendations about mathematics learning and teaching and the State of Indiana Academic Standards.
- EDUC-P 214 Life Span Development (1-3 cr.) This course introduces students to psychological development across the lifespan. Students will learn trends in normal psychological development from infancy through adulthood. Case studies and classroom examples will be used to provide context to apply theories of psychological development. Students will begin to understand the application of developmental psychology to teaching.
- EDUC-P 251 Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers (2 cr.) P: EDUC-F 205. The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching using the perspective of development from childhood through preadolescence. Special attention is devoted to the needs of the handicapped.
- EDUC-P 255 Educational Psychology for Middle and Secondary School Teachers (2 cr.) P: EDUC-F 205. The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching in the perspective of development from the beginning of preadolescence adolescence. Special attention is devoted to the needs of the handicapped.
- EDUC-P 290 Professional Practices: Education (2 cr.) P: Admission to the TEP. Provides students with knowledge of basic concepts in physical education and potential outcomes of preschool and elementary school motor development programs. Further, the implementation and evaluation of such programs and appropriate movement experiences for young children will be provided. Emphasis will be placed on curriculum planning and design that is developmentally appropriate.
- EDUC-P 320 Classroom Assessment (1-3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to build a foundation for understanding the nature, purpose, and philosophies that drive assessment in schools. The predominant goal of Classroom Assessment is to ensure careful, introspective, analytical thought concerning best practices in this area of education.
- EDUC-Q 200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry (3 cr.) Course provides the elementary education major with background in the science process skills needed to complete required science courses.
- EDUC-S 487 Principles of SH/JR/MD School Education (3 cr.) Designed to provide an overview of the basic theories underlying the senior high/junior high/middle school in American Education as well as an examination of the subject areas, problems, trends, challenges for the future.
- EDUC-W 200 Computers in Education: An Introduction (3 cr.) Required of all students pursuing teacher certification. Introduction to instructional computing, educational computing literature, and BASIC programming. Review of and applied experience with educational software packages and commonly used microcomputer hardware. For education majors only.
- EDUC-X 460 Books for Reading Instruction (3 cr.) P: EDUC-E 349. Examines use of trade books and non-text materials for teaching Language Arts and Reading K-8. Special sessions may focus on specific student populations.
- EDUC-K 490 Current Trends in Special Education (3 cr.) This course explores several current trends in special education. Specifically, topics such as secondary transition, Special Education law, English language learners, and collaborating with families of students with disabilities are discussed.